HBO Harry Potter Series Going Inclusive

I wasn't planning on watching it. I don't have HBO anyways. I just don't understand why LGBT stuff has to be in everything these days when audiences are getting sick of it.
Not likely that it will be in this show. Remember they wanna make money. The show is about magic not sex. Unlikely sex is even addressed. Again if it sucks it won't last. The market segment for this is interested in magical quests not coupling. JK Rowling most likely had contractual obligations built into the contract to use her work.
If Hermione is actually a Herman in real life and has balls underneath his robe, it's going to be in the show regardless what the writers want.
Unlikely. JK Rowling has money. She is not desperate. She likely has a certain amount of control built into the contract. Very likely has certain things she can veto. To help you understand, during the 80s record companies had crazy control over the artists. This is why many bands sounded just like the next. How ever the gods of Rock like the Stones , ACDC, VanHalen and others still sounded like themselves. They had money and could tell the labels to f off. They could do what they wanted and still make music. JK Rowling is in the same situation.
Unlikely. JK Rowling has money. She is not desperate. She likely has a certain amount of control built into the contract. Very likely has certain things she can veto. To help you understand, during the 80s record companies had crazy control over the artists. This is why many bands sounded just like the next. How ever the gods of Rock like the Stones , ACDC, VanHalen and others still sounded like themselves. They had money and could tell the labels to f off. They could do what they wanted and still make music. JK Rowling is in the same situation.

Hopefully you're right.
Hopefully you're right.
As long as her business manager and contract attorney are competent she has contractual controls. How ever if they were stupid she may have sold that control. Even then the investors want to make money. Considering she is a multi billionaire she likely had good representation.

‘We Are Committed to Inclusive, Diverse Casting’​

They say that like it is a bragging point. I'm no HP fan, but the idea was that these kids were growing up in old England, wasn't it? Back then, all you had were small, pasty white English-speaking children. Having a "diverse" cast of kids of all mixed races and ideologies (they will surely add gay and transgender characters) is INCONSISTENT WITH THE BASIC STORY LINE and will render the movie unbelievable, forced, and artificial.

In real life, such groupings simply do not happen. People of a feather tend to stick together. It would be like doing a remake of Roots, about the lives of slaves growing up in the old south and making some of the slaves white, Asian, and Hindu. :cuckoo:

They're going to ruin Harry Potter too huh?
Sure looks like it.

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