Help End Climate Change Denial in the Media


Oct 21, 2014
Petition Help End Climate Change Denial in the Media

There’s a major gap between the scientific consensus on climate change and the public’s understanding of climate. While 97 percent of the scientific community recognizes our role in climate change, only 50 percent of Americans recognize that human activities are mostly to blame.

Much of this is due to the spin that’s masterfully orchestrated by some of the world’s largest corporations. Sign the petition to help end climate change denial in the media.

Petition Urge the Obama administration to kick Big Oil out of the Arctic Ocean - AK

Urge the Obama administration to kick Big Oil out of the Arctic Ocean!

We all know the reality: Big Oil drills, Big Oil spills and creatures are killed. We can't trust Shell Oil in America's Arctic Ocean,but the company has announced it will still move forward with Arctic Ocean drilling plans this summer.

Shell's horrible record of disasters and reckless negligence prove that it is unsafe, dangerous and irresponsible to drill in the vulnerable and unpredictable region.

The risks are bigger than just spills. Burning oil pumps more carbon into the air and puts more black soot right onto the Arctic ice, making it melt faster.

Polar bears, walrus and whales that depend upon the Arctic’s quickly melting sea ice are at risk, and so are we! As the Arctic’s sea ice melts, our coastal areas like New Orleans and Miami are threatened by rising sea levels. What happens to the Arctic happens to all of us.

Petition Urge President Obama to Stop the Keystone Pipeline

The Keystone pipeline encourages the development for many decades of Alberta's tar sands, some of the dirtiest fuel on the planet.

The United States can, and must, refuse to be complicit--refuse to be a partner--in harvesting this filthy fuel.

Keystone is about yesterday’s power. We must focus--as engineers, economists, and parents and consumers--on tomorrow's power. Our goal is to power our country with energy that is clean, affordable, and sustainable.

We must defeat this pipeline. Sign the petition to send a message to President Obama to stop the Keystone pipeline.

Petition Stop Shell s Dangerous Offshore Drilling Exploration in the Arctic

Stop Shell’s Dangerous Offshore Drilling Exploration in the Arctic

Royal Dutch Shell’s efforts to drill in the U.S. Arctic have been plagued by mistakes and problems. Yet after years of failure, Shell recently requested that the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) retroactively suspend its leases.

If BSEE grants the request, the deadline for Shell’s leases would be extended by five years – giving Shell the opportunity to prolong the Arctic’s exposure to drilling danger for free.

In 1984, I became committed to protecting our planet’s oceans after my family and I moved to Santa Monica Canyon, about ten blocks from the Pacific. At the time I was starring on the show “Cheers” and was taking a walk with my daughters on the beach when we came to a sign that read: “Water polluted, no swimming.” I didn’t know how to explain to them why the beach was closed. That was my call to do whatever I could to protect our oceans.

Shell already has a dangerous track record, and if it’s allowed five more years to drill on the leases in question, the Arctic's polar bears, ice seals, belugas and many other iconic inhabitants will be thrust further in harm's way. The oil industry cannot adequately contain or clean a spill in the Arctic Ocean, and a single accident could cause serious harm to the sensitive ocean environment and the communities and wildlife that depend on it.

Shell is the only oil company still actively exploring drilling in the U.S. Arctic Ocean. If BSEE denies Shell’s request for an extension, it will deal a major blow to Shell’s efforts.

Polar bears and hundreds of other majestic creatures depend on a healthy Arctic Ocean for survival, but their habitat is at risk. If the federal government continues to allow Shell to explore and drill in this wild and wonderful environment, we can be sure that spills will follow.

Just because Shell has spent a lot of money trying doesn’t mean the government should bend the rules toaccommodate them or any other company.

Please sign our petition calling on BSEE to deny Shell’s request for five additional years of dangerous offshore oil exploration in the U.S. Arctic.

Petition Stop Twin Metals proposed Sulfide mines

Stop Twin Metals' proposed Sulfide mines

Over 50 years ago, my great-grandfather stood in front of Congress and urged them to save the Boundary Waters from logging and mining. Thankfully, Congress protected one of America's most vital ecosystems and my great-grandfather won one of the biggest environmental victories the last century has seen.

But now the Boundary Waters are threatened again. This time, Twin Metals, a Chilean mining company, wants to have a shot at destroying what my great-grandfather and hundreds of others fought to protect.

Twin Metal's proposed sulfide mines would be built right outside of the BWCAW and Superior National Forest, two of America's most visited natural landmarks. These mines would pollute water that would go into the Great Lakes, down the Mississippi River, all throughout the Rainy River Basin Drainage and even the Hudson Bay, ruining the pristine wilderness.

The type of pollution that would be let out is a toxic and acidic mine drainage that destroys most of what it touches. On top of that, there has not been one single sulfide mine in the world that has successfully stopped pollution it has created. Not one.

To top it off, once most mines are abandoned, the mining company stops paying for the mine to be cared for, letting the nearby communities pay the astronomical costs to maintain the mine. Then, the costs become to much and the mine starts leaking out the pollution and the government has to step in and use taxpayer money to clean up the mess.

So now it's our turn to continue what my great-grandfather and hundreds of others started. Please help me by signing the petition and bringing this serious problem up to the Minnesota Government and let them know that letting this company start a horrific practice at the doors of an extremely important, pristine forest is not a smart idea.

Petition Stop Shell from destroying polar bear homes

Stop Shell from destroying polar bear homes

The Alaskan Arctic is home to incredible wildlife, from majestic polar bears, walruses, and other iconic species. But the wild home for these amazing species is vanishing with terrifying speed from the effects of climate change and oil drilling.

And right now, Shell is trying to get permission from the to drill in the Arctic as soon as next year – putting the lives of polar bears, walruses and more at risk of deadly oil spills. Just one misstep by Shell could doom this fragile habitat forever.

Worse, when that oil is burned it would speed up the pace of climate change even more, wreaking havoc with extreme weather, rising seas, floods, and droughts. This would be devastating not only for the people and animals who live in the region - but for the rest of us too.

Time is running out for the Arctic – and for the people and animals that depend on this environment for survival. Your voice is needed urgently to stop this destruction.

have some cake!!

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Here's a global warning cake that a baker was forced to make.....

Petition Help End Climate Change Denial in the Media

There’s a major gap between the scientific consensus on climate change and the public’s understanding of climate. While 97 percent of the scientific community recognizes our role in climate change, only 50 percent of Americans recognize that human activities are mostly to blame.

Much of this is due to the spin that’s masterfully orchestrated by some of the world’s largest corporations. Sign the petition to help end climate change denial in the media.

Petition Urge the Obama administration to kick Big Oil out of the Arctic Ocean - AK

Urge the Obama administration to kick Big Oil out of the Arctic Ocean!

We all know the reality: Big Oil drills, Big Oil spills and creatures are killed. We can't trust Shell Oil in America's Arctic Ocean,but the company has announced it will still move forward with Arctic Ocean drilling plans this summer.

Shell's horrible record of disasters and reckless negligence prove that it is unsafe, dangerous and irresponsible to drill in the vulnerable and unpredictable region.

The risks are bigger than just spills. Burning oil pumps more carbon into the air and puts more black soot right onto the Arctic ice, making it melt faster.

Polar bears, walrus and whales that depend upon the Arctic’s quickly melting sea ice are at risk, and so are we! As the Arctic’s sea ice melts, our coastal areas like New Orleans and Miami are threatened by rising sea levels. What happens to the Arctic happens to all of us.

Petition Urge President Obama to Stop the Keystone Pipeline

The Keystone pipeline encourages the development for many decades of Alberta's tar sands, some of the dirtiest fuel on the planet.

The United States can, and must, refuse to be complicit--refuse to be a partner--in harvesting this filthy fuel.

Keystone is about yesterday’s power. We must focus--as engineers, economists, and parents and consumers--on tomorrow's power. Our goal is to power our country with energy that is clean, affordable, and sustainable.

We must defeat this pipeline. Sign the petition to send a message to President Obama to stop the Keystone pipeline.

Petition Stop Shell s Dangerous Offshore Drilling Exploration in the Arctic

Stop Shell’s Dangerous Offshore Drilling Exploration in the Arctic

Royal Dutch Shell’s efforts to drill in the U.S. Arctic have been plagued by mistakes and problems. Yet after years of failure, Shell recently requested that the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) retroactively suspend its leases.

If BSEE grants the request, the deadline for Shell’s leases would be extended by five years – giving Shell the opportunity to prolong the Arctic’s exposure to drilling danger for free.

In 1984, I became committed to protecting our planet’s oceans after my family and I moved to Santa Monica Canyon, about ten blocks from the Pacific. At the time I was starring on the show “Cheers” and was taking a walk with my daughters on the beach when we came to a sign that read: “Water polluted, no swimming.” I didn’t know how to explain to them why the beach was closed. That was my call to do whatever I could to protect our oceans.

Shell already has a dangerous track record, and if it’s allowed five more years to drill on the leases in question, the Arctic's polar bears, ice seals, belugas and many other iconic inhabitants will be thrust further in harm's way. The oil industry cannot adequately contain or clean a spill in the Arctic Ocean, and a single accident could cause serious harm to the sensitive ocean environment and the communities and wildlife that depend on it.

Shell is the only oil company still actively exploring drilling in the U.S. Arctic Ocean. If BSEE denies Shell’s request for an extension, it will deal a major blow to Shell’s efforts.

Polar bears and hundreds of other majestic creatures depend on a healthy Arctic Ocean for survival, but their habitat is at risk. If the federal government continues to allow Shell to explore and drill in this wild and wonderful environment, we can be sure that spills will follow.

Just because Shell has spent a lot of money trying doesn’t mean the government should bend the rules toaccommodate them or any other company.

Please sign our petition calling on BSEE to deny Shell’s request for five additional years of dangerous offshore oil exploration in the U.S. Arctic.

Petition Stop Twin Metals proposed Sulfide mines

Stop Twin Metals' proposed Sulfide mines

Over 50 years ago, my great-grandfather stood in front of Congress and urged them to save the Boundary Waters from logging and mining. Thankfully, Congress protected one of America's most vital ecosystems and my great-grandfather won one of the biggest environmental victories the last century has seen.

But now the Boundary Waters are threatened again. This time, Twin Metals, a Chilean mining company, wants to have a shot at destroying what my great-grandfather and hundreds of others fought to protect.

Twin Metal's proposed sulfide mines would be built right outside of the BWCAW and Superior National Forest, two of America's most visited natural landmarks. These mines would pollute water that would go into the Great Lakes, down the Mississippi River, all throughout the Rainy River Basin Drainage and even the Hudson Bay, ruining the pristine wilderness.

The type of pollution that would be let out is a toxic and acidic mine drainage that destroys most of what it touches. On top of that, there has not been one single sulfide mine in the world that has successfully stopped pollution it has created. Not one.

To top it off, once most mines are abandoned, the mining company stops paying for the mine to be cared for, letting the nearby communities pay the astronomical costs to maintain the mine. Then, the costs become to much and the mine starts leaking out the pollution and the government has to step in and use taxpayer money to clean up the mess.

So now it's our turn to continue what my great-grandfather and hundreds of others started. Please help me by signing the petition and bringing this serious problem up to the Minnesota Government and let them know that letting this company start a horrific practice at the doors of an extremely important, pristine forest is not a smart idea.

Petition Stop Shell from destroying polar bear homes

Stop Shell from destroying polar bear homes

The Alaskan Arctic is home to incredible wildlife, from majestic polar bears, walruses, and other iconic species. But the wild home for these amazing species is vanishing with terrifying speed from the effects of climate change and oil drilling.

And right now, Shell is trying to get permission from the to drill in the Arctic as soon as next year – putting the lives of polar bears, walruses and more at risk of deadly oil spills. Just one misstep by Shell could doom this fragile habitat forever.

Worse, when that oil is burned it would speed up the pace of climate change even more, wreaking havoc with extreme weather, rising seas, floods, and droughts. This would be devastating not only for the people and animals who live in the region - but for the rest of us too.

Time is running out for the Arctic – and for the people and animals that depend on this environment for survival. Your voice is needed urgently to stop this destruction.

Bring Back Coal Burning Stoves And Furnaces!
While 97 percent of the scientific community recognizes our role in climate change,

97% out of 77.

only 50 percent of Americans recognize that human activities are mostly to blame.

Mostly? Link?
There are many more serious and pressing issues facing our Nation and the world today.

The public is fed up with being jerked around by climate pundits whose carbon footprints are nothing short of libelous.

A much truer and more evident fact is that the world's humanity must have hydrocarbons to thrive and survive. That is indisputable.

And nowhere in the shameless Liberal media do we hear any doubt about agriculture's disastrous impact on the quality of our land, air, or waters.

Priorities have been skewed beyond the ridiculous by the singularity of an agenda to bring the world's population to it's economic knees in the name of truly untested "science".

The OP has no clue about what they are purporting.. Its amazing how may fools out themselves with simple posts like the OP..
While 97 percent of the scientific community recognizes our role in climate change,

97% out of 77.

only 50 percent of Americans recognize that human activities are mostly to blame.

Mostly? Link?

mostly -maybe-possibly

nasa is 38 percent certain that man is behind the warming

that currently is not happening

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