High Crimes Committed Against Innocent GLBT CHILDREN and Older Citizens!


VIP Member
Jun 9, 2014
These are the stories of incomprehensible tragedy. Sad as it is prejudice and discrimination is taking front row center where innocent children and other good human beings are concerned. Many times it causes those victims who have been unmercifully harassed and intimidated or assaulted, many times publicly, by haters who may feel a threat to their own sexuality when confronted by Gay and Lesbian folks, to take their own lives. When a person is harassed repeatedly even beaten many times on a daily basis and finds no one to come to their aid they many times turn to suicide, most unfortunately. As long as that intolerance and criminal element continues more innocent children will die. They could be your own. More innocent adults will die also due to Hate Crimes committed against them for who they are and whom they love. And the law needs to continue to bring those responsible to face full justice. It is already being done in most cases but ALL perpetrators need to face justice before their very eyes for the heinous crimes they have committed.

And here is where most of it all starts, most unfortunately.

Churches contribute to gay suicides, most Americans believe ? CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

The vicious crimes committed against innocent Gay people are beyond despicable and outrageous. They can only be the product of demented minds set upon hurting others with whom they disagree with and do not like. What a poor excuse, but further, what a poor excuse for a worthless human being these monsters truly are who commit these crimes. You need to read the following stories in order to fully comprehend the devastating impact this has made on families and the lives of the innocent.

In Tribute & In Memory Matthew Shepard Imagine a World Without Hate - Matthew Shepard

Bullied 11-year-old ?brony? clings to life following suicide attempt ? LGBTQ Nation

Unfinished Lives Remembering LGBT Hate Crime Victims gay teens « Unfinished Lives

76 CRIMES | The struggle to repeal 76 countries? anti-gay laws and release gay prisoners there

Police investigate death threat directed at gay student - Rick Kupchella's ? BringMeTheNews.com

Federal prosecutors charge Texas man with hate crime in attack on gay man ? LGBTQ Nation

NPR whitewashes resumé of Holocaust-revisionist hate group leader

No Olympics in Anti-Gay Countries, Reads IOC?s Principle 6 :: EDGE on the Net

Great News! It is high time those who use this worthless defense got it pulled from right under them so they can now face True and Full Justice for their crimes!

The LGBT Panic Defense Could Soon Be History | Care2 Causes
Many gay people are mentally disturbed. They know something isn't right. They just don't know what it is. They try being gay hoping to feel accepted by someone, anyone. When the bad feelings don't go away, they commit suicide.
Gays search for an identity and an acceptance that they feel, for whatever reason, they will not find among the general heterosexual populace. Searching for identity and acceptance is not in itself a bad thing, but what is unfortunate is the fact that these individuals feel that need in the first place and seek it out in unconventional and non-traditional circles as a result of perceiving rejection.
Many gay people are mentally disturbed. They know something isn't right. They just don't know what it is. They try being gay hoping to feel accepted by someone, anyone. When the bad feelings don't go away, they commit suicide.

I think Mundanes like you are mentally fucked in the head for deep throating all the indoctrination the world throws at you :)
Mathew Sheppard? Seriously?

Have We Got Matthew Shepard All Wrong? | Advocate.com

Since you don't check facts on the very first story you posted I am going to assume that you are equally good at checking facts on the rest.
The overriding question, if you're really going to be honest with yourself, is what do Matthew's parents think about their boy being tied to a post in the dead of winter, beaten savagely and left to die? He did not survive you know. And police even arrested the perpetrators, and the family of Matt has set up a foundation in his name to fight bigotry and hate ever since, do you think that's fiction too? Let's face it, a crime is a crime. So, any magazine that tries to dispute those facts should go directly to the parents and the police to ask them why they would make up a story like that. But you can almost bet they didn't go do that since there is no mention in that article that they did. But thanks for the try. By the way, did you bother to check out the rest of the articles and the pictures contained therein? No, bet you couldn't face seeing what was done to those poor guys by the extreme anti-Gay haters did you?

And hey Quant, it sure appears that it was you who didn't check the facts on the story! Just look at what these articles say about the book the Advocate is speaking about. They literally counter that book.

Be sure and read these two articles and then come back and tell me that you believe the other story.

Debunking Stephen Jimenez's Effort To De-Gay Matthew Shepard's Murder | Blog | Media Matters for America

'The Book Of Matt' Doesn't Prove Anything, Other Than The Size Of Stephen Jimenez's Ego | ThinkProgress
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Mathew Sheppard? Seriously?

Have We Got Matthew Shepard All Wrong? | Advocate.com

Since you don't check facts on the very first story you posted I am going to assume that you are equally good at checking facts on the rest.
The overriding question, if you're really going to be honest with yourself, is what do Matthew's parents think about their boy being tied to a post in the dead of winter, beaten savagely and left to die? He did not survive you know. And police even arrested the perpetrators, and the family of Matt has set up a foundation in his name to fight bigotry and hate ever since, do you think that's fiction too? Let's face it, a crime is a crime. So, any magazine that tries to dispute those facts should go directly to the parents and the police to ask them why they would make up a story like that. But you can almost bet they didn't go do that since there is no mention in that article that they did. But thanks for the try. By the way, did you bother to check out the rest of the articles and the pictures contained therein? No, bet you couldn't face seeing what was done to those poor guys by the extreme anti-Gay haters did you?

And hey Quant, it sure appears that it was you who didn't check the facts on the story! Just look at what these articles say about the book the Advocate is speaking about. They literally counter that book.

Be sure and read these two articles and then come back and tell me that you believe the other story.

Debunking Stephen Jimenez's Effort To De-Gay Matthew Shepard's Murder | Blog | Media Matters for America

'The Book Of Matt' Doesn't Prove Anything, Other Than The Size Of Stephen Jimenez's Ego | ThinkProgress

His death was not a hate crime yet you claimed it was. You were wrong, and I supplied a source that you cannot possibly claim is biased to prove my point. You should just fucking admit you were wrong, if you know how. Doubling down on stupid just makes you look stupid.
Many gay people are mentally disturbed. They know something isn't right. They just don't know what it is. They try being gay hoping to feel accepted by someone, anyone. When the bad feelings don't go away, they commit suicide.

There is no evidence, -0-, zip, none, nada, to support this assertion. The only thing "wrong" with gay humans is the bias and hatred from bigots they encounter.
So this board has become nothing but homosexual board?

plastered with dumb shit like this thread?

if so you all can have it
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Many gay people are mentally disturbed. They know something isn't right. They just don't know what it is. They try being gay hoping to feel accepted by someone, anyone. When the bad feelings don't go away, they commit suicide.

I think Mundanes like you are mentally fucked in the head for deep throating all the indoctrination the world throws at you :)

Mundanes. :rofl: :rofl:

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