Herman Cain:If Not Nominated, Then Maybe "Senior Economic Supervisor" To Romney ?

Oct 10, 2011


Being the left is doing everything to knock off Cain, the best thing the right can do is keep him in consideration for a cabinet post. That alone will take in the "Dissatisfied Obama Black Votes"
Should it come down to Romney or Newt, and they don't choose Cain as VP, it's best to keep him as part of the next administration. The left will be helpless against their scheme to destroy Cain. Cain would make an excellent Economic Advisor and his army will bring in the votes that will topple O'Bambi and send him back to Martha's Vinyard.
and where will he put Sarah Palin? secretary of caribou's?

OK,,the Romney/Rubio Cabinet:
Obama: White House Busboy
Michele : Fryer Chief
Reid : White House Janitor
Pelosi : White House Toilet Inspector
Barney Frank: Secretary Of Anthony Weiner.

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