Zone1 Hey, everyone! Newbie here with a question to the forum vets.

Somebody here likes you?
gawd....talking about steppin in shat.......lolol

but miketx will be your submissive.....ask yourself is it worth it?
I wear tissue under pants cause I'm from France.


I am from remulac. A village in France.
Yes. Bodey eats them with a passion.

I'm assuming that's your dog. XD

What do Asian hooker undies look like??? 'Cause I never heard of 'em before this somewhat misty morning. :eek:

I don't know ask Meister. Apparently a lot goes behind the moderator doors that we don't know about... R/X rated stuff. 😳
Did you donate any money? Well? Didja?
On topic: My guess was at the time, they thought you were a sock or a spammer. Now that they are aware you are neither one(?), you should be good to go.
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