Here Kitty Kitty Kitty.....I Need a Panther


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
Meanwhile, somewhere in Russia.

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Great video . I mostly don't like seeing those type of animals as pets but if they can control it good for them.
Tremendous footage .Enjoyed .

I once was allowed fairly close proximity to a tiger and was so scared that he would sense my abject fear and demolish me in seconds .
The speed and strength of big cats is beyond words .I am a trained female fighter but know any contest would not last ten seconds . Death .
Great video . I mostly don't like seeing those type of animals as pets but if they can control it good for them.
LOL....About 12 or so years ago I saw a Mountain Lion (you know, something that's claimed not to exist in Virginia) two days in a row while deer hunting.

The first afternoon it was walking a old drag road about 125 yards away but the second time it came down and walked right under my stand.

Beautiful animal. I figure it had feasted on the gut pile of a deer I had shot up there a couple days before. What impressed me was it's tail, it was big around as a softball bat.

I kept the .308 on it in case it got sporty but it just walked down and hit another drag road below me and eased on out....Never saw it again.
The Rottie is a good reference for how big she is.

Beautiful cat.
There are a number of Instagram accounts that I am following, of various Russians who have large cats as pets. Luna, the panther mentioned in the OP, is one of them.

Something that has struck me as a bit odd is that most of these large cats being kept by Russians as pets are New World (the Americas) cats. Pumas (AKA Mountain Lions, or Cougars) seem to be most popular.

The idea of having such a cat as a pet appeals greatly to me, but I don't think there is any way that it would be feasible.
LOL....About 12 or so years ago I saw a Mountain Lion (you know, something that's claimed not to exist in Virginia) two days in a row while deer hunting.

The first afternoon it was walking a old drag road about 125 yards away but the second time it came down and walked right under my stand.

Beautiful animal. I figure it had feasted on the gut pile of a deer I had shot up there a couple days before. What impressed me was it's tail, it was big around as a softball bat.

I kept the .308 on it in case it got sporty but it just walked down and hit another drag road below me and eased on out....Never saw it again.
Same here in Florida they still claim they can only be found in a small corner of the state. I grew up seeing them and signs of them all over the central part of the state—both Male and female.

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