Furious BLM protesters clash with Chicago cops after video showed Dexter Reed being shot almost 100 times in less than a minute

Loir Lightfoot, Latoya Cantrell -- most people know this !!!!!

Can't you get a paper there where you live inthe deep forest :)

In Chicago, High Crime Leads to a Mayor’s Downfall​

Lori Lightfoot’s unusual defeat in a primary contest is a warning to leaders across the country: Voters have had enough.
March 2, 2023

27 of Top 30 Crime-Ridden Cities Run by Democrats

Here, I copied it off the House of Representatives website
If you lived in Chicago, you moron, you'd realize that Lightfoot's downfall was more due to the residual anger over Covid Restrictions she imposed.

They elected Brandon Johnson, who is pretty much an idealogical clone, over Paul Vallas, the stooge or the "Combine".

In the primary, Vallas took the White vote, Chuy Garcia took the Hispanic vote, Brandon took the black vote and there was nothing really left for Lightfoot. Lightfoot concentrated all her firepower on Garcia, hoping that she would come in second and then win a runoff against Vallas, who was pretty much the White Grievance Candidate of the FOP. Instead, she came in third because Johnson seemed like a viable alternative and eventually won.
TO which the answer is:" WRONG

she was not Joan of Arc and thne had a bad day.

Oh, no, Lightfoot was an awful mayor on a number of levels.

The first one is that she only got elected because Rahm Emmanual dropped out. Rahm Emmanual dropped out because they scheduled the trial of Jason Van Dyke about the same time as the campaign, and the whole issue of how he was involved in the coverup of the murder of Laquan McDonald would have been all anyone talked about.

Lightfoot had credibility at that point because she had spent years working on police reform in Chicago.

The problem was that she just wasn't effective at reforming the CPD. Rahm actually got more done working with the DOJ (before Trump and Sessions tanked police reform).
If you lived in Chicago, you moron, you'd realize that Lightfoot's downfall was more due to the residual anger over Covid Restrictions she imposed.

They elected Brandon Johnson, who is pretty much an idealogical clone, over Paul Vallas, the stooge or the "Combine".

In the primary, Vallas took the White vote, Chuy Garcia took the Hispanic vote, Brandon took the black vote and there was nothing really left for Lightfoot. Lightfoot concentrated all her firepower on Garcia, hoping that she would come in second and then win a runoff against Vallas, who was pretty much the White Grievance Candidate of the FOP. Instead, she came in third because Johnson seemed like a viable alternative and eventually won.
According to the publication below.. covid was a contributor, not THE contributor to her mayoral loss.

According to the publication below.. covid was a contributor, not THE contributor to her mayoral loss.

Don't believe anything you read in the NY Post.

Covid was a large part of why people turned on her.
So was her inability to deliver on meaningful police reform
So was the fact that most of the Chicago Machine types didn't really like her.

The biggest problem, though was that she spent all her resources going after Chuy Garcia instead of focusing on Vallas and Johnson, who both outscored her in votes. She thought if she came in second, she could paint Vallas a Republican. This is something Brandon Johnson WAS successfully able to do.
Loir Lightfoot, Latoya Cantrell -- most people know this !!!!!

Can't you get a paper there where you live inthe deep forest :)

In Chicago, High Crime Leads to a Mayor’s Downfall​

Lori Lightfoot’s unusual defeat in a primary contest is a warning to leaders across the country: Voters have had enough.
March 2, 2023

27 of Top 30 Crime-Ridden Cities Run by Democrats

Here, I copied it off the House of Representatives website
I don't see where they advocated FOR crimes to be committed.
These fools protest at the wrong times. He shot at the police he gets turned to swiss cheese mission accomplished! It's the reaching for the wallet or the cell phone looked like an uzi that needs the complaints
I'd be more impressed with your argument if you didn't spell "Addict" as "attic".

Addiction is a disease. Affluent people can get treatment. Poor people are left to their own devices.

Not sure how rappers got into this discussion. How about a guy like Rush Limbaugh, who had the money to not only not go to jail, but to get a top-flight addiction treatment program. Or Cindy McCain, who was stealing drugs from a charity her family ran.
I gotta an Idea - If you can't afford an addiction, then it best to stay away from one. Yeah I seen where the damned spell correct or mind reading software likes to guess the word's for you, and then it guesses wrong. The main thing is that you knew what the post meant, and you don't need me to help you out on it.

Now stop blaming the rich for holding a proverbial gun to your head, and start taking responsibility for your actions. Simple right ?
I gotta an Idea - If you can't afford an addiction, then it best to stay away from one. Yeah I seen where the damned spell correct or mind reading software likes to guess the word's for you, and then it guesses wrong. The main thing is that you knew what the post meant, and you don't need me to help you out on it.

Now stop blaming the rich for holding a proverbial gun to your head, and start taking responsibility for your actions. Simple right ?

You miss the point, as usual.

Why should we punish poor addicts for being poor? It seems to me that if you want to make taking drugs a crime, Rush Limbaugh's fat ass should have been in the same prison as the poor kid who took drugs to take away from how much his life sucked.

Or you can do the humane and compassionate thing, realize both of these men had a medical issue that required treatment.

But with modern Conservatism, the Cruelty has become the Point.
These fools protest at the wrong times. He shot at the police he gets turned to swiss cheese mission accomplished! It's the reaching for the wallet or the cell phone looked like an uzi that needs the complaints

The protests are over a much bigger point. The made up stops to go on fishing trips needs to stop.

Then they lie about why they pulled him over.
You miss the point, as usual.

Why should we punish poor addicts for being poor? It seems to me that if you want to make taking drugs a crime, Rush Limbaugh's fat ass should have been in the same prison as the poor kid who took drugs to take away from how much his life sucked.

Or you can do the humane and compassionate thing, realize both of these men had a medical issue that required treatment.

But with modern Conservatism, the Cruelty has become the Point.
When did Rush fire at cops?
You miss the point, as usual.

Why should we punish poor addicts for being poor? It seems to me that if you want to make taking drugs a crime, Rush Limbaugh's fat ass should have been in the same prison as the poor kid who took drugs to take away from how much his life sucked.

Or you can do the humane and compassionate thing, realize both of these men had a medical issue that required treatment.

But with modern Conservatism, the Cruelty has become the Point.
You got it all wrong, but of course you do because you are an instigator by nature, so we'll let the people decide by choosing the next president that will hopefully straighten the bull shite out around here. Go Trump !!!!
You got it all wrong, but of course you do because you are an instigator by nature, so we'll let the people decide by choosing the next president that will hopefully straighten the bull shite out around here. Go Trump !!!!

Your concession is duly noted.

Why does the poor addict deserve to got to Jail and Rush Limbaugh deserve rehab and even public forgiveness?

Check your privilege sonny.

All the White Grievance in the world isn't going to put Convict Trump back in the White House. The guy probably won't make it to the convention at the rate he's unravelling.
Your concession is duly noted.

Why does the poor addict deserve to got to Jail and Rush Limbaugh deserve rehab and even public forgiveness?

Check your privilege sonny.

All the White Grievance in the world isn't going to put Convict Trump back in the White House. The guy probably won't make it to the convention at the rate he's unravelling.
I am happy to read this given your track record of being wrong just about everything. That's what happens when you abandon sanity and embrace your pathology.
Your concession is duly noted.

Why does the poor addict deserve to got to Jail and Rush Limbaugh deserve rehab and even public forgiveness?

Check your privilege sonny.

All the White Grievance in the world isn't going to put Convict Trump back in the White House. The guy probably won't make it to the convention at the rate he's unravelling.
Stop being so jealous of successful people boy. If it weren't for them you'd be picking your nose wondering if one of those boogers might just be the one of gold. At least now you can search your nose legally, but the bad people want to take it all back.
Stop being so jealous of successful people boy. If it weren't for them you'd be picking your nose wondering if one of those boogers might just be the one of gold. At least now you can search your nose legally, but the bad people want to take it all back.

Bullshit. The rich are parasites who have convinced you they are vital organs.
Bullshit. The rich are parasites who have convinced you they are vital organs.
You live in some sort of dellusional world, but everyone can clearly see it with every word you rant on these thread's.
You live in some sort of dellusional world, but everyone can clearly see it with every word you rant on these thread's.

We had our greatest prosperity when 33% of the workforce was unionized and the rich paid confiscatory taxes.

We had our greatest prosperity when 33% of the workforce was unionized and the rich paid confiscatory taxes.

Confiscate you mean ? You leftist and your ideas of redistribution will be unsustainable because you all have created a culture of thieves these days. This has happened because the liberals have since dropped down to levels of depravity in which they were led into by the devilish wing of the American society. It is a level that is being ruled by deviants and despots who are becoming stronger and stronger.

On the other side of the coin, we have people that are earning fortune's in a much easier way than ever before, and this is putting large amounts of resources into the hands of people who don't have the nation's best interest in their thinking, so the money is being used in harmful ways by promoting bad thing's that are hurting society instead of helping society.

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