Hello from California

You are a member of a faith who protects its priests from exposure S they expose themselves to children.

You are a vile and repugnant individual for backing the Catholics. There is a special place in hell for people like you.

You are not welcome here.

and who the fuck are you to say who is not welcome here? .....unless you own this board....which you dont......why dont you get the fuck out of here and do us all a favor asshole....

I am Retread Ol' 37. And I am not going anywhere, you punk bitch.

good i dont want you to go anywhere.....its going to be fun calling you an asshole.....asshole.....:lol:
You are a member of a faith who protects its priests from exposure S they expose themselves to children.

You are a vile and repugnant individual for backing the Catholics. There is a special place in hell for people like you.

You are not welcome here.

and who the fuck are you to say who is not welcome here? .....unless you own this board....which you dont......why dont you get the fuck out of here and do us all a favor asshole....

I am Retread Ol' 37. And I am not going anywhere, you punk bitch.

Dude! Chill! And check your pm.

My name is Terry, from Northern California.

I am:

* Catholic (Latin Rite)
* Conservative/Republican
* Single
* Male
* Star Trek Fan
* Classic Movie Fan

Thanks for letting me join.

As a married, male, somewhat lapsed Catholic, definite lapsed democrat, classic movie fan, I would like to say welcome to the board.

My name is Terry, from Northern California.

I am:

* Catholic (Latin Rite)
* Conservative/Republican
* Single
* Male
* Star Trek Fan
* Classic Movie Fan

Thanks for letting me join.
You are a member of a faith who protects its priests from exposure S they expose themselves to children.

You are a vile and repugnant individual for backing the Catholics. There is a special place in hell for people like you.

You are not welcome here.

Please post your inappropriate religious persecution of other posters someplace else.

For your information, the Roman Catholic Church has paid a terrible price in lawsuits for a small fraction of 1% of priests who were accused of hurting children. I'm not a Catholic, but I happen to know they do a world of good wherever they are, and their members are good citizens in every community I've ever lived in. Catholics are generous, loving souls who build hospitals, then let everyone use them; homes for the elderly, same deal; structured schools for children who need love and discipline; free housing and food for the poor on church grounds better than state and federal standards. Their members serve diligently in the communities they live in, serving as committee persons, elected officials, plus they care for family and friends. They often love others as Christ did in their Personal Quests to walk in His footsteps with acceptance and love for other people.
Their church grounds in many communities contain gardens, fountains, and lovely flowers cared for by loving members, sisters, brothers, and priests who care that people in the community have a calm place to visit when they need to pray in some fresh air.

I hope you truly rethink your behavior in the Introductory Thread area, Retread '37, toward your fellow human beings who happen to be Roman Catholics. They have honor and love all around them. Yes, they are human, and they are working on themselves always in humility and with forgiveness more than 70 times 7.

Please consider taking a live and let live preference to newcomers to our board, particularly on introduction threads.


Poor guy only made five posts.

Welcome anyway.

Light teasing is great. Running the gauntlet in a funny manner cracks me up. Flat out running off new members with filth is over the line. This is the only board in all my wanderings and participations that I have ever seen actually run off potential new members. Most boards want the membership, not chase them off. Sheesh.

My name is Terry, from Northern California.

I am:

* Catholic (Latin Rite)
* Conservative/Republican
* Single
* Male
* Star Trek Fan
* Classic Movie Fan

Thanks for letting me join.
Get this straight. You're uh murkin....and an idiot. Fuck off.
Poor guy only made five posts.

Welcome anyway.

Light teasing is great. Running the gauntlet in a funny manner cracks me up. Flat out running off new members with filth is over the line. This is the only board in all my wanderings and participations that I have ever seen actually run off potential new members. Most boards want the membership, not chase them off. Sheesh.
I agree. Up until a month or two ago, a few would have gotten their asses kicked.
Wow so many of you acted like ass holes to this guy. Talk about close-mindedness and religious bigotry. As a Catholic myself, I am offended at the disgusting intolerance you have displayed, especially to a complete newcomer to the forums.

My name is Terry, from Northern California.

I am:

* Catholic (Latin Rite)
* Conservative/Republican
* Single
* Male
* Star Trek Fan
* Classic Movie Fan

Thanks for letting me join.
Get this straight. You're uh murkin....and an <cognitive ad hominem omitted>. <second stage Freudian ad hom omitted> off.

Please stop the inappropriate ad homs at USMB introductory thread guests.
Appears he will not be coming back.

I take pride in repelling this filth.

Oh, and I dedicate this poster throttle to British Bitch, who went out of her way to pos rep and defend several worthless n00bs from me. Fuck you you ****.
Last edited:
Appears he will not be coming back.

I take pride in repelling this filth.

Oh, and I dedicate this poster throttle to British Bitch, who went out of her way to pos rep and defend several worthless n00bs from me. <Second Stage Freudian insult omitted> you you <repeated 2nd Stage Freudian insult omitted>.

Your Freudian repetitiveness is telling, Retread Ol' 37. *yawn*

My name is Terry, from Northern California.

I am:

* Catholic (Latin Rite)
* Conservative/Republican
* Single
* Male
* Star Trek Fan
* Classic Movie Fan

Thanks for letting me join.
You are a member of a faith who protects its priests from exposure S they expose themselves to children.

You are a vile and repugnant individual for backing the Catholics. There is a special place in hell for people like you.

You are not welcome here.

Wow, you're a prick, and I'm not even Catholic.
Wow, don't you guys have ANY rules on this forum? I mean this guy is freaking over the line.

Of course, I eat little weenies like him for breakfast, so he doesn't bother me. He's the kind of guy I can get so mad he has a stroke. :razz:

I mean, he is VILE.

I'm a Catholic, too, although I haven't been attending church. You can take the girl out of the Church, but you can't take the Church out of the girl. I'll always be a Catholic.

This Retread guy, I actually feel sorry for. Anyone that vicious and spiteful to other people is either really, really unhappy or a sociopath, and sociopaths are subhumans and victims of a condition for which there is no cure. Tragic, really.

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