

All things Philly...
May 22, 2011
Hey all, I stumbled across this forum looking for some of my old comrades on the msnbc boards. Alot of traffic here, on wide-ranging topics and is just what I'm looking for. I've been in the army for 15 years or so and loving life down down here at Fort Sill, OK with the wife and 3 kids. I'm originally from Philadelphia, have all my family back there, and am a Philly sports junkie. Looking forward to participating regularly!
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Welcome. What do you do in the Army. Thank you for your service to this country.

I am currently a Platoon Sergeant in the Field Artillery- HIMARS/MLRS (Artillery Rockets). It's not a bad job; I volunteered to go back to Iraq for a 4th time recently and am currently training to assume duties as a Radar Platoon Sergeant due to shortage/rotation issues I guess. I'll be shocked if I do the complete 12 month tour over there this time.
Welcome. What do you do in the Army. Thank you for your service to this country.

I am currently a Platoon Sergeant in the Field Artillery- HIMARS/MLRS (Artillery Rockets). It's not a bad job; I volunteered to go back to Iraq for a 4th time recently and am currently training to assume duties as a Radar Platoon Sergeant due to shortage/rotation issues I guess. I'll be shocked if I do the complete 12 month tour over there this time.

Interesting. 4th time?wow. I thought we were getting out of Iraq.
Yeah, that's why I'll be shocked if I do the entire 12 months. I think the pullout will be complete by then. They've already pulled out most of the amenities, according to most recent news I've read. Last time I was there in '09/10 and FOB Speicher was hooked up with everything, it seemed. I'm assuming this tour will be more like 2003- limited resources such as a gym, PX, Dining Facilities, internet cafe, and maybe a Burger King. The good news is that I will be in the green zone this time.

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