Hillary: If Elected I'll Get to the Bottom of UFO Mysteries

Conservatives are worried about this, we may finally find the parents of Palin, Bachmann, Rove, Trump, Bundy, Dimbaugh, Gingrich, Manson, Dahmer, and Fiorina hidden in a bunker under a non-descript building.
I understand it, Hillary is just trying to sway the topic of conversation away from the secret grand jury that has been convened to indict her. https://www.alien-ufos.com/ What would you do?
It's a good thing she would get to the bottom of it...

She should start with the missing- UFO emails- mysteries.....and go from there onwards. :eusa_whistle:
Is this any weirder than her spontaneous barking last week? The old broad is losing it.
Yo, forget Trump, I voting for the other ""DUMB-ASS"" Hillary!


Joking, voting for Mr. Ted Cruz!
thats exactly it she is just telling the sheep what thy want to hear.

she isnt sincere about exposing UFO's.She knows the POTUS is just a puppet and if she was serious about it she would be assassinated.

Carter spoke about having an investigation into UFO'S before being nominated for president.He was sincere.He was the last president that we had who actually had morals and tried to do good things despite his hands being tied. Once he got elected though,all his talk about UFO's being investigated all dissapeared.He knew he would end up like JFK if he tried to have an investigation into them.

Reagan ALSO hinted that UFO's existed in the beginning after being elected.He paid the price for it to.after his assassination attempt,he quickly shut up.

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