Here's Who You Are Cheering For, Dems: FOIA Gov Docs Show Biden Put Masks on Kids Based on Polls


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
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That's just plain evil man. Lower face reading is a crucial part of childhood development and socialization. These kids are traumatized.

"“We have the scoop on the issue of the moment, masks in schools. A very solid majority favor school masking requirements (63 percent), with 36 percent opposing. That 36 percent is made up of the usual suspects and of course is large enough to make some trouble in parts of the country and generate news,”


“We found no significant differences in SARS-CoV-2 transmission due to FCM mandates in Catalonian schools."
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They could care less, don't you get it, the people who vote for the fascist democrats are fucking evil, they know Biden is a pedophile and a parasitic criminal, they know and they approve of both, all of them, all democrats!

They are profoundly evil people, for God's sake, they have murdered over 70-million babies and in California just voted into law abortive child killing to the age of birth, literally its now legal in that evil place to murder your baby just after giving birth to them at 9-months!

Biden and all other psychopaths just like him are not the problem, its the evil fucking animals who insist upon electing them who are!
That's just plain evil man.

"“We have the scoop on the issue of the moment, masks in schools. A very solid majority favor school masking requirements (63 percent), with 36 percent opposing. That 36 percent is made up of the usual suspects and of course is large enough to make some trouble in parts of the country and generate news,”

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“We found no significant differences in SARS-CoV-2 transmission due to FCM mandates in Catalonian schools."
Dems always work off polls.
Not surprising. They worked with the teacher's unions to do this, even though the CDC's own study showed masks in schools were meaningless. The unions had a shit-fit when the initial recommendation came out as local decisions, they pressured the White House and the 'recommendation' was changed just like that.

Voila! Science!

They sold out kids for votes, damaged the hell out of them in the process and couldn't give a single shit.

And they'll do it again.
Not surprising. They worked with the teacher's unions to do this, even though the CDC's own study showed masks in schools were meaningless. The unions had a shit-fit when the initial recommendation came out as local decisions, they pressured the White House and the 'recommendation' was changed just like that.

Voila! Science!

They sold out kids for votes, damaged the hell out of them in the process and couldn't give a single shit.

And they'll do it again.

"The union, the National Education Association, swayed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention after the CDC announced on May 13 that vaccinated people could stop wearing masks. The union told the agency in an email that it was prepared to issue a statement criticizing the decision and calling for guidance that masks should be worn specifically in schools, prompting a White House staffer to intervene. The CDC released updated masking guidelines for schools the following day, saying schools should maintain universal masking requirements and “physical distancing should be maximized to the greatest extent possible.”

Unadulterated pieces of crap. That people did not punish the shitbags that did this to children for their own political interests boggles the mind.
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