Hillary endorses the Iran deal

And the Republicans are crapping themselves over this deal. Oh how far they have fallen since the days of Raygun. He actually quotes a Russian regarding a nuclear deal with the Soviet Union. You remember the Soviet Union, they had 5,000 nuclear weapons with MIRV capability already placed on intercontinental ballistic missiles and already targeted to all the major U.S. cities.

President Obama said DON'T trust but DO verify. And this is a deal with a tiny country that has no nuclear weapons and no ballistic missiles.

And the Republican's diaper is full. What cowards the Republicans have become.
Yeah. We have never had a President make a nukeler treaty with a country with bad intentions toward us and our allies before. Just Obama. Which makes him a real sellout bastard.

Oh, wait...
Yeah. We have never had a President make a nukeler treaty with a country with bad intentions toward us and our allies before. Just Obama. Which makes him a real sellout bastard.

Oh, wait...
You're a fucking dumbshit for sure.
First, all those treaties were actually treaties, and subject to Senate ratification. King Obozo decided ths wasnt actually a treaty so didnt need any approval. And now indicates he'll go ahead with it even if Congress votes it down.
Second, Reagan said "trust but verify". Obama seems to say "rape my ass." There is no credible verification of this treaty. Hell, we dont know what's in it. Iran negotiated side deals with IEAA and Obozo claims not to have a clue as to what is in them.
How do you approve something so bad like this?
Hillary Clinton speaks with lawmakers on the Hill - POLITICO

She had criticized earlier efforts. At any rate, the merits or lack thereof of the deal will be a campaign issue, with the GOP nominee doggedly advocating going it alone with Iran.
The UN Security Council, China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, Germany & the United States support the Iran Nuclear deal. There is nothing wrong with this deal. The ones in the US who think it is a problem are the same ones who would be 100% behind Joe McCarthy back in the 50s. You are freaken scared of everything, especially when you don't understand it.
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Hillary Clinton speaks with lawmakers on the Hill - POLITICO

She had criticized earlier efforts. At any rate, the merits or lack thereof of the deal will be a campaign issue, with the GOP nominee doggedly advocating going it alone with Iran.
The UN Security Council, China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, Germany & the United States support the Iran Nuclear deal. There is nothing wrong with this deal. The ones in the US who think it is a problem are the same ones who would be 100% behind Joe McCarthy back in the 50s. You are freaken scared of everything, especially when you don't understand it.
Wow talk about ship of fools.
Yeah the deal is so bad we actually don't know what's in it. It's so bad even the Obama Administration doesnt know what's in it.
We cannot even pass the bill to see what's in it.
Iran & North Korea had no Nuclear Weapons until Bush drove them into a Nuclear arms race. Now Iran has enough Nuclear Material to build 10 Nuclear Bombs. Iran will stop stockpiling & hand it over to the UN with this deal. Then their money will be released so they can spend hundreds of $Billions with US & Europeans.
Hillary Clinton speaks with lawmakers on the Hill - POLITICO

She had criticized earlier efforts. At any rate, the merits or lack thereof of the deal will be a campaign issue, with the GOP nominee doggedly advocating going it alone with Iran.
The UN Security Council, China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, Germany & the United States support the Iran Nuclear deal. There is nothing wrong with this deal. The ones in the US who think it is a problem are the same ones who would be 100% behind Joe McCarthy back in the 50s. You are freaken scared of everything, especially when you don't understand it.
Wow talk about ship of fools.
Yeah the deal is so bad we actually don't know what's in it. It's so bad even the Obama Administration doesnt know what's in it.
We cannot even pass the bill to see what's in it.
Yeah, yeah, right: you are smarter than the UN, France, Germany, the UK, Russia and China all put together.

the same left-wing idiots that were insisting Iran wasn't working on a nuclear bomb, just a peaceful nuclear power program, and that Republicans just invented the idea that Iran wanted a nuclear bomb just to bring us to war; are now FEAR-MINGERING THEIR ASSES OFF saying if we don't agree to their fatally-flawed "deal" with iran than Armageddon will be upon us

libs are pathetic fear-mongering liars and hypocrites
Watch the Deal Bush offered Iran in the last 10 minutes of this video.
Hillary Clinton speaks with lawmakers on the Hill - POLITICO

She had criticized earlier efforts. At any rate, the merits or lack thereof of the deal will be a campaign issue, with the GOP nominee doggedly advocating going it alone with Iran.
The UN Security Council, China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, Germany & the United States support the Iran Nuclear deal. There is nothing wrong with this deal. The ones in the US who think it is a problem are the same ones who would be 100% behind Joe McCarthy back in the 50s. You are freaken scared of everything, especially when you don't understand it.
Wow talk about ship of fools.
Yeah the deal is so bad we actually don't know what's in it. It's so bad even the Obama Administration doesnt know what's in it.
We cannot even pass the bill to see what's in it.
Yeah, yeah, right: you are smarter than the UN, France, Germany, the UK, Russia and China all put together.
Apparantly so. Why would someone support an agreement that greenlights an Iranian nuke, esp after declaring that wasnt acceptable?
ever notice the idiotic left that always insists Obama is this great improvement over bush have to use Bush to compare Obama to; saying "well Bush did it too!"????

libs are simply moronic people blind to the contradictions they post
ever notice the idiotic left that always insists Obama is this great improvement over bush have to use Bush to compare Obama to; saying "well Bush did it too!"????

libs are simply moronic people blind to the contradictions they post
Yes everything that points out how stupid Obama is gets greeted with "well Bush" as though Obama is just very slightly above the supposedly worst president we ever had.
Hillary Clinton speaks with lawmakers on the Hill - POLITICO

She had criticized earlier efforts. At any rate, the merits or lack thereof of the deal will be a campaign issue, with the GOP nominee doggedly advocating going it alone with Iran.
The UN Security Council, China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, Germany & the United States support the Iran Nuclear deal. There is nothing wrong with this deal. The ones in the US who think it is a problem are the same ones who would be 100% behind Joe McCarthy back in the 50s. You are freaken scared of everything, especially when you don't understand it.
Wow talk about ship of fools.
Yeah the deal is so bad we actually don't know what's in it. It's so bad even the Obama Administration doesnt know what's in it.
We cannot even pass the bill to see what's in it.
Yeah, yeah, right: you are smarter than the UN, France, Germany, the UK, Russia and China all put together.
Apparantly so. Why would someone support an agreement that greenlights an Iranian nuke, esp after declaring that wasnt acceptable?

Bush already green-lighted Iran to build nuclear weapons so Iran would stop supplying Iraq with IED's that were destroying US forces in order to make it appear the Iraq Surge was effective. Plus Bush paid $Billions to the Suni Iraqis to stop killing US forces to make it appear the Iraq Surge was effective.
Hillary Clinton speaks with lawmakers on the Hill - POLITICO

She had criticized earlier efforts. At any rate, the merits or lack thereof of the deal will be a campaign issue, with the GOP nominee doggedly advocating going it alone with Iran.
The UN Security Council, China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, Germany & the United States support the Iran Nuclear deal. There is nothing wrong with this deal. The ones in the US who think it is a problem are the same ones who would be 100% behind Joe McCarthy back in the 50s. You are freaken scared of everything, especially when you don't understand it.
Wow talk about ship of fools.
Yeah the deal is so bad we actually don't know what's in it. It's so bad even the Obama Administration doesnt know what's in it.
We cannot even pass the bill to see what's in it.
Yeah, yeah, right: you are smarter than the UN, France, Germany, the UK, Russia and China all put together.
Apparantly so. Why would someone support an agreement that greenlights an Iranian nuke, esp after declaring that wasnt acceptable?

Bush already green-lighted Iran to build nuclear weapons so Iran would stop supplying Iraq with IED's that were destroying US forces in order to make it appear the Iraq Surge was effective. Plus Bush paid $Billions to the Suni Iraqis to stop killing US forces to make it appear the Iraq Surge was effective.
BOOSH! Bush has been out of office for 7 years.
The surge was effective. Otherwise Obama would not have tried to duplicate it in afghansitan, failing of course.
Hillary Clinton speaks with lawmakers on the Hill - POLITICO

She had criticized earlier efforts. At any rate, the merits or lack thereof of the deal will be a campaign issue, with the GOP nominee doggedly advocating going it alone with Iran.
The UN Security Council, China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, Germany & the United States support the Iran Nuclear deal. There is nothing wrong with this deal. The ones in the US who think it is a problem are the same ones who would be 100% behind Joe McCarthy back in the 50s. You are freaken scared of everything, especially when you don't understand it.
Wow talk about ship of fools.
Yeah the deal is so bad we actually don't know what's in it. It's so bad even the Obama Administration doesnt know what's in it.
We cannot even pass the bill to see what's in it.
Yeah, yeah, right: you are smarter than the UN, France, Germany, the UK, Russia and China all put together.
Apparantly so. Why would someone support an agreement that greenlights an Iranian nuke, esp after declaring that wasnt acceptable?

Bush already green-lighted Iran to build nuclear weapons so Iran would stop supplying Iraq with IED's that were destroying US forces in order to make it appear the Iraq Surge was effective. Plus Bush paid $Billions to the Suni Iraqis to stop killing US forces to make it appear the Iraq Surge was effective.

^^^^ Black helicopters circle outside^^^^

libs; lots of conspiracy theories, with nothing to back them up

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