Have you seen the narrow gate?


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2013
upstate NY
Jesus taught------ Enter through the narrow gate, because cramped is the road that leads to life( eternal) FEW will find it.

Are you one of the few? Because Jesus taught----- Broad and spacious the path that leads to destruction, many are entering this way.( 2 cor 11:12-15)

So obviously it is not-- all roads( paths) lead to God.
Have you seen the narrow gate? Is your hearts desire to enter into Gods kingdom?
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How come Jesus never mentioned the Watchtower?

It wasn't around in Jesus day--neither was a trinity god except in pagan religions.
Jesus was taught in a synagogue--they taught--YHWH(Jehovah) a single being God as the true God. Does one actually think Jesus would attend a place that teaches and serves a false God?-Never.
Jesus taught------ FEW will find it.

that is impossible - JC had it to easy, he should have more focused on humanity than his "daddy" ... obviously, daddy felt the same way.

it is not a narrow gate, simply an immeasurable summit.

JESUS SAYS=Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the """Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,""" 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”matthew28:19-20
And THAT'S one of the MAJOR problem's with believing in a Finite manifestation of God.
No, my friends, God is not only beyond INFINITE, God is beyond our comprehension.
And God is NOT sending trillions of souls to Hell.
Not in MY Scripture, anyway.
But my Scripture didn't have to scare the crap out of the Greek or Roman Empires to get adherents.
And THAT'S one of the MAJOR problem's with believing in a Finite manifestation of God.
No, my friends, God is not only beyond INFINITE, God is beyond our comprehension.
And God is NOT sending trillions of souls to Hell.
Not in MY Scripture, anyway.
But my Scripture didn't have to scare the crap out of the Greek or Roman Empires to get adherents.

I know for sure--everyone who knows the true God, knows an eternal place of suffering is a sadistic lie taught about God. Teachers of darkness teach an eternal place of suffering because they do not know God or his son.
And THAT'S one of the MAJOR problem's with believing in a Finite manifestation of God.
No, my friends, God is not only beyond INFINITE, God is beyond our comprehension.
And God is NOT sending trillions of souls to Hell.
Not in MY Scripture, anyway.
But my Scripture didn't have to scare the crap out of the Greek or Roman Empires to get adherents.

I know for sure--everyone who knows the true God, knows an eternal place of suffering is a sadistic lie taught about God. Teachers of darkness teach an eternal place of suffering because they do not know God or his son.

The same word for eternal is used for God and eternal suffering so either you believe that God is eternal or not. I remember debating this with you and other people only to be ignored and for you to restate your beliefs.
And THAT'S one of the MAJOR problem's with believing in a Finite manifestation of God.
No, my friends, God is not only beyond INFINITE, God is beyond our comprehension.
And God is NOT sending trillions of souls to Hell.
Not in MY Scripture, anyway.
But my Scripture didn't have to scare the crap out of the Greek or Roman Empires to get adherents.

I know for sure--everyone who knows the true God, knows an eternal place of suffering is a sadistic lie taught about God. Teachers of darkness teach an eternal place of suffering because they do not know God or his son.

The same word for eternal is used for God and eternal suffering so either you believe that God is eternal or not. I remember debating this with you and other people only to be ignored and for you to restate your beliefs.

Meet the true God as taught by his word.

Deut 32:4--- All of Gods ways are justice--He taught all exactly what that justice = an eye for an eye--a balanced set of scales in every decision. perfect justice.

lets apply this perfect justice on Gods scales to the teaching of eternal place of suffering.

On one side--70-90 years of living ones life sinning unrepentantly
on the other side-- trillions x trillions x trillions, etc of never ending years of punishment suffering eternally.

absolutely 0 justice on those scales--thus not the God taught by his word.--not the false god known by the religions of darkness who teach eternal suffering as a reality.
I know for sure--everyone who knows the true God, knows an eternal place of suffering is a sadistic lie taught about God. Teachers of darkness teach an eternal place of suffering because they do not know God or his son.

The same word for eternal is used for God and eternal suffering so either you believe that God is eternal or not. I remember debating this with you and other people only to be ignored and for you to restate your beliefs.

Meet the true God as taught by his word.

Deut 32:4--- All of Gods ways are justice--He taught all exactly what that justice = an eye for an eye--a balanced set of scales in every decision. perfect justice.

lets apply this perfect justice on Gods scales to the teaching of eternal place of suffering.

On one side--70-90 years of living ones life sinning unrepentantly
on the other side-- trillions x trillions x trillions, etc of never ending years of punishment suffering eternally.

absolutely 0 justice on those scales--thus not the God taught by his word.--not the false god known by the religions of darkness who teach eternal suffering as a reality.

We need another example of you not being able to deal with the truth shown in front of everybody.

Hell is eternal as we will see but Jesus said "I am alive forevermore" and they are the same words translated "forever and ever". If some versions translate God as everlasting then you have no choice but to translate hell as being everlasting because the different translations use the same words for both hell and God. Since the old heavens and the earth will pass away, the old location of hell will be passed away or thrown into the new location which is the lake of fire.

Jesus said,"I am the first and the last, and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore [eis tous aionas ton aionon] (Rev. 1:17-18, NASB).

Revelation 20:10: "And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever [eis tous aionas ton aionon]."

Not one of these translations translates "aionion" as anything other than "eternal" or similar.

Matthew 25:41 "Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.

Make sure you restate your beliefs tomorrow and the next day and show people you can't answer the objections because you are only a salesman and not concerned about the truth. Keep showing us that you don't care as your testimony.
And THAT'S one of the MAJOR problem's with believing in a Finite manifestation of God.
No, my friends, God is not only beyond INFINITE, God is beyond our comprehension.
And God is NOT sending trillions of souls to Hell.
Not in MY Scripture, anyway.
But my Scripture didn't have to scare the crap out of the Greek or Roman Empires to get adherents.

I know for sure--everyone who knows the true God, knows an eternal place of suffering is a sadistic lie taught about God. Teachers of darkness teach an eternal place of suffering because they do not know God or his son.

The same word for eternal is used for God and eternal suffering so either you believe that God is eternal or not. I remember debating this with you and other people only to be ignored and for you to restate your beliefs.

It is not about eternal suffering. It is eternal condemnation meaning there will never come a time when worshiping false triune gods would ever result in anything other than the death promised for defying the commands of God.

The lake of fire is symbolic of the torment suffered day and night by anyone who defies God, denies truth and reality, and tries to live life according to the light of falsehood.

cant' you see gism flailing about in the fires of the very hell he threatens everyone else with?

"He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who lifts the sword to kill is bound by the sword to be killed."
I know for sure--everyone who knows the true God, knows an eternal place of suffering is a sadistic lie taught about God. Teachers of darkness teach an eternal place of suffering because they do not know God or his son.

The same word for eternal is used for God and eternal suffering so either you believe that God is eternal or not. I remember debating this with you and other people only to be ignored and for you to restate your beliefs.

It is not about eternal suffering. It is eternal condemnation meaning there will never come a time when worshiping false triune gods would ever result in anything other than the death promised for defying the commands of God.

The lake of fire is symbolic of the torment suffered day and night by anyone who defies God, denies truth and reality, and tries to live life according to the light of falsehood.

cant' you see gism flailing about in the fires of the very hell he threatens everyone else with?

"He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who lifts the sword to kill is bound by the sword to be killed."

JESUS says hell is all TOO REAL,must you feel the flames before you believe??
The same word for eternal is used for God and eternal suffering so either you believe that God is eternal or not. I remember debating this with you and other people only to be ignored and for you to restate your beliefs.

Meet the true God as taught by his word.

Deut 32:4--- All of Gods ways are justice--He taught all exactly what that justice = an eye for an eye--a balanced set of scales in every decision. perfect justice.

lets apply this perfect justice on Gods scales to the teaching of eternal place of suffering.

On one side--70-90 years of living ones life sinning unrepentantly
on the other side-- trillions x trillions x trillions, etc of never ending years of punishment suffering eternally.

absolutely 0 justice on those scales--thus not the God taught by his word.--not the false god known by the religions of darkness who teach eternal suffering as a reality.

We need another example of you not being able to deal with the truth shown in front of everybody.

Hell is eternal as we will see but Jesus said "I am alive forevermore" and they are the same words translated "forever and ever". If some versions translate God as everlasting then you have no choice but to translate hell as being everlasting because the different translations use the same words for both hell and God. Since the old heavens and the earth will pass away, the old location of hell will be passed away or thrown into the new location which is the lake of fire.

Jesus said,"I am the first and the last, and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore [eis tous aionas ton aionon] (Rev. 1:17-18, NASB).

Revelation 20:10: "And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever [eis tous aionas ton aionon]."

Not one of these translations translates "aionion" as anything other than "eternal" or similar.

Matthew 25:41 "Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.

Make sure you restate your beliefs tomorrow and the next day and show people you can't answer the objections because you are only a salesman and not concerned about the truth. Keep showing us that you don't care as your testimony.

I just introduced you to the true God of the bible---obviously not the God you are taught.
Symbolism= eternal fire-- its likened to being eternally cut off from God.
God is not a petty little mortal idiot--I showed you exactly who he is and what he stands for.
Jesus taught this 100% truth--- Matt 7: 13-Enter through the narrow gate, for broad and spacious the road leading off into DESTRUCTION and many are entering this way---14-whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life( eternal) and FEW are the ones finding it.

See the word--destruction = truth. Jesus' truth.
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Meet the true God as taught by his word.

Deut 32:4--- All of Gods ways are justice--He taught all exactly what that justice = an eye for an eye--a balanced set of scales in every decision. perfect justice.

lets apply this perfect justice on Gods scales to the teaching of eternal place of suffering.

On one side--70-90 years of living ones life sinning unrepentantly
on the other side-- trillions x trillions x trillions, etc of never ending years of punishment suffering eternally.

absolutely 0 justice on those scales--thus not the God taught by his word.--not the false god known by the religions of darkness who teach eternal suffering as a reality.

We need another example of you not being able to deal with the truth shown in front of everybody.

Hell is eternal as we will see but Jesus said "I am alive forevermore" and they are the same words translated "forever and ever". If some versions translate God as everlasting then you have no choice but to translate hell as being everlasting because the different translations use the same words for both hell and God. Since the old heavens and the earth will pass away, the old location of hell will be passed away or thrown into the new location which is the lake of fire.

Jesus said,"I am the first and the last, and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore [eis tous aionas ton aionon] (Rev. 1:17-18, NASB).

Revelation 20:10: "And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever [eis tous aionas ton aionon]."

Not one of these translations translates "aionion" as anything other than "eternal" or similar.

Matthew 25:41 "Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.

Make sure you restate your beliefs tomorrow and the next day and show people you can't answer the objections because you are only a salesman and not concerned about the truth. Keep showing us that you don't care as your testimony.

I just introduced you to the true God of the bible---obviously not the God you are taught.
Symbolism= eternal fire-- its likened to being eternally cut off from God.
God is not a petty little mortal idiot--I showed you exactly who he is and what he stands for.
Jesus taught this 100% truth--- Matt 7: 13-Enter through the narrow gate, for broad and spacious the road leading off into DESTRUCTION and many are entering this way---14-whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life( eternal) and FEW are the ones finding it.

See the word--destruction = truth. Jesus' truth.

That esotericism is not Bible study.
We need another example of you not being able to deal with the truth shown in front of everybody.

Hell is eternal as we will see but Jesus said "I am alive forevermore" and they are the same words translated "forever and ever". If some versions translate God as everlasting then you have no choice but to translate hell as being everlasting because the different translations use the same words for both hell and God. Since the old heavens and the earth will pass away, the old location of hell will be passed away or thrown into the new location which is the lake of fire.

Jesus said,"I am the first and the last, and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore [eis tous aionas ton aionon] (Rev. 1:17-18, NASB).

Revelation 20:10: "And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever [eis tous aionas ton aionon]."

Not one of these translations translates "aionion" as anything other than "eternal" or similar.

Matthew 25:41 "Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.

Make sure you restate your beliefs tomorrow and the next day and show people you can't answer the objections because you are only a salesman and not concerned about the truth. Keep showing us that you don't care as your testimony.

I just introduced you to the true God of the bible---obviously not the God you are taught.
Symbolism= eternal fire-- its likened to being eternally cut off from God.
God is not a petty little mortal idiot--I showed you exactly who he is and what he stands for.
Jesus taught this 100% truth--- Matt 7: 13-Enter through the narrow gate, for broad and spacious the road leading off into DESTRUCTION and many are entering this way---14-whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life( eternal) and FEW are the ones finding it.

See the word--destruction = truth. Jesus' truth.

That esotericism is not Bible study.

What don't you understand about the word--destruction?

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