Aww, give up lunch for two days or a lottery tickets and throw $20 his way to help him pay for the child's funeral.I can't stand these gofundme's to help people pay for shit we all have to pay for. When my parents die, I'm going to have to pay for their funeral. Why shouldn't everyone pay for their own funerals? Creamation is much cheaper I hear. I think the whole expensive funeral bullshit is just that, bullshit. What a scam. It should cost $1000 to bury someone. If you want extra bells and whistles then pay for them but otherwise, burying someone shouldn't bankrupt someone.The young Gentleman who designed my recent Album cover has just lost his son.
If you'd happen to want to help that fellow out, he has a gofundme page available to raise the funds required to bury the little guy. I dont know him well, but feel terrible.
Here is the link:
But no I won't pay for someone else's funeral and I won't ask someone to help me pay for my funeral or my parents.
You know what else pisses me off? These people have a fund raiser party every year to "help pay for their kids expensive drugs", but a month before that party every year they go to Florida and spend a fucking fortune. Fuck that. Pay for your own shit. And this is coming from a liberal.
Not trying to talk you into it but it's so easy a thing to do.