Hillary Clinton Orders Secret Service to Block Process Servers


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
The Secret Service is provided by a federal agency. They don't work for her.

Perhaps the Director could make a phone call.
Hmm, can they legally do that? What if the Sheriff shows up with an arrest warrant?

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has reportedly blocked two attempts by process servers looking to deliver the defamation lawsuit that Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) filed against her last week.

Hillary Clinton Orders Secret Service to Block Process Servers from Delivering Tulsi Gabbard's Lawsuit - Big League Politics

Wait what? So you can just tell the Secret Service.... to just stop people from serving you legal documents... and thus... they can't. .... Really? That's how it works?

Oh... right.... clinton... never mind.... got it.
So what? Who the hell cares.
Your 2020 candidate, you should care.
They could have handed it to the agent, and she would have been officially served.

This looks phony.
It’s called trolling. Something you should be familiar with being a Trump supporter. Don’t you guys say Trump is the world’s greatest troll? I do have breaking news for you though. The Iowa caucuses are just a few days away. A little late to jump in don’t you think?
It’s called trolling. Something you should be familiar with being a Trump supporter. I do have breaking news for you though. The Iowa caucuses are just a few days away. A little late to jump in don’t you think?
Which 3rd grader you going to put up against Lebron James then?
I would love to see Hillary run again. She would get a crowd of 3 in a café and claim she's Winning!
With a 50 million judgement she might have to get back in the game pimping out our gov't to foreign powers for her pay to play favors, otherwise there's gonna be some missing uranium to help pay the bar (law) tab.

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