He is honest, he cares about the average voter, and he is scary batshit

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
in the forrest
He is honest, he cares about the average voter, he wants what he truly believes is in the best interest (as he defines it) of America. This makes him as a totally refreshing change from Hillary who is dishonest, doesn't give a rip about the average voter, and is in it totally completely for herself.

I look at Sanders platform and I am nervous, terrified more like. His tax proposals are scary enough, his trade proposals are worse, his national security and his domestic proposals are worse yet.

That said, put a gun to my head and ask who I would prefer between the two of them, I'd go with Sanders. He won't be bought, and he won't stand for anyone doing the buying
Yeah, put Sanders in 1950 and he is a progressive populist republican, yes they actually existed in those days.
He is honest, he cares about the average voter, he wants what he truly believes is in the best interest (as he defines it) of America. This makes him as a totally refreshing change from Hillary who is dishonest, doesn't give a rip about the average voter, and is in it totally completely for herself.

I look at Sanders platform and I am nervous, terrified more like. His tax proposals are scary enough, his trade proposals are worse, his national security and his domestic proposals are worse yet.

That said, put a gun to my head and ask who I would prefer between the two of them, I'd go with Sanders. He won't be bought, and he won't stand for anyone doing the buying

Tax proposals...scary
Trade proposals ...worse
national security and domestic proposals...even worse yet!

Wow. And he is your pick. That is scary. Surely there is someone you can say a few good things about. You think Sanders will propose wrong tax laws, even worse trade proposals for the country and our national security may be at risk with domestic proposals even worse.

Are you that strong of a Democrat that you would willingly vote for Sanders who has no common sense at all?

Do you know why the Republican establishment doesn't want Trump? Because he was a Democrat. Take a look at his platform.
He is honest, he cares about the average voter, he wants what he truly believes is in the best interest (as he defines it) of America. This makes him as a totally refreshing change from Hillary who is dishonest, doesn't give a rip about the average voter, and is in it totally completely for herself.

I look at Sanders platform and I am nervous, terrified more like. His tax proposals are scary enough, his trade proposals are worse, his national security and his domestic proposals are worse yet.

That said, put a gun to my head and ask who I would prefer between the two of them, I'd go with Sanders. He won't be bought, and he won't stand for anyone doing the buying

Tax proposals...scary
Trade proposals ...worse
national security and domestic proposals...even worse yet!

Wow. And he is your pick. That is scary. Surely there is someone you can say a few good things about. You think Sanders will propose wrong tax laws, even worse trade proposals for the country and our national security may be at risk with domestic proposals even worse.

Are you that strong of a Democrat that you would willingly vote for Sanders who has no common sense at all?

Do you know why the Republican establishment doesn't want Trump? Because he was a Democrat. Take a look at his platform.
I am speaking as a republican. If you are a democrat...YMMV...

And I agree with you about Trump
Sanders needs to live in a real Progressive shithol for a month, then he can tells us about why its so great
He is honest, he cares about the average voter, he wants what he truly believes is in the best interest (as he defines it) of America. This makes him as a totally refreshing change from Hillary who is dishonest, doesn't give a rip about the average voter, and is in it totally completely for herself.

I look at Sanders platform and I am nervous, terrified more like. His tax proposals are scary enough, his trade proposals are worse, his national security and his domestic proposals are worse yet.

That said, put a gun to my head and ask who I would prefer between the two of them, I'd go with Sanders. He won't be bought, and he won't stand for anyone doing the buying

Yo, don`t forget? Obama cared for you to? If you were Black!!!

Obama says Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson ‘stains the heart of black children’

Black Thug Stabs White Army Veteran To Death… Media, Obama and Sharpton Silent

Rest In Peace U.S. Army Veteran Colby Mendonca…

One has to ask, already knowing the answer-WHERE IS AL SHARPTON NOW? WHERE IN THE HELL IS OBAMA? All they care about is BLACKS! Obama is the biggest POS I have ever seen. Thanks you D BAGS! You all have blood on your hands as a result of your constant stirring up of the RACISM pot and hey, I’ll hand it to you! IT’S FRICKING WORKING!!!!!!


Yeah, put Sanders in 1950 and he is a progressive populist republican, yes they actually existed in those days.
Progressives had to be more creative and conniving in those days.

Now the leviathan is big enough that it need no longer slink about.
Give it break, this evil force you fear is nothing more than regular people who work for living demanding that the "job creators" finally fulfill their self-chosen title. Senator Sanders way of talking about the issues is how just about all politicians used to talk when most of the voters personally remembered how the rich bankers fucked up America in the depression.
I have a fear that a lot of D's secretly vote Trump, cause they can live with him ... enough that, when combined with those R's and some I's, its enough to produce President Trump ... then Republicans will get blamed.

Then I wake up screaming.
Yeah, put Sanders in 1950 and he is a progressive populist republican, yes they actually existed in those days.
Progressives had to be more creative and conniving in those days.

Now the leviathan is big enough that it need no longer slink about.
Give it break, this evil force you fear is nothing more than regular people who work for living demanding that the "job creators" finally fulfill their self-chosen title. Senator Sanders way of talking about the issues is how just about all politicians used to talk when most of the voters personally remembered how the rich bankers fucked up America in the depression.
I wasn't referring to regular people. The leviathan isn't regular people.
The decision has already been made. Sanders isn't it. George Soros might be paying asses to occupy his events but democrats know he doesn't have the votes. That's why they are trying to resurrect Joe Biden. Look at it realistically, if Bernie Sanders was acceptable to the leadership, no one would be trying to drag Biden out of the old folk's home.
Yeah, put Sanders in 1950 and he is a progressive populist republican, yes they actually existed in those days.
Bernie would have been McCarthy-ized back in the 50s...
Is that something you wish would come again? Americans of both parties rejected that shit once and with the exception of teaparty types have never thought enforced ideological purity belongs here.
Yeah, put Sanders in 1950 and he is a progressive populist republican, yes they actually existed in those days.
Bernie would have been McCarthy-ized back in the 50s...
Is that something you wish would come again?...

...Americans of both parties rejected that shit once and with the exception of teaparty types have never thought enforced ideological purity belongs here.

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