Heart Murmur in Cats


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
So this little guy who we named Ripley, who appeared under my daughter's front porch (apparently abandoned) at 1.5lbs and approx 8 wks, is now 5 - 5 1/2 months old and has a heart murmur. Had three different vets listen to his heart over a period of 2 1/2 months. He needs to be neutered soon but vets are recommending an echo cardiogram. Staggering price tag. <sigh> Anyone ever had a cat with a heart murmur? He needs to be neutered soon but they are hesitant due to general anesthesia and the murmur mix.

It's a cute cat and it's your money, bottom line. It's always tough. I didn't have a cat but lost my Rat Terrier a year after a heart murmur was detected. We tried meds but they made him pass out and he ran out of steam. A human would get a heart transplant or valve surgery or something but unless you are really rich, animals just aren't going to get that level of care.

If it was me I'd give it the best life I could knowing the clock is running fast. Dogs and cats just don't live long enough and there's not much we can do but give them a good home for a short while.

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