Hilary 2020!!!!!


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
What is it with you Dems, you just won't let her go. you guys complain we bring her up, but then she is the one who brings herself up, or you guys talk about her.
She is having the speaking tour.
Now she can win in 2020

How Hillary Clinton could win in 2020

PS thanks to all the lefties that bring her up, I just love these conversations.
Oh please, may her Master Satan let her stay for one more run....before he calls her home.
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What is it with you Dems, you just won't let her go. you guys complain we bring her up, but then she is the one who brings herself up, or you guys talk about her.
She is having the speaking tour.
Now she can win in 2020

How Hillary Clinton could win in 2020

PS thanks to all the lefties that bring her up, I just love these conversations.
I would vote for her in the primarys for sure. She has the message, she has the experience and the message.
Hillary beat both Bernie on the Commie Left and Trump on the right; the democrat Party would be fools not to run her in 2020 AND 2024 if need be
If we are lucky, Joe Biden is gonna get the nod and Trump will have met a real man that can take his white ass down.
Blah, Blah Blah...I'm sure some people were writing articles in 2002 about a Bush/Gore rematch in 2004.
What is it with you Dems, you just won't let her go. you guys complain we bring her up, but then she is the one who brings herself up, or you guys talk about her.
She is having the speaking tour.
Now she can win in 2020

How Hillary Clinton could win in 2020

PS thanks to all the lefties that bring her up, I just love these conversations.

But it i̶s̶ was her time. :laughing0301:
Wait she was past menopause right?

Way past menopause. That cootch ain't full of nothing but mice and spiders.
If we are lucky, Joe Biden is gonna get the nod and Trump will have met a real man that can take his white ass down.

Real men don't go around groping little girls like Crazy Uncle Joe.
If we are lucky, Joe Biden is gonna get the nod and Trump will have met a real man that can take his white ass down.

Real men don't go around groping little girls like Crazy Uncle Joe.
And you can say that shit with a straight face??? Trump who has publicly said he wanted to fuck his own daughter.....really!! Who has said on record he grabs women by the pussy, who has photos of himself with his daughter straddled over his dick...and you want to go after Joe?
Blah, Blah Blah...I'm sure some people were writing articles in 2002 about a Bush/Gore rematch in 2004.
Except Gore didn't say much after the Supreme Court did the right thing and crush his dreams. Clinton will not shut the fuck up........someone needs to tell her to MOVE ON....
Blah, Blah Blah...I'm sure some people were writing articles in 2002 about a Bush/Gore rematch in 2004.
Except Gore didn't say much after the Supreme Court did the right thing and crush his dreams. Clinton will not shut the fuck up........someone needs to tell her to MOVE ON....

I'm drinking to the possibility that the Devil will claim her before the 2020 elections.
What is it with you Dems, you just won't let her go. you guys complain we bring her up, but then she is the one who brings herself up, or you guys talk about her.
She is having the speaking tour.
Now she can win in 2020

How Hillary Clinton could win in 2020

PS thanks to all the lefties that bring her up, I just love these conversations.

as a lib/prog on social issues, a moderate on fiscal issues, a slight conservative on crime and a strong conservative on the military.....


since when you say "lefties" you mean anyone who isn't lock step conservative....

I'll give my answer.

i do NOT want her running!
I did NOT want her running against trump!

I think she is political poison (after 20 years of conservative demonization and vilification).....((the audacity of selling children out of pizza shops without offering anchovies or bread sticks!....what a bitch!))

To be honest......
there isn't a politician alive, D or R or I, that I actually want running.

I liked Mccain
I'd love Colin Powell...

I recommend a write in campaign for Colin Powell!

I trust him to do the right thing

can't wait for your insults....

I bet they will be good ones!
Blah, Blah Blah...I'm sure some people were writing articles in 2002 about a Bush/Gore rematch in 2004.
Except Gore didn't say much after the Supreme Court did the right thing and crush his dreams. Clinton will not shut the fuck up........someone needs to tell her to MOVE ON....

I'm drinking to the possibility that the Devil will claim her before the 2020 elections.
Nah , he wouldn't be that nice.....I would LMFAO if she runs, God I hope so!
What is it with you Dems, you just won't let her go. you guys complain we bring her up, but then she is the one who brings herself up, or you guys talk about her.
She is having the speaking tour.
Now she can win in 2020

How Hillary Clinton could win in 2020

PS thanks to all the lefties that bring her up, I just love these conversations.

as a lib/prog on social issues, a moderate on fiscal issues, a slight conservative on crime and a strong conservative on the military.....


since when you say "lefties" you mean anyone who isn't lock step conservative....

I'll give my answer.

i do NOT want her running!
I did NOT want her running against trump!

I think she is political poison (after 20 years of conservative demonization and vilification).....((the audacity of selling children out of pizza shops without offering anchovies or bread sticks!....what a bitch!))

To be honest......
there isn't a politician alive, D or R or I, that I actually want running.

I liked Mccain
I'd love Colin Powell...

I recommend a write in campaign for Colin Powell!

I trust him to do the right thing

can't wait for your insults....

I bet they will be good ones!
No when I say lefties, I mean leftwingers, ANTIFA types, now your typical democrat.
I'm not a tard when it comes to politics, if you're not right wing, I don't see you as an enemy. I can disagree respectfully. It's the hardcore Left, that prostest every little thing, try and railroad people with fake rape charges and then try to disrupt people's lives over politics that I can't stand.

You'll see the right is much much much more tolerant than the left is.......because we don't need violence, they do.

Now im no McCain or Powel fan...but I do like Meghan McCain......she seems cool, but her dad was a dick.
but I'm down for some moderate republicans as long as they are honest about their positions (which is why I HATE Jeff Flake, he's not)

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