Here are the pieces the GOP will split into, when it splits

The GOP deal making, spineless, progressive career politicians of the old are being poached one by one, too bad it's about a century too late...

The GOP deal making, spineless, progressive career politicians of the old are being poached one by one, too bad it's about a century too late...


So, Trump is reshaping the GOP? YOU ARE KIDDING!
The GOP deal making, spineless, progressive career politicians of the old are being poached one by one, too bad it's about a century too late...


So, Trump is reshaping the GOP? YOU ARE KIDDING!
Trump is just a byproduct of Americans total and absolute distrust of career politicians and their federal government…
You do realize Phrump is a snake oil salesman, right? To think...a liberal in conservative clothing is your hero...:badgrin:
If given the opportunity, Phrump will be a Rino on steroids. He will soon be your party leader.
You do realize Phrump is a snake oil salesman, right? To think...a liberal in conservative clothing is your hero...:badgrin:
Trump is a product of career politicians such as Barry and Bush...
You do realize Phrump is a snake oil salesman, right? To think...a liberal in conservative clothing is your hero...:badgrin:
Trump is a product of career politicians such as Barry and Bush...

You do realize that Phrump will pull the GOP to the left, right?

You're right the Republican party has been shattered into pieces by the right wing. The anti-establishment groupie whom are lead by Mr. Talent on loan from Gawwwddd-d and other Reich wing talk show hosts who have incited this anger within the party. They fill their veins with 3 or more daily hours of Reich wing hyperbole designed to inflame, and have exploited their ignorance and bigotry for ratings and obscene profit breaks.


30% or more of the Republican party will not vote for Donald Trump.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Let’s Elect Hillary Now

Trump has chased off every minority voting block you can shake a stick at. Specifically 17% of the population or 23 million Hispanics that are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee needs at least 46% of this block to win the White House. Trump is polling at a negative 80%.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

Mitch McConnell has stated they're going to dump Trump like a hot rock and for good reason. They see this 100 foot Tsunami headed right for them, it's probably too late, but they're breaking out the life jackets anyway. They're trying to save the Senate and House, and all the down ballot races across this country, so they're looking for a way to separate the Republican party from Donald Trump. How they'll do that is unknown at this time.
McConnell Tells GOP Senators: We’ll Drop Trump ‘Like A Hot Rock’

Personally I can't wait to listen to Mr. Talent on Loan from Gawwwdddd-d's comments the morning after the election, when he is explaining to his listener's why they just got their ass's kicked.


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"Combined net worth of 33 quintillion."


That liberals think this is "very true" as the OP says, just goes to show they haven't the first clue about economics. :lol:
That you don't recognize satire when you read it goes to show that you haven't the first clue about humour.

I recognize satire. That's not satire. It would be hyperbole. But thanks for illustrating who between the two of us doesn't understand humor.
Well, Phrump is about to bury the GOP. I don't have even a little doubt of that.
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