Here's Nancy Pelosi Admitting On Video That They Started Investigating Trump Thru The Courts And It Has Been Their Idea For Years


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
During the same press conference Nancy Pelosi admitted using "Wrap-Up Smears" against Trump, she also admitted years ago that they would be using the courts to attack Trump.

You really can't get more clear than this.

The difference being Biden is supposedly the guilty party bribing judges with money he got from the Chinese.

I think that's hogwash.

They're using money they were supposedly sending to Ukraine. $10,000,000.00 paid to Judge Edgeron was reported yesterday.

Can't believe they still let her talk... and where is the minority leader Jeffries?... what is it media is he too black to go to?...
I already knew that, in fact, they do this to everyone that stands between them and power.

Naturally, nothing ever sticks to democrats

Shit has no interest in sticking in sticking to something that is worse and smells worse than it does.
The difference being Biden is supposedly the guilty party bribing judges with money he got from the Chinese.
Why do you make up this crazy shit? Does anyone outside of your commie cult fall for it?

Trump suddenly decided he loved TikTok, immediately after filling his pockets with sweet CCP cash. The Chinese bought him outright ... and that thrills you.

Are you getting a share of Trump's commie cash?

You side takes commie money. Only your side does it, and you approve of it. Just making it clear where we all stand. We oppose commies, you do their bidding.
During the same press conference Nancy Pelosi admitted using "Wrap-Up Smears" against Trump, she also admitted years ago that they would be using the courts to attack Trump.

You really can't get more clear than this.

The difference being Biden is supposedly the guilty party bribing judges with money he got from the Chinese.

I think that's hogwash.

They're using money they were supposedly sending to Ukraine. $10,000,000.00 paid to Judge Edgeron was reported yesterday.

Yep she said it clearly. Muller was unable to investigate his finances, and this is what WE are doing in the courts ! WE, meaning government and Democrats. It's clearly a case of the fed government using local jurisdictions to go after a private individual and to alter an election using those courts. All using the pretense that those procsecutors were acting independently.

The Republic is being destroyed. Shame on you Democrats here that are ok and aplaud this. Someday it will come back to harm your children and grandchildren if this type of thing is allowed.
During the same press conference Nancy Pelosi admitted using "Wrap-Up Smears" against Trump, she also admitted years ago that they would be using the courts to attack Trump.

You really can't get more clear than this.

The difference being Biden is supposedly the guilty party bribing judges with money he got from the Chinese.

I think that's hogwash.

They're using money they were supposedly sending to Ukraine. $10,000,000.00 paid to Judge Edgeron was reported yesterday.

Because everyone knew he was a criminal. Worst kept secret in New York.
Yep she said it clearly. Muller was unable to investigate his finances, and this is what WE are doing in the courts ! WE, meaning government and Democrats. It's clearly a case of the fed government using local jurisdictions to go after a private individual and to alter an election using those courts. All using the pretense that those procsecutors were acting independently.

The Republic is being destroyed. Shame on you Democrats here that are ok and aplaud this. Someday it will come back to harm your children and grandchildren if this type of thing is allowed.
Point being that if something bad is happening to Trump, that c**t is probably behind it.
Democrats have no need to hide what they are doing. Did Stalin ever try to hide what he was doing?
That's right! No need to hide that you're going after a criminal. None whatsoever.

Willis could come out on national TV tonight and tell the world Trump is a criminal who deserves prison.
Because everyone knew he was a criminal. Worst kept secret in New York.

"because everyone KNEW he was a criminal" !

Justified lying to and deceiving a FISA court judge.... in order to make up more accusations so everyone would KNOW he is a criminal. SO one political party can get rid of someone they feared would get rid of their righteous policies. Going against thier policies and wants, post Obama and not being willing to play the political game was the real crime here.

But, as long as you all ready knew he was a criminal, who cares what civil rights the people who are suppossed to uphold those rights drag through the mud? and who cares what other lives they destroyed as collateral damage?
Justified lying to and deceiving a FISA court judge
Exaggerated AM radio nonsense, was not germane anyway.

He IS a criminal.

The serial criminal made the choice to become the most scrutinized man on the planet.

Waaaaah, let's all weep for the beggar felon billionaire.

Give me a fkin break.
What you're saying is the only reason people discovered all of this is because he dared to run for POTUS.
"All of this"

Not one of the criminal indictments is for acts from before he ran for president.

So you see how stupid what you just said is, right?

As for his civil fraud loss... his right hand man testified to these crimes under oath before congress. That's when the wheels came off for the orange slob.
Yep she said it clearly. Muller was unable to investigate his finances, and this is what WE are doing in the courts ! WE, meaning government and Democrats. It's clearly a case of the fed government using local jurisdictions to go after a private individual and to alter an election using those courts. All using the pretense that those procsecutors were acting independently.

The Republic is being destroyed. Shame on you Democrats here that are ok and aplaud this. Someday it will come back to harm your children and grandchildren if this type of thing is allowed.

She said that almost 5 years ago, so what court cases today have anything to do with whatever court cases she was talking about then?

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