Hilary 2020!!!!!

The Dream Ticket for the Dems:

hiLIARy-Pelosi 2020!
What is it with you Dems, you just won't let her go. you guys complain we bring her up, but then she is the one who brings herself up, or you guys talk about her.
She is having the speaking tour.
Now she can win in 2020

How Hillary Clinton could win in 2020

PS thanks to all the lefties that bring her up, I just love these conversations.

From your lips to Satan's ears. Run Hillary...Run!!!! :thup:
If we are lucky, Joe Biden is gonna get the nod and Trump will have met a real man that can take his white ass down.

Real men don't go around groping little girls like Crazy Uncle Joe.
And you can say that shit with a straight face??? Trump who has publicly said he wanted to fuck his own daughter.....really!! Who has said on record he grabs women by the pussy, who has photos of himself with his daughter straddled over his dick...and you want to go after Joe?

That old creep is a first-class perv.















Blah, Blah Blah...I'm sure some people were writing articles in 2002 about a Bush/Gore rematch in 2004.
Except Gore didn't say much after the Supreme Court did the right thing and crush his dreams. Clinton will not shut the fuck up........someone needs to tell her to MOVE ON....

I'm drinking to the possibility that the Devil will claim her before the 2020 elections.
Nah , he wouldn't be that nice.....I would LMFAO if she runs, God I hope so!

Me too. I really look forward to seeing her collapsing on the debate stage while she involuntarily kicks off a single shoe and drools all over the floor while having a gran mal seizure.

Wouldn't that be entertaining?
If we are lucky, Joe Biden is gonna get the nod and Trump will have met a real man that can take his white ass down.

Real men don't go around groping little girls like Crazy Uncle Joe.
And you can say that shit with a straight face??? Trump who has publicly said he wanted to fuck his own daughter.....really!! Who has said on record he grabs women by the pussy, who has photos of himself with his daughter straddled over his dick...and you want to go after Joe?

That old creep is a first-class perv.















EWWW, how hasn't this guy been hit by #METOO or beating up by an angry husband or father?
What is it with you Dems, you just won't let her go. you guys complain we bring her up, but then she is the one who brings herself up, or you guys talk about her.
She is having the speaking tour.
Now she can win in 2020

How Hillary Clinton could win in 2020

PS thanks to all the lefties that bring her up, I just love these conversations.

Hillary on your mind. Maybe you can make a song of it. Instead of Georgia, insert Hillary.
If we are lucky, Joe Biden is gonna get the nod and Trump will have met a real man that can take his white ass down.

Real men don't go around groping little girls like Crazy Uncle Joe.
And you can say that shit with a straight face??? Trump who has publicly said he wanted to fuck his own daughter.....really!! Who has said on record he grabs women by the pussy, who has photos of himself with his daughter straddled over his dick...and you want to go after Joe?

That old creep is a first-class perv.















EWWW, how hasn't this guy been hit by #METOO or beating up by an angry husband or father?

Because he's a Democrat. It's ok for Democrats to be pervs, they actually encourage it as part of their official platform.
What is it with you Dems, you just won't let her go. you guys complain we bring her up, but then she is the one who brings herself up, or you guys talk about her.
She is having the speaking tour.
Now she can win in 2020

How Hillary Clinton could win in 2020

PS thanks to all the lefties that bring her up, I just love these conversations.

It's not a question of if, but when she runs

I hear she knows how to send e-mail now.

That could be a game changer.
Democrats are tone deaf, but not THAT tone deaf.
You'd be surprised.....I really think they've gone insane. I mean Michael Avenatti for President...WTF????

In fairness when the bar is Trump, anything is an improvement.

So higher taxes, more government intrusion, drug dealers and murderers streaming across the border, ISIS overtaking the Middle East, low economic growth, loss of jobs, and the threat of a North Korean nuclear attack is an "improvement"?

Thank you for proving just how nuts you guys and girls are.
Democrats are tone deaf, but not THAT tone deaf.
You'd be surprised.....I really think they've gone insane. I mean Michael Avenatti for President...WTF????

In fairness when the bar is Trump, anything is an improvement.

So higher taxes, more government intrusion, drug dealers and murderers streaming across the border, ISIS overtaking the Middle East, low economic growth, loss of jobs, and the threat of a North Korean nuclear attack is an "improvement"?

Thank you for proving just how nuts you guys and girls are.

I'd debate literally anyone of those talking points, but you don't even understand why you posted them.

So what's the point.
georgia is on my mind - Google Search
Now say Hillary instead of Georgia.

You'd just love everyone to shut up about Hillary, wouldn't you? Go ahead and admit it, it's ok: Even you were embarrassed by her, right?

No I just thing the republicans and the gop are obsessed with her, way too much, and the fact she is running around FREE as a bird.

Well truthfully, not all criminals do the time they have coming to them. Especially is your name ends in "Clinton."
Democrats are tone deaf, but not THAT tone deaf.
You'd be surprised.....I really think they've gone insane. I mean Michael Avenatti for President...WTF????

In fairness when the bar is Trump, anything is an improvement.

So higher taxes, more government intrusion, drug dealers and murderers streaming across the border, ISIS overtaking the Middle East, low economic growth, loss of jobs, and the threat of a North Korean nuclear attack is an "improvement"?

Thank you for proving just how nuts you guys and girls are.

I'd debate literally anyone of those talking points, but you don't even understand why you posted them.

So what's the point.

You can't debate them. After eight years of your party's running this country into the ground, it took a Trump to straighten out your mess.

If you can't look around you and see just how much better off this country is since 2016, you're nuttier than I thought you were.
Democrats are tone deaf, but not THAT tone deaf.
You'd be surprised.....I really think they've gone insane. I mean Michael Avenatti for President...WTF????

In fairness when the bar is Trump, anything is an improvement.

So higher taxes, more government intrusion, drug dealers and murderers streaming across the border, ISIS overtaking the Middle East, low economic growth, loss of jobs, and the threat of a North Korean nuclear attack is an "improvement"?

Thank you for proving just how nuts you guys and girls are.

I'd debate literally anyone of those talking points, but you don't even understand why you posted them.

So what's the point.

You can't debate them. After eight years of your party's running this country into the ground, it took a Trump to straighten out your mess.

If you can't look around you and see just how much better off this country is since 2016, you're nuttier than I thought you were.

Literally none of the data supports anything you've said. And that's the genius of it. Trump realized he doesn't have to tell the truth and certainly doesn't need to provide evidence of anything he says and an entire chunk of people will never call him on it. So he'll keep spoon feeding you whatever he wants and you'll eat it up and even defend him...without ever once verifying ANY of it for yourself.
What is it with you Dems, you just won't let her go. you guys complain we bring her up, but then she is the one who brings herself up, or you guys talk about her.
She is having the speaking tour.
Now she can win in 2020

How Hillary Clinton could win in 2020

PS thanks to all the lefties that bring her up, I just love these conversations.
The only people who bring Hillary up on this forum are you pseudocons, like you just did with this topic.

It's almost as if you jerk off thinking about her every day.

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