Motivations for mass shooters in the USA that the media don’t talk about. Neo-Nazism in Ukraine, marijuana, and video games.


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May 12, 2022
Take a look here at this cultural degradation in the USA. If we had an honest media, they would talk about the clear cut motivations of some of these criminals. And by the shooters own admission, there’s actually photographic evidence of some of it, including some of the mass shooters in the USA supported the neo Nazism in Ukraine.

Young mass murderers

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An increase in tragic mass murders perpetrated by young individuals has prompted questions about their motivations. The vast majority were addicted to violent video games. Nearly all were atheistic or liberal, or driven by hatred of God. Most of these killers absorbed Hollywood valuesand communist indoctrination through public schools. Many were marijuana users. Most of these murders fit the observation by the forensic psychiatrist Dr. Michael Welner about the Connecticut massacre: "This was a crime that was more than a mass shooting. He killed these people like an arcade game."[1]
Increasingly these heinous crimes are perpetrated by sexually confused young men, while the liberal media cover that up.

YearName(s)EducationKilledWoundedBeliefsLiberal response
2024Dylan Butlerpublic school2 (including himself)5featured "the gay and transpride flags" and "appears to be a devoted leftist LGBTQactivist."[2]Not a word about his LGBTQ and transgendermindset.
2023Connor Sturgeonpublic school68Trump-hating video gameplayer,[3] also suicidal.Not a word about how this mass-murderer was a Trump-hating video game player.
2023Audrey Elizabeth Hale
Audrey Hale.jpg
Nashville School of the Arts for high school, "well supported by school's LGBTQcommunity"[4][5]6 incl 3 childrennot yet knowntransgendered woman who self-identified as a man; wrote a manifesto and mapped out the targeted Covenant School criticism by liberals of how transgenderedpeople have committed multiple murders; instead, more concern was expressed by the liberal media over possible criticism of transgenders
2022Bryan Christopher KohbergerPhD student at Washington State University, previously public high school4terrified millions“heavy heroin user back in [public] high school,"[6][7] his drug addictioncontinued into college, his drugged-out look persisted, and he was also a beerdrinker who harassed others. Wore black clothing as many mass murderers have.[8]no criticism by liberals of the immense harm caused by subsidized Leftistgraduate school education
2022Anderson Lee Aldrich
Anderson Lee Aldrich.PNG
public school[9]525Self-identifies as nonbinary.[10]liberal media falsely spun this into a hate crime, merely because the shooting happened at an LGBTQnightclub.
2022Robert "Bobby" Crimo III
public school724+"video-gameenthusiast"[11]as an unemployed 21-year-old who dressed as a woman for his crime; also a marijuana user.[12]

Weighed only 120 pounds despite a height of 5'11", which would be unusual for a masculine man. One commentator concluded that "pictures before the incident clearly show that Crimo was gender confused and maybe even trans."[13]
liberal media ignore his video game habits and downplay his crossdressing[14]

2022Payton Gendron
Payton Gendron.jpg
public school(high honors student)[25]103Gendron's s 180-page manifesto supports the view that his attack on a supermarket in a predominantly black area was motivated by racial hate.[26]"He was definitely into video games - shooter games,"[25]and he dressed like a warrior in the Call of Dutyviolent video game.[27]
Gendron was a supporter of the Biden-backed Azov Nazi regiment.[28]
He turned to "online streaming games" and then seemed "out of place in recent years" socially.[29]
The liberal media in the United Statesignores how similar the shooting was to violent video games, while the Britishpress is more honest in reporting about this and other incidents in America.
Marijuana is a highly addictive drug that causes short-term memory loss, malaise, psychosis in predisposed individuals, violence and violent fits, as well as impairment of physical and mental functioning. Studies confirm and even defenders of marijuana admit that it causes violent paranoia.[9] Marijuana use may contribute to a rise in brain tumors. While some pretend that cannabis has "medicinal" benefits (see Medical marijuana), many scientists debunk that fiction and observe that there are numerous federally approved medicines for the diseases that "medicinal" marijuana has been used to treat. Marijuana consumption impairs one's ability to drive, creating deadly hazards on the road. Cannabis is banned in Olympic athletes by the World Anti-Doping Authority.

The media downplays or even conceals the role of marijuana in murders that result from extreme paranoia. There were many media reports about the brutal random murder of the 22-year-old rookie police officer Natalie Corona in Davis, California in January 2019, by Kevin Douglas Limbaugh, a white man aged 48. The toxicology report on Limbaugh showed that he had THC in his blood, which demonstrates his marijuana use.[10] Yet media reports about the murderer's marijuana use are very hard to find.

A study from New Zealand conducted in part by researchers at Duke University showed that people who started smoking marijuana heavily in their teens and had an ongoing marijuana use disorder lost an average of 8 IQ points between ages 13 and 38. The lost mental abilities didn't fully return in those who quit marijuana as adults. Those who started smoking marijuana as adults didn't show notable IQ declines.[11] This type of permanent brain damage and hindrance is common among teenagers who use drugs for prolonged periods of development.

Liberal denial conceals that "the water demand for growing cannabis typically exceeds that of commodity crops by nearly double."


The liberal media typically downplay or completely ignore the role of marijuana in mass killings, horrific accidents, and other types of harm to innocent people victimized by users of the drug. For example, authorities conceal from the public how much marijuana was in the system of "College Weed Dealer" Dzhokhar Tsarnaev when he went on his killing rampage.[39][40] Rolling Stone magazine, which has often featured musicians who abuse drugs, put Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on its July 13, 2013 cover. The magazine's article described him as "a dedicated pot smoker" and local dealer who "always had big Tupperware containers of weed in his fridge." [41]

The current trend of marijuana becoming legal on the state level has lead to increased supply in the United States, which in turn has lead to Mexican drug cartels choosing to switch to heroin and methamphetamine, both far deadlier drugs, due to marijuana commanding a lesser profit margin.[42][43][44]
Dear Russian trolls,

Keep your idiot propaganda brief, or no one will read it.

Unless your handlers just count your words, in which case carry on.

And if your handlers give you credit for each response you generate, I just helped you out. Thank me for that. I'm helping you not get drafted, sent to Ukraine, and expended in a meat wave attack.


Ignored Fanatical left-wingers just can’t help themselves.
This is totally undeniable that some of these mass shooters, not only in the USA, but around the world we’re influenced by Nazis in Ukraine

It is demonic to try to ignore that. But that’s what left-wingers do. It’s a new low for the American left. They are totalitarian. They are brutal and their monsters. We know this from Justin Trudeau and Zielinski applauding a Nazi at the Canadian parliament. People act like it means nothing.

The Buffalo shooter who by the way attacked the tops local market that I have shopped at …. This guy even wore a symbol paying homage to the Ukrainian Nazis. Any honest supporter of Ukraine would denounce these guys, but the demonic left-wing even neo conservatives in America completely ignore it, and they are bastards for doing so. Hopefully they can change their ways and become better people.

Because again, any honest support of Ukraine will denounce blatant and obvious support of the legacy of Hitler by some people in Ukraine ….and will say hey there are other supporters of Ukraine, including in the Ukrainian military who don’t want anything to do with supporting hitlers legacy.

Litwin JimH52

The third Reich is gone. But there is this bizarre and blatantly obvious support for the legacy of Hitler in parts of Ukraine.

Brenton Harrison Tarrantpublic school50at least 50An ethno-nationalist and eco-fascist that live streamed his attack.[35]Tarrant received indoctrination and weapons training in Ukraine from the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, per the New York Times.[36]New Zealand Prime Minister advocated for a change in gun laws.[37]

Brenton Harrison Tarrantpublic school50at least 50An ethno-nationalist and eco-fascist that live streamed his attack.[35]Tarrant received indoctrination and weapons training in Ukraine from the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, per the New York Times.[36]New Zealand Prime Minister advocated for a change in gun laws.[37]
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You are missing the obvious causation. It is an undeniable fact that all mass shooters , no matter their age race religion sex gender, have drank both milk and water. It’s so obvious milk and water are the cause of mass shootings but neither the conservative or liberal media are willing to talk about it
You are missing the obvious causation. It is an undeniable fact that all mass shooters , no matter their age race religion sex gender, have drank both milk and water. It’s so obvious milk and water are the cause of mass shootings but neither the conservative or liberal media are willing to talk about it
Marijuana use is prevalent among the mass shooters. And we can all be civilized and provide an opinion in a civil way. Or not I often see it’s the BLM people who scream and shout at others and use personal attacks. I’m not going to do that.

Marijuana is a psychoactive drug, unlike normal foods or liquids. And it is proven to cause psychosis and some of its users. It is indeed a dangerous and Gateway drug for some but not all.

But I believe in masculinity. And I think marijuana weakens men. There are a segment of men though who use marijuana, including some civilians, but also some gang members. They smoke blunts a lot and yet they also are gangbangers. So it’s very interesting. So that’s what honesty is about and having an honest dialogue.

I can recognize that some tough guy smoke weed. But we all can recognize that very weak feminize men also smoke weed. And there are a segment of men who smoke a bunch of weed play video games, watch porn, have no interest in meeting women in real life, and that is happiness for them.

there is a whole bunch of youngsters who smoke weed, and who lack any kind of motivation. They’re playing video games all the time for them. A good day is getting stoned and sitting in a box playing PlayStation. So marijuana is making them “happy”

With exception to some of the recent shootings committed by trans people, the overwhelming majority of mass school shooters, and even the mass shooters have been young white men. Excluding the gang shootings which are mostly committed by young blacks. I’m talking about shopping centers, schools, malls it’s almost always young white men many of them have video game addictions, and marijuana addictions also they are on antidepressants and are lonely.
Marijuana is a highly addictive drug that causes short-term memory loss, malaise, psychosis in predisposed individuals, violence and violent fits, as well as impairment of physical and mental functioning. Studies confirm and even defenders of marijuana admit that it causes violent paranoia.[9] Marijuana use may contribute to a rise in brain tumors. While some pretend that cannabis has "medicinal" benefits (see Medical marijuana), many scientists debunk that fiction and observe that there are numerous federally approved medicines for the diseases that "medicinal" marijuana has been used to treat. Marijuana consumption impairs one's ability to drive, creating deadly hazards on the road. Cannabis is banned in Olympic athletes by the World Anti-Doping Authority.

The media downplays or even conceals the role of marijuana in murders that result from extreme paranoia. There were many media reports about the brutal random murder of the 22-year-old rookie police officer Natalie Corona in Davis, California in January 2019, by Kevin Douglas Limbaugh, a white man aged 48. The toxicology report on Limbaugh showed that he had THC in his blood, which demonstrates his marijuana use.[10] Yet media reports about the murderer's marijuana use are very hard to find.

A study from New Zealand conducted in part by researchers at Duke University showed that people who started smoking marijuana heavily in their teens and had an ongoing marijuana use disorder lost an average of 8 IQ points between ages 13 and 38. The lost mental abilities didn't fully return in those who quit marijuana as adults. Those who started smoking marijuana as adults didn't show notable IQ declines.[11] This type of permanent brain damage and hindrance is common among teenagers who use drugs for prolonged periods of development.

Liberal denial conceals that "the water demand for growing cannabis typically exceeds that of commodity crops by nearly double."
Care to have a contest of knowledge?
If you look at the data mass shootings were unheard of in the American past, and we had tons of guns back then. So what’s the difference the differences obvious we have a different culture today. A culture that preaches feminism, drug use, that it’s OK to be alone and not have kids and get stoned all the time watch a bunch of porn.

Just look at the data there was maybe one or two mass shootings every year in the early to middle 20th century if any at all on some years there were none. But you look at the modern era and you have tons of these mass shootings.

The sharp dressed man of 1940 or 1950 who believed in being the head of the household. Who believed in masculinity. Who fought in World War II. Who went to work for Bethlehem Steel or Ford Motor Company or Chevy. The culture of these men is almost entirely different from that of the weak marijuana addicted, feminized, man, who needs therapy and antidepressants. Interesting that really no men or women of the early 20th century had a therapist or used antidepressants. And they got on just fine. These are our ancestors.

But it’s a measure of weakness and ignorance that people at least won’t have a discussion about the dangers of marijuana and antidepressants.

Nothing at all against people using antidepressants. More so the issue is with the leaders of our society who are urging youngsters to use drugs. What’s up with that. Why not be like John F. Kennedy or Mickey Mantle and urge young people to play sports , be Fit and be healthy.
Marijuana use is prevalent among the mass shooters. And we can all be civilized and provide an opinion in a civil way. Or not I often see it’s the BLM people who scream and shout at others and use personal attacks. I’m not going to do that.

Marijuana is a psychoactive drug, unlike normal foods or liquids. And it is proven to cause psychosis and some of its users. It is indeed a dangerous and Gateway drug for some but not all.

But I believe in masculinity. And I think marijuana weakens men. There are a segment of men though who use marijuana, including some civilians, but also some gang members. They smoke blunts a lot and yet they also are gangbangers. So it’s very interesting. So that’s what honesty is about and having an honest dialogue.

I can recognize that some tough guy smoke weed. But we all can recognize that very weak feminize men also smoke weed. And there are a segment of men who smoke a bunch of weed play video games, watch porn, have no interest in meeting women in real life, and that is happiness for them.

there is a whole bunch of youngsters who smoke weed, and who lack any kind of motivation. They’re playing video games all the time for them. A good day is getting stoned and sitting in a box playing PlayStation. So marijuana is making them “happy”

With exception to some of the recent shootings committed by trans people, the overwhelming majority of mass school shooters, and even the mass shooters have been young white men. Excluding the gang shootings which are mostly committed by young blacks. I’m talking about shopping centers, schools, malls it’s almost always young white men many of them have video game addictions, and marijuana addictions also they are on antidepressants and are lonely.
Come on man you’re missing the water and milk connectio. Dont blame pot, ypu don’t even know if they ever tried it. But we do know they have had milk and water in their life. The connection is obvious why do ypu deny it
If you look at the data mass shootings were unheard of in the American past, and we had tons of guns back then.
At that time pot was legal, cocaine was in tooth past, and opioids were sold mail order without a prescription, prostitution was was commonplace. Yet mass shootings were unheard of. Kind of kills your argument.
Come on man you’re missing the water and milk connectio. Dont blame pot, ypu don’t even know if they ever tried it. But we do know they have had milk and water in their life. The connection is obvious why do ypu deny it
Because marijuana is psychoactive. Milk and water is not. Leading a healthy lifestyle of courses always going to be better than sitting around smoking weed playing video games all day. Again, I recognize that there are some exceptions to the rule. Yes, there are people who smoke weed but who are also physically fit and who have a social life. But we can’t have it one way

Have to also recognize the fact that marijuana is indeed dangerous for some young people. But that’s not the entire point of this thread. There is a different culture in America today which is leading to the mass shootings. We did not have this problem in the 1950s and we had tons of guns back in that era. It’s not just marijuana that is simply a small part of the issue. it is the anti-Americanism, the radical feminism. Hollywood and the media portraying men as weak and stupid on film. A bunch of modern movies that show a fake lifestyle that is good on camera but not the reality.

We have a lot less male headed households today. The divorce rate and child born out of Wedlock rate is astronomical today compared to the American past. All of this plays a role in making things more difficult for children to grow up.
Because marijuana is psychoactive. Milk and water is not. Leading a healthy lifestyle of courses always going to be better than sitting around smoking weed playing video games all day. Again, I recognize that there are some exceptions to the rule. Yes, there are people who smoke weed but who are also physically fit and who have a social life. But we can’t have it one way

Have to also recognize the fact that marijuana is indeed dangerous for some young people. But that’s not the entire point of this thread. There is a different culture in America today which is leading to the mass shootings. We did not have this problem in the 1950s and we had tons of guns back in that era. It’s not just marijuana that is simply a small part of the issue. it is the anti-Americanism, the radical feminism. Hollywood and the media portraying men as weak and stupid on film. A bunch of modern movies that show a fake lifestyle that is good on camera but not the reality.

We have a lot less male headed households today. The divorce rate and child born out of Wedlock rate is astronomical today compared to the American past. All of this plays a role in making things more difficult for children to grow up.
Don’t drink for a few days and get back to me on the psychoactive properties. Ypu just got a bad spot for weed and heap the blame on a substance ypu don’t understand. Alcohol is more of a factor in mass shootings than pot but ypu sure aren’t trying to tell everyone how evil booze is.
At that time pot was legal, cocaine was in tooth past, and opioids were sold mail order without a prescription, prostitution was was commonplace. Yet mass shootings were unheard of. Kind of kills your argument.
Marijuana wasn’t really a thing until the hippie movement of the 1960s. Again marijuana is not the only topic here. There are numerous reasons why we have school shootings and more mass shootings today compared to the early to middle 20th century.

We can’t deny that part of being the strong, masculine male head of the household in 1940s America included working at a steel plant, even being a police officer, or a lawyer. Wearing a nice suit dressing nicely looking civilized. Now today we have all sorts of different cultures when it comes to music the way people dress the way people interact with each other. Of course, the feminization of men. Hollywood and the media portraying American history as “evil and racist”

As marijuana and other drugs became popular during the hippie movements of the 1960s you still had old-school Americans from the 40s and 50s telling their kids to stay away from that stuff. And looking back on it those were the meant to look up to. Those traditional American men and women who wanted their kids to live healthy and productive lifestyle. Again these are our own grandparents for example. Kind of hard to criticize them.

And to recap at all marijuana is a part of the problem. But the bigger picture is to look at the lifestyle of the mass shooters in the USA. The picture that we can paint is these are often young white men who are lonely they are either on anti-depressants or marijuana. They are playing a bunch of video games. They are quiet they are alone. Sometimes they might even get bullied in high school. We could even talk about the young black kids who commit dying land shootings. Often they don’t have a father figure at home. They’re out all night using dope drinking. They go home to a mom who is maybe addicted to crack, or who is not even at home. Now we compare this to the American past Where you had a lot more children growing up in a household that had a mother and a father, where being proud of American history is taught.

It’s really all the more interesting that while we live in a society where the media and Hollywood preach feminization of men, supporting BLM, believing that American history is evil ….that it is also coinciding with mass school shootings. Maybe you cannot make a direct link right away but it’s just interesting that these things are all coinciding with each other.
Don’t drink for a few days and get back to me on the psychoactive properties. Ypu just got a bad spot for weed and heap the blame on a substance ypu don’t understand. Alcohol is more of a factor in mass shootings than pot but ypu sure aren’t trying to tell everyone how evil booze is.
It’s good not to drink a lot. I don’t drink much myself ironically, a life-changing accident pretty much forced me to quit marijuana, weed and cigarettes. But I tried to quit marijuana before my accident. It lasted for about five days. But even before my accident, I knew in my head, the vision I wanted for myself and that wasn’t one of smoking a bunch of weed and playing video games.

I recognize that there are abusive alcoholics. I’ve already recognized that some people can smoke weed and live a productive lifestyle. But we also simply cannot deny that some people who use weed have a very depressed lifestyle. And you can recongize that some people who drink alcohol are productive. That’s just acknowledging the facts on the ground.

I’m looking at the difference of culture today compared to the past. Again, I’ve said this may be five times. Marijuana is only a part of the discussion. We have to also look at the different culture in America today. So don’t only talk about marijuana here my friend. I’m also bringing up other points.
Because marijuana is psychoactive. Milk and water is not. Leading a healthy lifestyle of courses always going to be better than sitting around smoking weed playing video games all day. Again, I recognize that there are some exceptions to the rule. Yes, there are people who smoke weed but who are also physically fit and who have a social life. But we can’t have it one way

Have to also recognize the fact that marijuana is indeed dangerous for some young people. But that’s not the entire point of this thread. There is a different culture in America today which is leading to the mass shootings. We did not have this problem in the 1950s and we had tons of guns back in that era. It’s not just marijuana that is simply a small part of the issue. it is the anti-Americanism, the radical feminism. Hollywood and the media portraying men as weak and stupid on film. A bunch of modern movies that show a fake lifestyle that is good on camera but not the reality.

We have a lot less male headed households today. The divorce rate and child born out of Wedlock rate is astronomical today compared to the American past. All of this plays a role in making things more difficult for children to grow up.
Its reported that pot is much stronger than when hippies discovered it in the 1960’s

I think it can play tricks on young minds

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