He's not shrinkikng in size, but Trump's shriking

Don't go after kittens.

Remember the old warning --- "Every time you masturbate...... Rump kills a kitten"? :rofl:

I just checked out her site. It's funny (and simple) but took forever to load. No doubt her server is being swamped with Rump's free publicity. Hope she's making money from it.
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This cat is angry at how the kitten was treated...

Unguard ...

It's not just narcissistic is running amok. He promised to do many things day one, and repealing Obamacare was just one, and everyone knew he didn't have the 60 votes for that. He may get a bill, but it'll not improve Obamacare, let alone repeal it. In fact, he's screwing the very voters who got him over the electoral hump, old underemployed whites not yet on medicare.

So what led him here? Bannon. Hell no. Bannon's bones are in white working class angst. How about tax reform. Not even the kochs complain their taxes are too high. We could have dropped rates across the board, including corp, and lessened expenditures for stuff very few care about. Trump would be declaring victory for an actual victory.

A budget comes from that. I realize he put out a fantasy budget just as other potus's have done. But we could be looking at real defense funding changes as well as possible Medicaid block grants. And leave the subisdies for later.

I understand Obama had to move with 60 senate seats. But Hillarycare didn't fail cause of the dems. it failed because of votes the dems had to cast before that one. Arguably Hillarycare is better than this pig on the hill now.

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