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Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
This IS about Current Events- with Historical data and perspective that relates to this "pandemic" < (heavy, heavy sarcasm intended) and the so-called "Stimulus" which adversely effects "we the stinky tourist", financially, TODAY, as in "Current Events"- though I'm sure the Thought Police mind reading capabilities are beyond reproach I bet the infamous question mark will move it to where it deems *appropriate*- but what is "appropriate" when more than one topic is covered? "General" Discussion? I think not- but, too, I am just a "stinky tourist".

The virus pandemic has merely acted as a catalyst ending of the long postwar boom. Yet even as the U.S. and other Western economies begin to buckle under their debt overhead, little thought has been given to how to extricate them from the debts and defaults that have accelerated as a result of the broad economic disruption.

How an “Act of God” Pandemic Is Destroying the West
How an “Act of God” Pandemic Is Destroying the West

Unless you're calling Obama,"God", then God had nothing to do with it. This is Obama's virus. He sent it and our money to Wuhan. 3.7 million out of our paychecks to the Chinese lab. I wonder why he did that? Don't you?

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