Here Comes the Post-“Invasion” Crackdown


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Just as thunder follows lightning, you can rest assured that Democrats, the Deep State, and the mainstream press are going to use recent events at the Capitol to crack down on civil liberties. Why let a good opportunity to expand governmental power go to waste?

Why, some of these people are even alluding to such things as a “fascist” attempt to take over the government, a “putsch,” and the “Reichstag Fire.” And why not? They know that Hitler was able to use the terrorist firebombing of the Reichstag to get the Enabling Act passed, which gave him “temporary,” emergency, omnipotent, and tyrannical powers to enable him to protect “national security.”

That’s what Democrats and liberals are now doing. They are setting the stage for another civil-liberties crackdown, just like the one that they and Republicans and conservatives engaged in after the 9/11 attacks. That’s when we got the so-called USA PATRIOT Act, the illegal telecom scandal, the massive secret surveillance schemes, assassinations of “terrorists,” indefinite detention, kangaroo military tribunals, Gitmo, secret prisons, denial of due process, denial of speedy trial, torture, and much more — all to protect us and keep us safe from the “terrorists” and the Muslims.

Democrats and liberals, as well as the mainstream press, are referring to the event at the Capitol as an “invasion.” But that’s patently ridiculous. An invasion is what the U.S. government did to Iraq. Troops shooting people. Planes dropping bombs on people and buildings. Torture of people at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere. Indefinite detention. POWs. Massive death, suffering, and destruction.


And why not? Fear is the coin of the realm in any national-security state. People have to be made to feel afraid of their own shadow so that they will support and defend not only the existence of the national-security establishment but also whatever measures it deems necessary to protect “national security.”

The people of Hong Kong, many of whom are now being rounded up and incarcerated, are experiencing what it’s like to live under a national-security state. China has enacted a National Security Law designed to protect “national security” and is using it to crack down on dissent in Hong Kong. In the wake of the recent “invasion” of the capitol, don’t be surprised if the Democrat-controlled government, with the full support of the mainstream press, enacts and enforces its own National Security Law — to protect U.S. “national security”of course.

MY OPINION- people are stupid and afraid of their own shadow.
Re the above:

“All Bets Are Off the Next Few Weeks”
A extremism expert watching the Trump fringes now has never been more worried.

After the November election, amid Donald Trump’s rising rhetoric about a “stolen” vote, I talked to counterextremism experts about what it would take to bring the president’s most devoted and deluded supporters back from the edge. John Horgan, a Georgia State University professor and the director of the Violent Extremism Research Group, told me at the time that violence had become inescapable. “The warning signs are all around us,” he said then. “I want to be wrong about this, but I see short- and medium-term violence in our future. It’s all around us.”

Horgan was closely following the chatter among right-wing groups leading up to the Jan. 6 Capitol assault. I called him back this week to ask if the attack was the kind of violence he had expected, what those images of rioters inside will mean for pro-Trump extremist groups, and what we can do to lower the temperature. Our conversation has been edited for clarity and length.

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