Here Comes the Pain


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016
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Trump’s admitting his tariffs are gonna cost you all money.

Can’t say you weren’t warned

How much are you willing to pay to own the libs?

They're not listening. Even Trump tells them, they don't listen, because it's not convenient for their argument. Trump can say whatever, they cheer what they like and ignore the rest.
Tariffs are more complicated than that I assure you. It will depend on to what degree and how quickly America can rebuild their manufacturing. If they do so, tney will have an advantage. I suspect that as in his first term, Trump will meet with CEOs of auto companies etc and have the TV cameras come in, give them some air time in exchange for a commitment to invest in US factories. Trump won more votes than last time and you can be certain that CEOs want to attract his voters and then some. Being pro-American is in fashion again and you wouldn't want your competitors at that table talking about their investment strategy in hiring American workers while you are on the outside looking in.

Trump’s admitting his tariffs are gonna cost you all money.

Can’t say you weren’t warned

How much are you willing to pay to own the libs?

The real question is, how much are you willing to pay to bring manufacturing back to the US so we aren't so reliant on our adversaries?

They're not listening. Even Trump tells them, they don't listen, because it's not convenient for their argument. Trump can say whatever, they cheer what they like and ignore the rest.

Corporate greed.

Putin's price hike.

Business owners are gouging.

Paying more is patriotic.

Best economy ever.

You can afford it.

Sound familiar?
The real question is, how much are you willing to pay to bring manufacturing back to the US so we aren't so reliant on our adversaries?

Exactly. These clowns forget that China was refusing to send medical equipment and drugs, that our companies had made over there.
Bring it ALL back.

Put AMERICAN workers first instead of chinese.

Trump’s admitting his tariffs are gonna cost you all money.

Can’t say you weren’t warned

How much are you willing to pay to own the libs?
it has nothing to do with owning the libs,,

it has always been about preserving the future for the next generations,,

so are you willing to suffer a little bit so our children dont have to because of what we did??

I AM,,
I have a guess that mexico and canada will get hit hard and fast and cave first when they see the results, that is when trump sits down and they negotiate something that works more gentle

speak softly but carry a louisville slugger
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The real question is, how much are you willing to pay to bring manufacturing back to the US so we aren't so reliant on our adversaries?

My contention would be:

Manufacturing is already at an all-time high. Would would be served?


(P.S. Please don't shoot the messenger)

Oh Boo Hoo ... I will have to pay more for Crown Royal or Corona ... If I only drank the shit to start with ... :auiqs.jpg:

How about those Canadian asswipes stop trying to bend us over ...
Dumping their government subsidized softwood timber on our markets.
It's going to cost Americans more if they want to build a house ...
And would prefer screwing our manufactures.

It's not like we don't have the trees, foresters and manufacturers ...
It just that it's pretty hard to make a living when your competition doesn't have to make a profit.

It's not fucking rocket science people ...
And if you need to have an 'expert' tell you that ...
Then you're just waiting to be spoon fed more anti-Trump swill.

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