He Says He Gets It But He Dosen't Get It.

Barry does "get it", But his arrogance overrides anything to the contrary. He knows exactly what he's doing. This man can do no wrong with his democratic party. He could be the "Pied Piper" leading the mice to the river, and they will follow willingly. He has the Senate, he has the Congress, and he's the "Man". This is why he is pushing his agenda so rapidly. There is an election coming up in 2010, and Barry doesn't want to take any chances. No time to read several thousand pages of a bill, "push it through, and we'll deal with it later." The "TEA PARTY is just an inconvinience to him, and his adminstration. The media got their talking points about it, and they repeated them. I know all of this has been stated before, but it needs to be brought forward again. The best thing to come out of this is that it's a grassroot movement, and there were a lot of democrats that were there supporting it.
Axelrod: Tea Party Anger is Misdirected

Axelrod: Tea Party Anger is Misdirected - First 100 Days of Presidency - Politics FOXNews.com

WASHINGTON -- Damn the tea bags. A top adviser to President Barack Obama takes a dim view of last week's anti-tax "tea parties," promoted by organizers in the spirit of the Boston Tea Party.

"The thing that bewilders me is this president just cut taxes for 95 percent of the American people. So I think the tea bags should be directed elsewhere because he certainly understands the burden that people face," David Axelrod said Sunday.

Wasn't about that DUmmie,, it was about runaway spending and signing stupid bills into law that nobody bothered to read. And soon to be raised taxes what with the cap and trade and the expiration of the Bush Tax Cuts and blah blah blah bla.

Standard practice. Politicians don't answer the charges leveled at them. They answer the ones they have a plausible defense against.

It's often accompanied by a preamble to the answer that goes something like "I don't think that's really what the people are saying", "I don't think that's really the issue here" or "I think the question ought to be...".

If there's a Republican or Democrat politician that doesn't use those words regularly I'll eat my hat.

It's like Obama always trying to pass the buck on the stimulas with his "it's our plan VS their do nothing stance". Which is false,Obama wouldn't let the republicans be part of the process or be heard. Period.

FORT MYERS, Fla., Feb. 10 -- President Obama likes to portray the battle over the economic stimulus package that passed the Senate on Tuesday as a stark choice between his approach and that of those who would "do nothing."

"Nothing is not an option. You didn't send me to Washington to do nothing," Obama told a gathering of 1,500 here on Tuesday, bringing the crowd to its feet as he campaigned for passage of the more than $800 billion package.
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I consider the purposeful destitution of our Union to be treason. And I think you can find a majority of citizens who feel the same way. There will be a reckoning.

You may be entirely correct, but if and how obama is ever punished, he'll get a fair trial before hand.

We don't execute people in this country without due process. This ain't north korea.
I want him executed for treason, there's a difference.

and what makes his BS any different from any other Prez?.....

When the US is in the toilet saddled with insurmountable debt, inflation, and a gutted military - being forced by China to work to pay off their investments...

Then you'll know.

and i will ask again.....what makes his BS any different than any other Prez.?......the President does not run the shop anyway Evang.....i thought you would have known that by now....
Hey, others have called Obama's release of our interrogation documents (telling the Enemy how we conduct interrogations) as TREASON.

I'm not the only one on this and before Obama is out of office I bet that is exactly where it will go. Clinton was impeached for being a moron.

Obama will be tried for treason and hopefully, with justice, hung for the crimes of his party.
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