Hillary Clinton hits back hard - the GOP is gonna pay

Just think, the taxpayers could save $8,000 a day if she would stop lying and come clean
A Clinton not lying and coming clean would be like winning the Lotto.

Post her lies, and while you're at it let's discuss former Speaker Gingrich and his fund raising, and former Speaker Hasert and his crimes.

Just think how much of the taxpayers money has been spent by Issa in his witch hunts. What have they produced? Tell me, what have they produced!
Hillary is a twit and she is going to get clobbered.

Well, yes. She IS. But not by Trump.

By her own Democrat Party.

They will, again, humiliate her by throwing her under the bus at their convention. On camera. But is it fair to call that unkind since she won't remember it after an hour or so.
Hillary is a twit and she is going to get clobbered.

Well, yes. She IS. But not by Trump.

By her own Democrat Party.

They will, again, humiliate her by throwing her under the bus at their convention. On camera. But is it fair to call that unkind since she won't remember it after an hour or so.

They are tired of her, but Walker, Fiorina, Rubio and Cruz will ALL make her look stupid.
Interesting... Here's a woman that the right believes is stymied by a FAX machine, yet they also believe she has the technical acumen to scrub mail servers.

There is no consistency with the crazy right wing, they will post whatever the daily meme may be, and never question the talking points they parrot no matter how contradictory to what they posted the day before, or what they'll post tomorrow.
Interesting... Here's a woman that the right believes is stymied by a FAX machine, yet they also believe she has the technical acumen to scrub mail servers.

You think Hillary did the actual scrubbing? You really are naive, aren't you, Borillar!
When you need someone else to print out your e-mails...it's pretty obvious that you're not well versed with computers. That means that someone out there somewhere got the order from Hillary or one of her flunkies like Anthony Weiner's wife to get rid of all those e-mails.
When you need someone else to print out your e-mails...it's pretty obvious that you're not well versed with computers. That means that someone out there somewhere got the order from Hillary or one of her flunkies like Anthony Weiner's wife to get rid of all those e-mails.

"that means" Strongly suggest you must have probative evidence. Please post it, don't keep us waiting to share what you know to be true.

Or .... well enough said, I'll wait for your evidence before judging.
When you need someone else to print out your e-mails...it's pretty obvious that you're not well versed with computers. That means that someone out there somewhere got the order from Hillary or one of her flunkies like Anthony Weiner's wife to get rid of all those e-mails.

"that means" Strongly suggest you must have probative evidence. Please post it, don't keep us waiting to share what you know to be true.

Or .... well enough said, I'll wait for your evidence before judging.
Seems that it should be a simple matter to subpoena the IT department of her email carrier for the tape backups of her account. I would imagine that that was done in one of the 7 previous investigations, numerous hearings, and other republican witch hunts on this crucial matter.
Clinton Benghazi panel a charade TheHill
When asked whether he knows more about the attacks now after hearing from Blumenthal, Gowdy says on Fox News that “No, but I never expected Sidney Blumenthal to be able to tell me that anyway.”

If Gowdy knew beforehand that Blumenthal knew nothing, then why interview him?

And Gowdy still won't release the transcript. What is Gowdy hiding? Being that black sharpies exist and can be used for redacting, "National Security" would be another Gowdy big lie, not a good excuse.

Gowdy is just a flagrantly dishonest POS. That's why the righties here love him. Birds of a feather.

And righties? Tapdancing on American graves for political gain makes decent Americans want to vomit, so stop doing it.
Clinton Benghazi panel a charade TheHill
When asked whether he knows more about the attacks now after hearing from Blumenthal, Gowdy says on Fox News that “No, but I never expected Sidney Blumenthal to be able to tell me that anyway.”

If Gowdy knew beforehand that Blumenthal knew nothing, then why interview him?

And Gowdy still won't release the transcript. What is Gowdy hiding? Being that black sharpies exist and can be used for redacting, "National Security" would be another Gowdy big lie, not a good excuse.

Gowdy is just a flagrantly dishonest POS. That's why the righties here love him. Birds of a feather.

And righties? Tapdancing on American graves for political gain makes decent Americans want to vomit, so stop doing it.

BS. If this happened under Bush or another Republican you'd be one of first crying for an investigation. BO and the Hilda Beast can do what they want without for the most part without paying any consequences.
It did happen under Bush, much more often, and we didn't ask for investigations.

We just aren't like you. Corrupt, that is. We're loyal to our country first, not our party.
It did happen under Bush, much more often, and we didn't ask for investigations.

We just aren't like you. Corrupt, that is. We're loyal to our country first, not our party.

Lying like a rug again. You have no loyalty except to lwing political narratives.
Well, thus far I see baseless accusations, really silly cartoons, and insipid name calling. At this rate, you people are assuring Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States. You might consider how all your crap talk did to prevent the re-election of President Barack Obama.

Was it "crap talk" when I brought up that Barack Obama was a Junior Senator with absolutely no experience for the job of President? Let's be honest with ourselves here...Barry was elected because the Main Stream Media allowed him to run on vague promises about "Hope & Change" and treated him with kid gloves. He's been an awful leader because it's a position he's never held before and he had no clue how it all works!
Hmm, not so sure. He did teach constitutional law at the college level for 10 years and he was a community organizer. So what is the president if not the world biggest community organizer?

Have you ever seen anything Barack Obama published on constitutional law while he was teaching at the University of Chicago? Be honest with yourself for once in your life...he got that job because he was the first black elected President of the Harvard Law Review. His teaching career can be summed up in one word...undistinguished.
What did he write? Besides a couple of best sellers, not to much.
We're had several Benghazi's under various presidents from both parties in the last 30-40 years that accounted for hundreds of American deaths.
It's also true, there weren't any two year plus (or two months for that matter) congressional investigations.
The never-ending Benghazi investigation is nothing more that a political game that the American taxpayer is stuck with paying for. This long, long drawn out circus is nothing more than kicking a dead horse and the public has grown tired of it. But the ever loyal haters just keep on having orgasms even though it's like masturbating in a closet by yourself.

Dude, Hillary does the same routine with every scandal she's gotten embroiled with...the reason it BECOMES a long drawn out circus is that Clinton stonewalls investigations for a long as she possibly can counting on the public to lose interest. The list of things she's not willing to talk about is EPIC at this point!
And the helpless Republicans are too inept and pathetic that they can't figure it out even with all that evidence. And Hillary is so smart, she is able to stymie everything the Republicans try to do all by herself.. Sounds like she would make a great president.

She's been able to "stymie" investigations because the Department of Justice has been a sham for the past six years.
Oh, the Department of Justice has been a sham. OK, got it. You know more than they do. Have you let them know?

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