Joey Biden's War: Putin threatens to target UK bases

WWIII will occur, all of the signs are there. WWI, WWII, the Korea War, they all begin with a violent fuse though the circumstances before set the table.

Much of this has to do with Obamas term as president no question. N Korea fired a missile into S Koreas island killing citizens, no response.

China took the Spratley Islands, no response.

Putin took Crimea, no response. Wait, correction, Putin was kicked out of the G8.

On and on we saw abuses while the West was doing the bidding for China to the detriment of their own economies. Amazing work by Chinas intel services to convince the West to hate themselves and their systems for a few extra trinkets of junk made overseas.
Well duh. Putin desperately wants republicans to win this November's election. Of course a movie would have a republican or a GOP sympathizer be the character threatening nuclear war.
Putin has publically stated on two separate occasions that Trump and Biden would be good for Russia. He didn't elaborate but as one candidate wants peace and the other just makes a fool of himself then I think I understand what Putin means.
I agree with this but perhaps for another reason than yours. Putin is the smartest cookie in the jar. He's not going to show his hand to let his "enemies" take stock of the lay of the land. When Putin strikes no one will have predicted when, where, and how. The West will have to play "catch up" from day one until they are forced to give up and go home with their collective tail between their legs. If Putin doesn't strike today but does tomorrow there will be a well-planned reason for it but the West will be left whimpering and blaming it on the Russian winter or their own political interference. :206:
You idiot the last time he struck the West spent months warning that it was going to happen. Any surprise was that the moron actually did it and sacrificed decades of a near monopoly on providing energy to the 1st world in Europe.
... Vlad isn't going to nuke London ..... with Zero strategic value, being more of a chess player, than a crap shooter.
I am pleased to see that at least one person on this thread understands the advantage Putin has over Western mentality.
I agree with this but perhaps for another reason than yours. Putin is the smartest cookie in the jar. He's not going to show his hand to let his "enemies" take stock of the lay of the land. When Putin strikes no one will have predicted when, where, and how. The West will have to play "catch up" from day one until they are forced to give up and go home with their collective tail between their legs. If Putin doesn't strike today but does tomorrow there will be a well-planned reason for it but the West will be left whimpering and blaming it on the Russian winter or their own political interference. :206:
You idiot ....
I purposely quoted only this part of your response because that's really the only thing you wanted to say anyway.
I purposely quoted only this part of your response because that's really the only thing you wanted to say anyway.
Ah so you ignore the part where the West knew for months exactly what Putin was going to do down to the date that it happened. The dumbest cookie in the jar.
Your problem is that you were born yesterday.
I've been abused as much as a persecuted Soviet citizen in the 70s and I've read as much about history as the next man.

I am no spring chicken. I've been as sick as a dog for months and I still trudge on, alone.

I'd argue I've lived many lives already.
... I've read as much about history as the next man.
No, that's not true. You have an adolescent lack of knowledge about the precariously dangerous situations previous world leaders have put us in. You seem to think this US Trump/Biden election is going to have some sort of unique bearing on the world never before met.
I am no spring chicken. I've been as sick as a dog for months and I still trudge on, alone.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I'd argue I've lived many lives already.
Was your wisdom "sick as a dog" when you wrote this below?
You silly son of a...
No, that's not true. You have an adolescent lack of knowledge about the precariously dangerous situations previous world leaders have put us in. You seem to think this US Trump/Biden election is going to have some sort of unique bearing on the world never before met.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Was your wisdom "sick as a dog" when you wrote this below?

Sorry for the foul language, that was out of character and I apologize. That is a result of not feeling well and having to drag my feet through life in a messed up healthcare system, it wasn't designed to be personal. It really wasn't.

That aside, it's simple. The U.K has always been a favourite target of Russia, believe that. Neither trust one another and both have spied on each other, Britain with great success during WWII, of late, Russia has done well against the Brits.

The bottom line is that we can't live on "hopes, dreams and wishes". The chances are there that the Russians attack the U.K. Let's stop pretending that Russians have ever cared about the globe let alone their own people.

Thus, it's time for the West to wake up and defend our interests. We have to be more loud and confrontational with China, Russia, Iran and even N Korea. It shouldn't have to be this way, it wouldn't have had to be this way before Russia went into Crimea and now a full blown attack on Ukraine.

We can't take the risk that he is sabre rattling and in fact, we need to convey that to them. Words matter. When Trump for instance, told the N Koreans that if they fired a rocket into the U.S that he would basically end them, he meant it. I have no doubt he was not going to allow them to get away with anything. Ditto for Iran.

He called out China too repeatedly. Basically the West has to abandon the niceties of diplomacy and being gentlemen. There is no reward for turning the other cheek to those who want you dead other than misery and suffering for your citizens, men women and children.

F that. Plain and simple. Give people the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise.

Now excuse me as I am weak today.
Just going along with what you said in your first sentence, "Russia hinting at targeting UK military installations." You apparently are not familiar with the use and strategic value of short range tactical nuclear weapons, either. Again, Calm Yourself. Try to remember, you are supposed to be a grown, rational man. :itsok:
You got owned. This post doesn’t cover it.
.... not feeling well and having to drag my feet through life in a messed up healthcare system,

Both your and my healthcare systems were once top-notch and now they are reaching Third World levels.
..... The U.K has always been a favourite target of Russia, believe that. Neither trust one another and both have spied on each other, Britain with great success during WWII, of late, Russia has done well against the Brits.

The bottom line is that we can't live on "hopes, dreams and wishes". The chances are there that the Russians attack the U.K. Let's stop pretending that Russians have ever cared about the globe let alone their own people.

Thus, it's time for the West to wake up and defend our interests. We have to be more loud and confrontational with China, Russia, Iran and even N Korea. It shouldn't have to be this way, it wouldn't have had to be this way before Russia went into Crimea and now a full blown attack on Ukraine.

We can't take the risk that he is sabre rattling and in fact, we need to convey that to them. Words matter. When Trump for instance, told the N Koreans that if they fired a rocket into the U.S that he would basically end them, he meant it. I have no doubt he was not going to allow them to get away with anything. Ditto for Iran.

He called out China too repeatedly. Basically the West has to abandon the niceties of diplomacy and being gentlemen. There is no reward for turning the other cheek to those who want you dead other than misery and suffering for your citizens, men women and children.
I flatly disagree with the basis of your arguement. You are drawing a "bottom line" conclusion beneath disinformatively-manipulated knowledge. Your understanding is limited to Western propaganda. Whether that's your own fault or it isn't is not for me to judge.
I am pleased to see that at least one person on this thread understands the advantage Putin has over Western mentality.
Western leaders, military leaders, intelligence, all recognize Russian short term and long term strategic thinking. Whether their people do or not, and that is usually not, as the people have little or no say. Westerners are eaten up with their freedom to say anything, react to everything, as if they had a clue or knew the meaning of what was going on, and the relative value of what is put out for public consumption. Luckily, dealing with reality is mostly done by professionals and people properly briefed by professionals.
Western leaders, military leaders, intelligence, all recognize Russian short term and long term strategic thinking. Whether their people do or not, and that is usually not, as the people have little or no say. Westerners are eaten up with their freedom to say anything, react to everything, as if they had a clue or knew the meaning of what was going on, and the relative value of what is put out for public consumption. Luckily, dealing with reality is mostly done by professionals and people properly briefed by professionals.
What nation are you talking about? I hope you're not talking about professional cross-dressing standup comedians who are being briefed by professional liars such as the CIA.

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