Hillary Clinton is now 1.3 million votes ahead of Donald Trump

In any close or semi-close POTUS election the democrat should win the popular vote because of the concentration of white lefty gentrifiers and minorities in urban centers. This is exactly why the electoral college is fair and necessary. It prevents the urban mob from dictating to the rural farmers and steel belt production line workers.
The OP is too stupid to understand this.
In any close or semi-close POTUS election the democrat should win the popular vote because of the concentration of white lefty gentrifiers and minorities in urban centers. This is exactly why the electoral college is fair and necessary. It prevents the urban mob from dictating to the rural farmers and steel belt production line workers.
The OP is too stupid to understand this.
So are a lot of protesters.
So much for herr dumpfs "mandate"

Even as Election Day 2016 inches ever farther into the rear view, votes are still being counted in several states as absentee and mail-in ballots reach vote-tallying facilities. And while President-elect Donald Trump clinched a decisive victory over Hillary Clinton on Nov. 8, with a likely 306 electoral votes (Michigan's 16 electoral votes haven't been officially appropriated yet) to Clinton's 232, the popular vote has yet to be decided — but Clinton's lead keeps growing.

Hillary Clinton is now 1.3 million votes ahead of Donald Trump

California's popular vote gave Hillary over 2.5 million over Trump. That alone debunks the myth that Hillary won the popular vote across the rest of the country. We know that millions of illegals voted in that state, so it renders the point useless. Until voter ID laws are implemented, popular vote doesn't mean shit in states that don't have it.

You also fail to realize that if the rules were different, then many more conservatives or anti-Hillary people would had voted in deep blue states like CA and NY.
This is more fake news from the media just like all their pre-election polls that said trump didn't have a chance.!!! They are now saying hillary won the popular vote to justify electors not voting for trump.

Trump won the pop vote and if you toss out the votes cast by illegals, it was a landslide.
Face it, your Kenyan Village Idiot, in shredding the constitution, somehow overlooked the Electoral College part. Now say it softly: "President Trump". Softly 'cause the snowflake sucking on you might be distracted and bite if it's said in any way traumatically.
So much for herr dumpfs "mandate"

Even as Election Day 2016 inches ever farther into the rear view, votes are still being counted in several states as absentee and mail-in ballots reach vote-tallying facilities. And while President-elect Donald Trump clinched a decisive victory over Hillary Clinton on Nov. 8, with a likely 306 electoral votes (Michigan's 16 electoral votes haven't been officially appropriated yet) to Clinton's 232, the popular vote has yet to be decided — but Clinton's lead keeps growing.

Hillary Clinton is now 1.3 million votes ahead of Donald Trump
For what it's worth guno , Hillary can get a billion more Californicate votes and Californicate will still get only 55 Electoral Votes. That's how the game is played. The EV system will never be improved upon.
So much for herr dumpfs "mandate"

Even as Election Day 2016 inches ever farther into the rear view, votes are still being counted in several states as absentee and mail-in ballots reach vote-tallying facilities. And while President-elect Donald Trump clinched a decisive victory over Hillary Clinton on Nov. 8, with a likely 306 electoral votes (Michigan's 16 electoral votes haven't been officially appropriated yet) to Clinton's 232, the popular vote has yet to be decided — but Clinton's lead keeps growing.

Hillary Clinton is now 1.3 million votes ahead of Donald Trump

Change the rules after the game and the winner declared, no one will trust the government again!!
How fucking stupid are you people??

It matters. The truth of the matter is this, if HRC won the electoral college vote and thus the presidency, and Trump received more of the popular vote, you and the other deplorables would be up in arms yelling in all caps, IT'S RIGGED!!!!!!!!! Deny that and you will add Liar to your resume.
Lets assume that DID happen. You guys would be telling us "who cares, she won the most electoral votes". Deny that and I will add liar to your resume.
Get back to us when Hillary gets 270 electoral votes when that happens you will have a real story to talk about not this non stop whinning.
Heck, let her and Trump get to 269, and let the House decide.

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