Here is what Dems, Unions and WI teachers are in a near riot over


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Hope the picture attaches.

Combined package for Wisconsin teachers: $89,500.
$51,000 in salary. The rest in benefits.

90% of cops in America don't make that. They aren't rioting in the streets. Neither are the majority of American's, a country in which the average income is about $40,000 a year. In this economy, a group of people whose average salary is 25% higher than the national average are protesting for having to pay for their own benefits. Mind boggling.


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Shame on any so called American who has a job who refuses to help pay for his own retirement and his own health care.
Shame on any so called American who has a job who refuses to help pay for his own retirement and his own health care.

They have already made that concession. They are fighting for the right to collectively bargain
They have no legit gripe here.

They earn in salary alone 25% more than the national average. Combine that $51K salary with the benefits, and it's a $89,500 package. Thats more than 90% of our cops make. Thats more than probably 100% of our enlisted military people make. More than 95% of firemen make.

The Wisconsin teachers union are acting like the very same spoiled, greedy kids they teach and brought to the protest with them.

I can't wait to see the final outcome of this. Taxes won't be raised. The WI gov will never give in to that. Either they'll accept the cuts, or lots of layoffs.

I bet 100% chance the union members, some of them, become violent in response.
Shame on any so called American who has a job who refuses to help pay for his own retirement and his own health care.

They have already made that concession. They are fighting for the right to collectively bargain

Collective bargain vs individual bargain? Why do they want that?

Becuase then, they can give subpar performance at work, but as a group negotiate their deal. And by negotiating as a whole, the threat of a loss of the entire workforce will force the employer to accept the subpar work.

If they had to bargain as individuals, then the sorry ones wouldn't have leverage.

Hence the reason they love their union. Unions protect the lazy, sloppy, inefficient or incompetent worker through the threat of losing the entire workforce if the employer takes action against them.

Dissolve the unions. The national GDP and wealth has steadily risen over 50 years as union membership has steadily declined. That correlation means something.
They have no legit gripe here.

They earn in salary alone 25% more than the national average. Combine that $51K salary with the benefits, and it's a $89,500 package. Thats more than 90% of our cops make. Thats more than probably 100% of our enlisted military people make. More than 95% of firemen make.

The Wisconsin teachers union are acting like the very same spoiled, greedy kids they teach and brought to the protest with them.

I can't wait to see the final outcome of this. Taxes won't be raised. The WI gov will never give in to that. Either they'll accept the cuts, or lots of layoffs.

I bet 100% chance the union members, some of them, become violent in response.

I hope they do go off the deep end..........Americans are so in the dark about the corruption and greed in the public employees sector. The consciousness level needs to rise and this will do it. They've been hearing about "greed" from the left for 30 years now.......meanwhile, have no idea about the scam the public employee unions are pulling while middle classs taxes skyrocket. Your average teacher in New York now retires well before 65 with a salary for life 60K+ plus full medical.........not uncommon in many places across the country. This is total BS..........but is never utterred once by people on the left.
Talk about a fcukking disconnect. They think this welfare state crap can be perpetuated forever just by raising taxes on the rich. Its so beyond stupid its beyond laughable.

Double standards FTMFL
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New Jersey's govorner nails it..............

"[In my state] we spend $17,620 per pupil per year, the highest in America, $24,000 per pupil in city of Newark, $28,000 in Asbury Park, and we have 104,000 students trapped in 200 failing schools across N.J. and the education establishment says, "Don't worry, help is on the way" And the help that's on the way is more money, more money. Well, more money is not going to solve this problem until we take on the issues that [are] really causing the problem, and until we as Americans are willing to do that final tough thing, which is to look the teacher's unions across America in the eye and say to them 'You do not represent the best the teachers have to offer, you often represent the worst.' And it's time for us to honestly say that we can separate the teachers from the union. We have great teachers in New Jersey, working hard and making a huge difference in the lives of many children, but we don't have enough of them. And one of the reasons why we don't have enough of them is because the bad teachers who remain with lifetime tenure are crowding out opportunity for the good ones, and then when you have reductions, the last ones in are the first ones out, because all that matters is seniority, and not talent. And so we send a new generation of teachers, good, enthusiastic teachers away because we have built a system, as Michelle Rhee put better than I could, that cares more about the feelings of adults than it cares about the future of our children. I will not take responsibility for that approach. I will not take responsibility for leaving a generation of children behind in America. I won't do it. And we need to speak out and say it's time to fix that system. "Right Turn - A decisive moment: Public employee unions or the common good?
Hope the picture attaches.

Combined package for Wisconsin teachers: $89,500.
$51,000 in salary. The rest in benefits.

90% of cops in America don't make that. They aren't rioting in the streets. Neither are the majority of American's, a country in which the average income is about $40,000 a year. In this economy, a group of people whose average salary is 25% higher than the national average are protesting for having to pay for their own benefits. Mind boggling.

Starting salary is $25,222 and average salary is $46,390.
Single teachers get health benefits of $4,356 per year and families get $9,612 per year.

How exactly do you get $89,500, other than parroting the lies of the CON$ervative Brotherhood???

Starting salary for WI police is $34,452
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Shame on any so called American who has a job who refuses to help pay for his own retirement and his own health care.

They have already made that concession. They are fighting for the right to collectively bargain

If they have already made that concession what is the problem? They do not have a right to collective bargaining, so they cannot be fighting for that.
Hope the picture attaches.

Combined package for Wisconsin teachers: $89,500.
$51,000 in salary. The rest in benefits.

90% of cops in America don't make that. They aren't rioting in the streets. Neither are the majority of American's, a country in which the average income is about $40,000 a year. In this economy, a group of people whose average salary is 25% higher than the national average are protesting for having to pay for their own benefits. Mind boggling.

Starting salary is $25,222 and average salary is $46,390.
Single teachers get health benefits of $4,356 per year and families get $9,612 per year.

How exactly do you get $89,500, other than parroting the lies of the CON$ervative Brotherhood???

Starting salary for WI police is $34,452

How do Wages Stack up Nation Wide? - ABC News
Shame on any so called American who has a job who refuses to help pay for his own retirement and his own health care.

They have already made that concession. They are fighting for the right to collectively bargain

Exactly. These Repubs get all their info from Fox it seems.

In Wisconsin, the budget is required by law to be balanced. Right now, if something dramatic is not done, that law will not be followed and the state will be breaking its own law. The Governor is trying to do something to balance the budget which, on it's face, is his job.

This comes down to the whole population ponying up the extra taxes to balance the budget or reducing the expenditures to the point at which a balance will occur.

Two years ago, the Failed Stimulus provided funds that the Democrat Administration used to fund the shortfalls and avoid the tough questions. The jig is up and it's time to pay the piper.

Ignoring the problem is one answer and that is the one that the Unions and the Dems seem inclined to choose. Another approach is to solve the problem with a rational and sustainable plan.

Wisconsin unions fight Gov. Scott Walker's collective bargaining proposal | | Green Bay Press Gazette
They have already made that concession. They are fighting for the right to collectively bargain

Exactly. These Repubs get all their info from Fox it seems.

In Wisconsin, the budget is required by law to be balanced. Right now, if something dramatic is not done, that law will not be followed and the state will be breaking its own law. The Governor is trying to do something to balance the budget which, on it's face, is his job.

This comes down to the whole population ponying up the extra taxes to balance the budget or reducing the expenditures to the point at which a balance will occur.

Two years ago, the Failed Stimulus provided funds that the Democrat Administration used to fund the shortfalls and avoid the tough questions. The jig is up and it's time to pay the piper.

Ignoring the problem is one answer and that is the one that the Unions and the Dems seem inclined to choose. Another approach is to solve the problem with a rational and sustainable plan.

Wisconsin unions fight Gov. Scott Walker's collective bargaining proposal | | Green Bay Press Gazette

They have until June. They are trying to ram this through in order to bust unions.

The Democrats will come back as soon as concessions are made by this moronic governor. He's a tool, he needs to step back and stop trying to break working people.
Exactly. These Repubs get all their info from Fox it seems.

In Wisconsin, the budget is required by law to be balanced. Right now, if something dramatic is not done, that law will not be followed and the state will be breaking its own law. The Governor is trying to do something to balance the budget which, on it's face, is his job.

This comes down to the whole population ponying up the extra taxes to balance the budget or reducing the expenditures to the point at which a balance will occur.

Two years ago, the Failed Stimulus provided funds that the Democrat Administration used to fund the shortfalls and avoid the tough questions. The jig is up and it's time to pay the piper.

Ignoring the problem is one answer and that is the one that the Unions and the Dems seem inclined to choose. Another approach is to solve the problem with a rational and sustainable plan.

Wisconsin unions fight Gov. Scott Walker's collective bargaining proposal | | Green Bay Press Gazette

They have until June. They are trying to ram this through in order to bust unions.

The Democrats will come back as soon as concessions are made by this moronic governor. He's a tool, he needs to step back and stop trying to break working people.

Extortion does not equal democracy.

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