The god Is Responsible For Climate Change!

I think we can and do influence climate, especially by our agricultural practices.
That’s different than what I thought you said earlier.
“I'm a Christian and I don't believe the God caused the Dust Bowl. I believe man alone did it by plowing up the western prairies. Man is always altering the weather in some way. I dunno about climate.”

Maybe you just had a Devine revelation.
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The Christian denialists are saying that climate change isn't caused by humans and for them that leaves only the god.
Ask a Christian, if you haven't already heard it a thousand times.
Not only that, but the leaders if all the major sects of Christianity believe in AGW.
That’s different than what I thought you said earlier.
“I'm a Christian and I don't believe the God caused the Dust Bowl. I believe man alone did it by plowing up the western prairies. Man is always altering the weather in some way. I dunno about climate.”

Maybe you just had a Devine revelation.
The question is to what extent we can alter the climate, for better or worse. I think we should deal with the weather first. If we can affect the weather in a positive way maybe the climate will follow.
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The question is to what extent we can alter the climate, for better or worse. I think we should deal with the weather first. If we can affect the weather in a positive way maybe the climate will follow.
It doesn’t work that way. Severe drought in some areas produce massive migrations to other areas who can all of sudden, grow grapes and produce wine. It seems better for some but the CHANGE faster than man can adapt, is deadly. Diseases and insect infestations popping up faster than their natural predators can evolve can be devastating. Maybe, some have been sleeping while all this stuff has been going on.
It doesn’t work that way. Severe drought in some areas produce massive migrations to other areas who can all of sudden, grow grapes and produce wine. It seems better for some but the CHANGE faster than man can adapt, is deadly. Diseases and insect infestations popping up faster than their natural predators can evolve can be devastating. Maybe, some have been sleeping while all this stuff has been going on.
We haven't actually proven whether we can affect the weather. We should try it and see what happens.
westwall, If you and others can't blame man and can't blame the god, who else is guilty? The man in the moon? We at least know that he's been dicking around with sea levels!
You are right in your estimate that CC is produced by Goddy Boy .But not the Goddy , dad of Jesus type of source .
CC reaches us hanged amounts and frequencues of energy and almost completely from the Sun and the centre of our Galaxy .

And taking it further , all things are composed of energy , though respective forms and frequencies obviously differ hugely --- our species versus rocks and boulders as a clear if unexpected example .

So suck on that Straight Line Regurgitators and just file that as Conspiracy -- meaning you have no idea what is being referred to .
I've had that divine revelation: Our moral behavior can cause God to alter the weather, for better or worse for us.
An interesting hypothesis but it is logically impossible for any definition of Goddy boy to exist independently of everything else that has been created , albeit defined differently for obvious convenience .

Hear me out. 8 billion humans and even more cows and pigs, can't do what the god has done to our earth! Ans speaking of pigs and other livestock, there's no evidence to prove that they fart.

Flatulence has been suggested to be coming from the north end of some pigs.
You certainly prove that the only response you will get posting common sense is contradictions and ignorance in reply

Hear me out. 8 billion humans and even more cows and pigs, can't do what the god has done to our earth! Ans speaking of pigs and other livestock, there's no evidence to prove that they fart.

Flatulence has been suggested to be coming from the north end of some pigs.

Let me make sure the record is straight here ... cows belch methane ... not fart it, at least not in great amounts ... this is intrinsic to ruminants in general, it's part of how they digest hay ... God above knows how important that is to make that distinction ...
I've had that divine revelation: Our moral behavior can cause God to alter the weather, for better or worse for us.
Really ? How many immoral acts by how many people will flip the switch so god will alter the weather ? Let’s say Hitler was responsible for millions of deaths and unspeakable torture, which weather events can you attribute to that ?
Let me make sure the record is straight here ... cows belch methane ... not fart it, at least not in great amounts ... this is intrinsic to ruminants in general, it's part of how they digest hay ... God above knows how important that is to make that distinction ...
Why is it important to make that distinction

Hear me out. 8 billion humans and even more cows and pigs, can't do what the god has done to our earth! Ans speaking of pigs and other livestock, there's no evidence to prove that they fart.

Flatulence has been suggested to be coming from the north end of some pigs.
The God. ?

We haven't actually proven whether we can affect the weather. We should try it and see what happens.
No, because weather events are too short. Climate is a different story. You have it backwards. The number of severe weather events over longer periods of time is easier to measure. That’s climate…and it’s not looking good. Don’t expect answers on a political forum. There are hundreds of legitimate climate research facilities in the world that are reliably reporting on these events and why they occur. They aren’t being paid to lie Which is a sick bogus assumption from the right
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Really ? How many immoral acts by how many people will flip the switch so god will alter the weather ? Let’s say Hitler was responsible for millions of deaths and unspeakable torture, which weather events can you attribute to that ?
Mankind was so rotten once that God brought a flood and drowned them all (except Noah and family).
No, because weather events are too short. Climate is a different story. You have it backwards. The number of severe weather events over longer periods of time is easier to measure. That’s climate…and it’s not looking good. Don’t expect answers on a political forum. There are hundreds of legitimate climate research facilities in the world that are reliably reporting on these events and why they occur. They aren’t being paid to lie Which is a sick bogus assumption from the right
We could change the weather in a single season if we changed our horrible agricultural practices. If we continued even the climate would change. So simple.
That said God controls the weather when he wishes to punish, or reward, us. Right now we're being punished. :omg:
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We could change the weather in a single season if we changed our horrible agricultural practices. If we continued even the climate would change. So simple.
That said God controls the weather when he wishes to punish, or reward, us. Right now we're being punished. :omg:
We could change the weather in a single season if we changed our horrible agricultural practices. If we continued even the climate would change. So simple.
That said God controls the weather when he wishes to punish, or reward, us. Right now we're being punished. :omg:
You still struggle with weather v climate. Weather is an event that happens on any single day. Climate is the general long term trend taken on average. You can’t say man can do anything about the forecast for an impending storm tomorrow. And god isn’t going to institute a dangerous weather event because of what something someone did when that event could be catastrophic to a bunch of innocent bystanders.
You still struggle with weather v climate. Weather is an event that happens on any single day. Climate is the general long term trend taken on average. You can’t say man can do anything about the forecast for an impending storm tomorrow. And god isn’t going to institute a dangerous weather event because of what something someone did when that event could be catastrophic to a bunch of innocent bystanders.
Of course, weather patterns are short term. climate is weather patterns over time. Change the weather and over time the climate will change. The British Isles have rainy weather and a rainy climate. Same with the Pacific northwest.

When God punishes us via bad weather it is because most are doing evil, not just a few.

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