Hello?...OK, am I now introduced?


BO,God’s Judgment On U.S.
Apr 14, 2012
This looks like as good a place as any to vent...we'll see. I hope the morons on here (every forum has one) are at least capable of actually discerning fact from fiction. You see that trait is a prerequisite for getting at the truth and in the end the truth does matter, in a civilized society, which is what the USA used to be...
This looks like as good a place as any to vent...we'll see. I hope the morons on here (every forum has one) are at least capable of actually discerning fact from fiction. You see that trait is a prerequisite for getting at the truth and in the end the truth does matter, in a civilized society, which is what the USA used to be...

Welcome and enjoy. Discerning fact from fiction can be a challenge here but you'll still have fun.
Welcome (back?) ... You're officially introduced -- but the hazing starts next week. Don't worry, most survive and the loss of brain cells is minimal..
Don't Taze Me Bro.

Something queer going on here...

Yeah, you spelled my user name backwards! ... and put spaces in it. At least you got the capital letters right.

That's OK kci mih I'm hip. :)
Welcome to USMB, DontTazeMeBro backward. Hope you enjoy the boards. :D

I'm just "a tricky white boy" hob a na da!

well, welcome...i guess.

re your first post, too many people post opinion as fact and then state that people can't differentiate fact from fiction. just an observation.

as for your "my bologna has a first name, it's B-A-R-A-C-K", well, i am neither a republican or a democrat but that man is the president of the united states...and all it really convinces me of when i read it is that republicans are devoid of ant sense of rhythm and are too lazy to even do a decent song parody.

tell you what though, post in english, or any other relatively common language, and stop playing word games and we shouldn't have too much of a problem...or we can go the other route...an dtuigeann tu, an amadan mor?

anyway, welcome and i hope you enjoy yourself.
This looks like as good a place as any to vent...we'll see. I hope the morons on here (every forum has one) are at least capable of actually discerning fact from fiction. You see that trait is a prerequisite for getting at the truth and in the end the truth does matter, in a civilized society, which is what the USA used to be...

You'll be disappointed in our morons. (we have several, maybe dozens) We have one, fortunately on temporary vacation, that wouldn't know the truth if it bit her on her ass.
We have another that insists that anyone who disagrees with our current President is a racist and hates education and science.
We have conspiracy theorists that label rational people as, have at it and enjoy the mad house. paranoid when their idiocy is pointed out.
If you can deal with all that
republicans are devoid of ant sense of rhythm

Thank you for the welcome, I guess, oh wise one! Republicans have no rhythm? Now that isn't racist, is it? unless, well I just don't know what "ant sense of rhythm" is.

"well, welcome...i guess. "

Ok, I got your number already "I guess"? You must be an independent because you can never decide and in the end what ever you do choose is just a guess.

"re your first post, too many people post opinion as fact and then state that people can't differentiate fact from fiction. just an observation."

Now that's passive aggressive if I ever saw it - what you really mean to say is I am one of those people - not an observation but a false ungrounded accusation so you have to say it the way you did.

"as for your "my bologna has a first name, it's B-A-R-A-C-K", well, i am neither a republican or a democrat but that man is the president of the united states...and all it really convinces me of when i read it is that republicans are devoid of ant sense of rhythm and are too lazy to even do a decent song parody."

nobody asked or cares if you are either party but you have to declare your "superiority" in a welcome message by putting one party down showing you really are a liberal elitist and as far as the president is concerned the "man" may be president but wouldn't have passed a vetting to work for the FBI. He is a compulsive LIAR and was never vetted to be president either.. I have no respect for compulsive liars be they the president, my father or your mother...so get over your misplaced reverence. I wouldn't bow to dictators out of reverence to their position and neither should any free man.

"tell you what though, post in english, or any other relatively common language, and stop playing word games and we shouldn't have too much of a problem...or we can go the other route...an dtuigeann tu, an amadan mor?"

You are really good at telling others what to do aren't you - then you do exactly what you tell them not to do (is there a psychologist in the room?) (btw "hob a na da" means "have a nice day", it is from a television episode of a sitcom - you need a sense of humor to appreciate it.)

"anyway, welcome and i hope you enjoy yourself."

Well now we all have your number, don't we.
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Welcome! Just watch out for the site's main troll that goes under the name Ernie S. He will try to be your buddy, but just like those jail documentaries you see on TV, he only has his eye on your sweet chocolate star.
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Hey! A female Dr. Dolittle. Can you understand what animals other than foxes are saying? Do you mean even the animals are on to him?

Thanks for the welcome. I feel right at home.
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