Hillary Associate Coup Traitor Weissmann Lashes Out At Partner-In Crime Mueller - 'You Let America Down!'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Failed coup co-conspiring Mueller Puppet-Master and REAL Special Coup Counselor Andrew Weismann evidently had a '5-Alarm' TDS meltdown and lashed out at Robert Mueller for 'letting America down' by failing to successfully affect Obama's coup attempt.

Perhaps it has been the success achieved by Trump in only 3 years...perhaps it was Trump's ability to defeat the Democrats in every coup attempt they tried for 4 years...perhaps it is seeing and realizing Trump will be re-elected...perhaps it was realizing that Trump will now get 2 lifetime USSC appointments during his administration...all because he and Mueller failed to carry out a successful coup....

Dann, Weissmann sounds EXACTLY like Hillary Clinton:

"Weissmann ran the show and was given tens of millions of dollars of taxpayer money to take out President Trump and he still failed. Now he’s blaming everyone else for his failure."

Failed coup co-conspiring Mueller Puppet-Master and REAL Special Coup Counselor Andrew Weismann evidently had a '5-Alarm' TDS meltdown and lashed out at Robert Mueller for 'letting America down' by failing to successfully affect Obama's coup attempt.

Perhaps it has been the success achieved by Trump in only 3 years...perhaps it was Trump's ability to defeat the Democrats in every coup attempt they tried for 4 years...perhaps it is seeing and realizing Trump will be re-elected...perhaps it was realizing that Trump will now get 2 lifetime USSC appointments during his administration...all because he and Mueller failed to carry out a successful coup....

Two, possibly three. Thomas has talked about retiring.
Failed coup co-conspiring Mueller Puppet-Master and REAL Special Coup Counselor Andrew Weismann evidently had a '5-Alarm' TDS meltdown and lashed out at Robert Mueller for 'letting America down' by failing to successfully affect Obama's coup attempt.

Perhaps it has been the success achieved by Trump in only 3 years...perhaps it was Trump's ability to defeat the Democrats in every coup attempt they tried for 4 years...perhaps it is seeing and realizing Trump will be re-elected...perhaps it was realizing that Trump will now get 2 lifetime USSC appointments during his administration...all because he and Mueller failed to carry out a successful coup....

Gateway Pundit blocks me because I block ads...Not changing my settings.

Care to give us a juicy pull quote or two from the piece?
In our interview, I asked Weissmann if Mueller had let the American people down. “Absolutely, yep,” Weissmann said, before quickly adding: “I wouldn’t phrase it as just Mueller. I would say ‘the office.’ There are a lot of things we did well, and a lot of things we could have done better, to be diplomatic about it.”

And the investigation—was it a historic missed opportunity?

Weissmann’s reply was terse. “That’s fair.”

Failed coup co-conspiring Mueller Puppet-Master and REAL Special Coup Counselor Andrew Weismann evidently had a '5-Alarm' TDS meltdown and lashed out at Robert Mueller for 'letting America down' by failing to successfully affect Obama's coup attempt.

Perhaps it has been the success achieved by Trump in only 3 years...perhaps it was Trump's ability to defeat the Democrats in every coup attempt they tried for 4 years...perhaps it is seeing and realizing Trump will be re-elected...perhaps it was realizing that Trump will now get 2 lifetime USSC appointments during his administration...all because he and Mueller failed to carry out a successful coup....

Two, possibly three. Thomas has talked about retiring.

Thomas was probably told that Republicans expect Trump to be reelected and to keep the Senate
"Weissmann, a puny weasel, who is arguably one of the most corrupt government lawyers in the US, actually compared himself to Ulysses S. Grant. Let that sink in.

One question for dirty Weissmann: If he is so proud of his work as Mueller’s top deputy and believes he is on the level of Ulysses S. Grant, why did he wipe at least 2 phones he used during the Russia probe?"
Failed coup co-conspiring Mueller Puppet-Master and REAL Special Coup Counselor Andrew Weismann evidently had a '5-Alarm' TDS meltdown and lashed out at Robert Mueller for 'letting America down' by failing to successfully affect Obama's coup attempt.

Perhaps it has been the success achieved by Trump in only 3 years...perhaps it was Trump's ability to defeat the Democrats in every coup attempt they tried for 4 years...perhaps it is seeing and realizing Trump will be re-elected...perhaps it was realizing that Trump will now get 2 lifetime USSC appointments during his administration...all because he and Mueller failed to carry out a successful coup....

Gateway Pundit blocks me because I block ads...Not changing my settings.

Care to give us a juicy pull quote or two from the piece?
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[kəˈbäl, kəˈbal]

  1. a secret political clique or faction.
    "a cabal of dissidents"

It will take decades for the cabal to recuperate let alone recover.
If no one is ever punished it will not even slow them down. No deference emboldens them to repeat...
When Trump says, 'This can never happen again' he's saying just that.

Trump likes to get his enemies back and many of them did some very dirty things. And Uranium One is the first path to Hillary's treason and that was pre-Trump. She's done worse now. Trump has found his way through the worst they could do and I wonder if this time Trump will pull out the October surprise.

Key takeaways from Weissmann's book - looks like a good read. He has deep respect for Bob Mueller, but clearly Bob was the wrong man for a job that we new would be deeply and endlessly politicized. Bottom line is that traitor Rosenstein micromanaged the investigation and Bob caved to fear that his investigation would be kneecapped if he went after Dear Leader and his family too hard. What a shame and what a waste of precious time.

Weissmann offers a damning indictment of a “lawless” president and his knowing accomplices—Attorney General William Barr (portrayed as a cynical liar), congressional Republicans, criminal flunkies, Fox News. Donald Trump, he writes, is “like an animal, clawing at the world with no concept of right and wrong.” But in telling the story of the investigation and its fallout, Weissmann reserves his most painful words for the Special Counsel’s Office itself. Where Law Ends portrays a group of talented, dedicated professionals beset with internal divisions and led by a man whose code of integrity allowed their target to defy them and escape accountability.​


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