Barry does "get it", But his arrogance overrides anything to the contrary. He knows exactly what he's doing. This man can do no wrong with his democratic party. He could be the "Pied Piper" leading the mice to the river, and they will follow willingly. He has the Senate, he has the Congress, and he's the "Man". This is why he is pushing his agenda so rapidly. There is an election coming up in 2010, and Barry doesn't want to take any chances. No time to read several thousand pages of a bill, "push it through, and we'll deal with it later." The "TEA PARTY is just an inconvinience to him, and his adminstration. The media got their talking points about it, and they repeated them. I know all of this has been stated before, but it needs to be brought forward again. The best thing to come out of this is that it's a grassroot movement, and there were a lot of democrats that were there supporting it.