Hey Liberals - Stick Your Confederate Flag


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2015
burnings, and your Civil War monument destructions (sounds like ISIS) in great Civil War towns in the South. You assholes are taking down monuments placed for men who fought in a great war. No man shall ever forget what these men did. Abraham Lincoln said that.

And all this horse shit about the Confederacy fighting to retain slavery. Give me a fucking break. The South fought to keep you invading New York bastards the fuck off our property. Like any great war, the Confederate men fought and died, while the “elite,” rich bastard Liberal/Democrat fuckers lived on the plantation – keeping an eye on their slaves.

You think us country boys HAD slaves? That was only for the rich Southern Democrats. The same assholes who founded the KKK when the war was over.
As is always the case, Warbler's post involves something being stuck into an orifice.

Now, the civil war was almost entirely about slavery, and only pathologically dishonest historical revisionists even try to pretend otherwise.

Why do they do that? Because they're big fans of slavery, and they're still upset at us liberals for ending the practice of slavery.
As is always the case, Warbler's post involves something being stuck into an orifice.

Now, the civil war was almost entirely about slavery, and only pathologically dishonest historical revisionists even try to pretend otherwise.

Why do they do that? Because they're big fans of slavery, and they're still upset at us liberals for ending the practice of slavery.

Lincoln swore up and down it was not about slavery.

What do you make of that?

Was Lincoln a "pathologically dishonest revisionist"?
That's right. Rich Democrats owned the slaves. That was 3% of Southerners. The poor farmers were brainwashed into thinking the Union Army was invading to take their land, rape their wives and burn their homes (which they did) so the Southern farmers fought.

The rich also owned the newspapers so it was an easy sell.

Abraham Lincoln wanted to deport all the slaves to South America and the Bahamas for labor (fact Google it).

But he couldn't. Slaves were "property" and the 4th Amendment bans unlawful seizure of property.

So....he needed to free them to make them "people"....but not citizens.....so he could deport them. And he burned the South to do it.

The war took its toll on Lincoln and we know what happened after.

But there it is.
As is always the case, Warbler's post involves something being stuck into an orifice.

Now, the civil war was almost entirely about slavery, and only pathologically dishonest historical revisionists even try to pretend otherwise.

Why do they do that? Because they're big fans of slavery, and they're still upset at us liberals for ending the practice of slavery.
Is that why Tennessee originally voted Union until that tyrannical Lincoln started shitting on law?
Revisionism doesn't cut it dumbfuck.
As is always the case, Warbler's post involves something being stuck into an orifice.

Now, the civil war was almost entirely about slavery, and only pathologically dishonest historical revisionists even try to pretend otherwise.

Why do they do that? Because they're big fans of slavery, and they're still upset at us liberals for ending the practice of slavery.

Lincoln swore up and down it was not about slavery.

What do you make of that?

Was Lincoln a "pathologically dishonest revisionist"?
"It's the economy, stupid" :)
As is always the case, Warbler's post involves something being stuck into an orifice.

Now, the civil war was almost entirely about slavery, and only pathologically dishonest historical revisionists even try to pretend otherwise.

Why do they do that? Because they're big fans of slavery, and they're still upset at us liberals for ending the practice of slavery.
he's got cawk on his mind 24/7. warbler :lol:

As far as the OP goes, losers don't write history
As is always the case, Warbler's post involves something being stuck into an orifice.

Now, the civil war was almost entirely about slavery, and only pathologically dishonest historical revisionists even try to pretend otherwise.

Why do they do that? Because they're big fans of slavery, and they're still upset at us liberals for ending the practice of slavery.

Lincoln swore up and down it was not about slavery.

What do you make of that?

Was Lincoln a "pathologically dishonest revisionist"?

Lincoln knew damn well it was about slavery. He swore up and down that is wasn't b/c he needed to keep the pro-slavery border states to remain in the Union. It could have been an entirely different story if Delware, Maryland, Kentucky, and, Missouri join the CSA.
As is always the case, Warbler's post involves something being stuck into an orifice.

Now, the civil war was almost entirely about slavery, and only pathologically dishonest historical revisionists even try to pretend otherwise.

Why do they do that? Because they're big fans of slavery, and they're still upset at us liberals for ending the practice of slavery.

Lincoln swore up and down it was not about slavery.

What do you make of that?

Was Lincoln a "pathologically dishonest revisionist"?

Lincoln knew damn well it was about slavery. He swore up and down that is wasn't b/c he needed to keep the pro-slavery border states to remain in the Union. It could have been an entirely different story if Delware, Maryland, Kentucky, and, Missouri join the CSA.

Do you think the Union troops from the pro-slavery states were fighting to end slavery?
Republicans blame Democrats for slavery and the confederacy, but demonize the republican president Lincoln and the republican north for stopping them. Crazy stuff.

I didn't say he was lying. I asked a simple question.

MDK said he was lying.
Oh those southern liberals and their slaves. Guess that means Lincoln was a Confederate Conservative.
Given how the secession documents of every southern state specifically stated they were seceding over slavery, it takes a special degree of dishonesty to pretend the war wasn't about slavery.
As is always the case, Warbler's post involves something being stuck into an orifice.

Now, the civil war was almost entirely about slavery, and only pathologically dishonest historical revisionists even try to pretend otherwise.

Why do they do that? Because they're big fans of slavery, and they're still upset at us liberals for ending the practice of slavery.

Lincoln swore up and down it was not about slavery.

What do you make of that?

Was Lincoln a "pathologically dishonest revisionist"?

Lincoln knew damn well it was about slavery. He swore up and down that is wasn't b/c he needed to keep the pro-slavery border states to remain in the Union. It could have been an entirely different story if Delware, Maryland, Kentucky, and, Missouri join the CSA.

Do you think the Union troops from the pro-slavery states were fighting to end slavery?

Some were but the vast majority were fighting to simply save the union. Those attitudes started to change as the war dragged on and the deeper the Union moved into the south.
As is always the case, Warbler's post involves something being stuck into an orifice.

Now, the civil war was almost entirely about slavery, and only pathologically dishonest historical revisionists even try to pretend otherwise.

Why do they do that? Because they're big fans of slavery, and they're still upset at us liberals for ending the practice of slavery.

Lincoln swore up and down it was not about slavery.

What do you make of that?

Was Lincoln a "pathologically dishonest revisionist"?
It was not...for the North....until the Emancipation Proclamation. But why did the South secede in the first place? Answer that one.
As is always the case, Warbler's post involves something being stuck into an orifice.

Now, the civil war was almost entirely about slavery, and only pathologically dishonest historical revisionists even try to pretend otherwise.

Why do they do that? Because they're big fans of slavery, and they're still upset at us liberals for ending the practice of slavery.

Where in dear God's name were you educated, stupid?

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As is always the case, Warbler's post involves something being stuck into an orifice.

Now, the civil war was almost entirely about slavery, and only pathologically dishonest historical revisionists even try to pretend otherwise.

Why do they do that? Because they're big fans of slavery, and they're still upset at us liberals for ending the practice of slavery.

Lincoln swore up and down it was not about slavery.

What do you make of that?

Was Lincoln a "pathologically dishonest revisionist"?
It was not...for the North....until the Emancipation Proclamation. But why did the South secede in the first place? Answer that one.

South Carolina - the first to secede- did so largely because of the heavily Republican based agenda won in the 1860 election

In other words - you slave owning Dems were whining that you lost the election.

Sound familiar?

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