Hero League/Red Dragon/Golden Child: Comics Direction


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Comics aesthetics has offered pedestrians eccentric views of vigilantism holography and civics daydreams. Some claim it's a legacy/continuity of the era of idealism (JFK, 1960s) while others think it's of the tree of the Punk Rock Revolution (1980s, 1990s). Comic book fans tend to be social outcasts and their empire is really a subculture (just like punk rock). Comic book festivals resemble Star Trek fan-group ('Trekkie') conventions. The aesthetics of comics is actually much more different from Alfred Hitchcock oriented storytelling than people may think.

Hitchcock preferred suspense and eeriness, while comics (and even horror-comics) present stories of 'gaudy courage,' funny outfits/costumes, strange superpowers and psychic abilities, magic oriented philosophy, and garish 'super-villains.'

The direction the world comics art is taking us from the 1960s through this first quarter of the New Millennium seems to be one of general graphic metaphysics presented in modern media such as Sam Kieth's underworld-fantasy The Maxx (an adventure in graphic cynicism), Bill Cosby's urban-ethnic Utopia-humor Fat Albert (a tale of African-American kids in modern urban fables), Alex Proyas's brooding vigilantism-apocalyptic The Crow (a tale of mystical revenge in an obviously evil city), and Richard Lester's enlightening Superman III (fantasy-adventure story of a superhero dealing with a evil super-computer as well as his own bifurcated spirit).

Will this youthful imaginative pseudo-noir pulp-fiction oriented storytelling take us towards a social consciousness favouring primalism marketing (e.g., MTV, Vogue, GNC, etc.)?

This social comic 'fan-fic' was inspired by Jerry Maguire, and now I'm 90% certain it's my final one...




Art is either personal or public or both. Comics art is playful, graphic, unusual, eccentric, silly, and appealing to jovial audiences or secretly-expressive fans. An art dealer named Jerry Maguire received a post-card in his mail with a homemade stick-figure doodle of Marvel Comics' Gray Goblin, a jet-glider soaring mutant terrorist. What struck/haunted Jerry about the child-like doodle was its menacing quality. The Gray Goblin was obviously a 'super-villain' and the creator of the doodle obviously meant to convey the creature's ugly appearance. Jerry wondered if the creator/sender of the postcard-doodle was himself a terrorist. Jerry turned it over to the FBI.


Alien: Covenant was the chic new sci-fi American horror-film, and it presented the story of human space-explorers engaging with a terrifying predatory alien creature of unusual cunning known as the 'Xenomorph' requiring them to reorient their views on survival itself and the value of teamwork for the benefit of the species. Jerry wondered if the sender of the Gray Goblin postcard-doodle saw the film and wanted to perform acts of terrorism to 'mirror' the anarchy-symbolism in Ridley Scott's sci-fi horror opus.


A team of superheroes/crusaders known as the Hero League secretly-employed by the FBI and the CIA to investigate threats of terrorism around the world were told about the Gray Goblin postcard-doodle submitted by art dealer Jerry Maguire. The Hero League concluded that the sender of the postcard-doodle was going to perform an act of terrorism at the French art-museum the Louvre. The sender of the postcard was a man named Gabriel Stacy, and he claimed to be a 'real patriot.' The Hero League conferred about selecting a 'golden child' from Facebook and make him/her the 'spokeschild' of their anti-terrorism campaign. The Hero League were confident that enlightenment would rid the world of malice altogether.


A delightful young child (a 2 year-old girl named Stana) was found on Facebook and selected for this incredible politically-conscious media campaign which the Trump Administration wholeheartedly supported. Stana received special considerations for extra-protection by the FBI and the CIA, while the Hero League proceeded to stakeout the Louvre, anticipating the terrorist-attack by Gabriel Stacy (the 'Gray Goblin'). Stana was the official 'golden child' of this pro-human crusade, and the Hero League felt paranoid about the response of ISIS (terrorists).


A demonic creature from another dimension known as Red Dragon crossed the boundaries into our universe when it sensed all this electro-kinetic 'synthetic telekinetic networking' on the Internet and Information Superhighway. Red Dragon was a fierce beast and was intrigued by Stana's newfound 'political celebrity' in the 'wondrous new age of the Internet' (and wondered if he should burn down the White House). Red Dragon was confronted by the Hero League on the White House lawn where they engaged in a debate (agreeing to a mental contest rather than a physical one --- even though the Hero League was armed by newly-engineered laser-rifles).

HERO LEAGUE: You're merely a 'terrorist.'
RED DRAGON: I'm merely a 'messenger' of anarchy...
HERO LEAGUE: No; you defy the customs of peace.
RED DRAGON: I'm an anarchist.
HERO LEAGUE: You're a fascist and martial-beast.
RED DRAGON: What is your arrow of idealism?
HERO LEAGUE: We defend democracy (for Christ's sake).
RED DRAGON: You can not withstand my fiery-breath.
HERO LEAGUE: We can at least offer prayers of liberty.
RED DRAGON: Your 'stance' on liberty is corrupted by Facebook and Wal-Mart.
HERO LEAGUE: Consumerism is monotonous (yes) but also socially comforting.
RED DRAGON: I admit there's something 'cozy' about Christmas gift-shopping.
HERO LEAGUE: There's a socialization aesthetic that is surprisingly charming.
RED DRAGON: Are you referring to Facebook?
HERO LEAGUE: Yes, Facebook-consciousness creates social 'vibrancy.'
RED DRAGON: Your civilization's electronic grid is an illumination of vanity.
HERO LEAGUE: Perhaps that's true, but it's also quite 'toy-like.'
RED DRAGON: You've won the argument; I will return to my own dimension.


After the valiant Hero League defied the ominous Red Dragon, they reported the good news to U.S. President Donald Trump who greeted the Hero League with the First Lady (Mrs. Melania Trump) in front of a large sculpture made by Red Dragon before he departed. Trump congratulated the Hero League and assured them a very comfortable retirement in the sunny shores of Florida or the Virgin Islands (whichever they preferred). The Hero League decided to go home for now to their shared estate and watch Alien: Covenant on Netflix. It was a trying ordeal to say the least.


American comic book writers penned new characters for kids to marvel, and the cars these superhumans drove and technology and powers they wielded were revelations of modernism pro-populism idealism and subculture optimism. The comic book 'universe' became as popular as the Star Trek 'empire' and film-makers were making documentaries while Hollywood (USA) churned out countless comics-adapted films including The Dark Knight, Wonder Woman, and Marvel's Avengers. Stana was presented in a series of such comics as the 'golden child' she was (in real life). It was the time of silly graffiti hopefully directed towards idealistic consumerism which would quell anti-capitalism terrorism (i.e., 9/11).


GOD: The Hero League dispelled the Red Dragon.
SATAN: They also saved the Louvre.
GOD: Yes, they prevented Gabriel Stacy from performing terrorism.
SATAN: The 'Gray Goblin' was a momentary civilization menace.
GOD: Thank goodness Jerry Maguire turned over the doodle to the FBI.
SATAN: Thank goodness the Louvre was saved.
GOD: I can't believe the Hero League debated successfully with Red Dragon.
SATAN: Yes, Red Dragon is a messenger of pure anarchy.
GOD: I wonder about the links between anarchy and violence.
SATAN: I think that concerns one of 'bloodlust.'
GOD: Dragons, werewolves, vampires, and zombies are modern 'Golems.'
SATAN: Stana was a 'Facebook-celebrity.'
GOD: She was the 'golden child' of the pro-democracy campaign.
SATAN: The Hero League will be gods...
GOD: Let's hope they seek to remain humble and patriotic first.
SATAN: You never can predict the temptations of vanity.
GOD: Right. "Spielberg announced film about Hero League starring Tom Cruise."
SATAN: What's wrong with capitalism?
GOD: Temperance must gauge all discussions about success.
SATAN: Well, everyone appreciates the archaeological value of consumerism items (e.g., CDs).




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