Hero Soap Opera: Modern Evangelism (Justice League)


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Sep 22, 2013
Does art in the modern world inspire you to think about the potential for democratic vitality?

This yarn (my last one thank goodness, I've been writing way too much, man!) was inspired by Justice League (Ben Affleck).



American socialite-businessman Bruce Wayne was the head of a children's storybook company called Engaging Hearts. Bruce was also secretly the masked Justice League superhero Batman, an urban crusader tackling evil. As head of Engaging Hearts, Bruce wanted to use storytelling to convey the modern 'drama' of social conflicts and how even superheroes sometimes envy each other. Bruce/Batman wanted to deliver the message to youngsters (and their parents) that democracy/capitalism and patriotism are rarely 'simple.'


As Bruce managed some nifty artworks about the Justice League arrayed in teamwork positions to deal with the evil Legion of Doom (the team of ugly masked super-villains with superpowers comparable to the members of the Justice League). Bruce arranged these artworks for Engaged Hearts, so kids could appreciate the social drama behind all these 'super-battles' that their parents were watching on the news. Bruce knew that disseminating ideas about teamwork and faith would create valued idealism towards the Justice League in the soul of America.


As Bruce/Batman managed Engaged Hearts while also working with the other members of the valiant Justice League (Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, Superman, Catwoman, Flash) to deal with the evil super-villains of the Legion of Doom (Riddler, Poison Ivy, Nuclear Man, Lex Luthor, Bane), an eerie pair (a married couple) of vampire aliens from Venus named Alucard and Red arrived on Earth to destroy both the Justice League and the Legion of Doom. Alucard and Red carried a strange brain-toxin potion that made superhumans/super-villains mad with envy and lust, compelling them to betray their team allegiances for the sake of mischief and anarchy. Alucard and Red despised Bruce Wayne's storybook-company Engaged Hearts and wanted to see Batman and all the other 'super-folks' simply implode. Alucard and Red were, after all, evil vampires.


Alucard and Red slipped their poisonous toxin into the beverages of the members of the Justice League and Legion Doom while masquerading as 'Catholic priests' visiting these 'super-folks' to sell them secret new advanced 'super-phones' (which they stole from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology) meant to encourage networking and modernism imagination. Justice League Members (Batman, Wonder Woman) and Legion of Doom members (Riddler, Poison Ivy) thought these nifty new 'super-phones' were indeed 'metaphysical' and played with the phones while sipping the beverages Alucard and Red prepared for them, beverages laced with that deadly brain-toxin. Soon, all the members of the Justice League and Legion of Doom found themselves hopelessly 'wrapped' in inexplicable psycho-somatic feelings of lust and mischief. It was a strange 'soap opera anarchy.'


Alucard and Red took photos of Justice League and Legion of Doom members engaged in unscrupulous behaviors and sold them to journalists who then exploited the photos to create corruption-themed soap-operas on national TV networks, so Americans could 'revel' in this new social hysteria regarding the 'super-folks' engaged in controversial activities. Everyone was therefore 'duped' by Alucard and Red who then fled back to Venus in glee. Meanwhile, Bruce/Batman was going 'batty' trying to manage this new social chaos, since he was the only one who could resist the psycho-somatic hypnosis of the brain-toxin. Bruce/Batman didn't want this 'negative journalism' and the soap-opera TV episodes they spawned to destroy his enlightened vision of Engaged Hearts and American idealism.


As the corrupted members of the Justice League and Legion of Doom worked together to build an evil 'super-computer' in a large cave of the Grand Canyon in Arizona, Bruce/Batman recruited his most trusted Justice League ally Superman (Clark Kent) to help him destroy this evil-computer so that sanity could be restored. The evil-computer had the ability to manipulate Earth's convection currents and generate devastating wind-and-electric storms. However, Superman (Clark Kent) was affected by the brain-toxin, so Bruce/Batman had to work with him to ensure that he really could help him tackle this evil-computer.


As Superman (Clark Kent) realized the wisdom of Batman's advice, his own psyche began to bifurcate, and Superman literally 'split' into two 'super-beings' --- the ethical/conscious Clark Kent (endowed with satisfactory super-powers) and the villainous/corrupted Superman (also endowed with super-powers). The 'good' Clark Kent somehow managed to wrestle and subdue his 'evil alter-ego' (the 'evil' Superman) in an eerie isolated junkyard in Detroit, Michigan. Soon, Clark Kent (the 'real' Superman) was ready to assist his good friend Bruce/Batman in tackling the evil-computer in the Grand Canyon.


After Superman and Batman worked together to miraculously destroy the evil-computer and tackle the corrupted members of the Justice League and the Legion of Doom, the now 'cleansed' members of the two teams separated and retreated to their respective fortresses. Bruce/Batman explained to the Justice League that someone had poisoned the 'super-folks' rendering them as 'agents of hell' and advocates of pure anarchy. The Justice League now prepared to continue to deal with the adversarial Legion of Doom in usual/reliable fashion, and Bruce/Batman knew that his vision of Engaged Hearts and American idealism were truly saved. The Justice League could once again continue defeating the evil Legion of Doom and inspiring America and the whole world. However, Bruce/Batman wondered if all this developed 'super-anarchy' had released a terrible dragon or demon (or leviathan!) of negative energy.


BATMAN: We've avoided Armageddon, Clark...
SUPERMAN: Thanks to you Bruce...
BATMAN: Nah, we worked together!
SUPERMAN: I managed to subdue my evil alter-ego.
BATMAN: That was quite bizarre.
SUPERMAN: Hopefully, there won't be more 'televised soap-opera adaptations.'
BATMAN: Yes, Americans need to know that the Justice League is reliable.
SUPERMAN: Nothing is guaranteed, but at least, Engaged Hearts will 'resurrect.'
BATMAN: I think so too; we can continue our crusade to 'limit' the Legion of Doom.
SUPERMAN: I wonder what would have happened if the two super-teams disintegrated.
BATMAN: Well, for one thing, the Riddler might be dating Wonder Woman!
SUPERMAN: Or worse...maybe Green Arrow would have murdered Poison Ivy!
BATMAN: I think I'll take a needed vacation and watch 'normal' soap-operas on TV.
SUPERMAN: Are you a fan of The Young and the Restless (CBS)?
BATMAN: I prefer General Hospital (ABC).
SUPERMAN: It's odd how even 'super-folks' can succumb to poison...
BATMAN: I still don't know who poisoned both the Justice League and the Legion of Doom!
SUPERMAN: Maybe the culprits...were aliens.
BATMAN: Aliens, huh? Well, that's a possibility, I suppose; let's stay courageous.
SUPERMAN: I believe Lex Luthor is currently planning a nuclear strike from North Korea.
BATMAN: I think a nice painting for Engaged Hearts might generate needed patriotism.
SUPERMAN: Art is truly the 'vehicle' for social grace (and democracy!)...



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