Hazel/Harlequin: Devil's Government


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism discussion regarding ethics and organization and is inspired by Toys.

The discussion is between a witch named Hazel and an anarchist named Harlequin.



HAZEL: Governance is about managing capitalism.
HARLEQUIN: Do men really care about virtue?
HAZEL: I think governors think about consequences...
HARLEQUIN: Why are witches ostracized?
HAZEL: Witches offer 'alternative' forms of punishment.
HARLEQUIN: You mean forms not recognized in the public domain?
HAZEL: Precisely...
HARLEQUIN: That's not unlike Euthanasia.
HAZEL: When we secularize ethics discussions, we risk becoming philosophers.
HARLEQUIN: Isn't that the malady of modernism --- 'mob psychology'?
HAZEL: It's difficult gauging social customs in the age of consumerism.
HARLEQUIN: That's because Wall Street promotes ornamentation.
HAZEL: Do you believe Toys 'R Us represents pedestrian happiness?
HARLEQUIN: I think consumers care about imagination frills.
HAZEL: That's why commerce promotes etiquette (e.g., McDonald's Monopoly).
HARLEQUIN: Perhaps purgatory involves a contemplation of money.
HAZEL: I believe the government is hell is like Islam.
HARLEQUIN: Why do you say that? Muslims defer to God and resist anarchy-flowery.
HAZEL: Yes, but Muslim women are veiled; hell must be like a veil.
HARLEQUIN: The government in hell must involve a 'monetary veil.'
HAZEL: Why do you say that? Satan rules in hell and is complemented by his aides.
HARLEQUIN: His 'minions' have to respect the laws of finance and contracts.
HAZEL: So there're contracts...even in hell!
HARLEQUIN: Otherwise, we'd have complete anarchy and no imagination whatsoever.
HAZEL: In that case, the women in hell must be diplomats of veils and masquerade.
HARLEQUIN: That makes sense; hell is, after all, a region of great mischief.
HAZEL: What does Satan make of modern industrialization-related eco-pollution?
HARLEQUIN: I think the Devil is aware of mankind's gross errors in consumerism.
HAZEL: Toxic Waste Sour Candy is a funny/symbolic confectionery/candy.
HARLEQUIN: To sell iconic candies and cinema, you have to be embrace mysteries.
HAZEL: Yes; commerce creates complex contracts, which would wield weirdness.
HARLEQUIN: Isn't that why people love Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
HAZEL: Let's go watch the sexy vigilantism film Catwoman on Netflix.
HARLEQUIN: Maybe America will be a haven for Barbie, Catwoman, and Sara Lee...



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