Hillary May Have a 2nd Hidden Server


Yet, nothing will stop her and she'll walk right through the primary!

Well Matt, there IS a reason she interrupted her Hampton weekend. I look forward to watching her crawl this upcoming week to seriously begin to stem da' bleeding.
The only question that remains is, will Hill-Beast break out the orange pantsuit she wore in Vegas again this week? :rock:
Yeah, I saw that earlier, and thought it just gets worse everyday...
I don't see where there is any hard data to back this up nor how it would mean anything. It is not as though Hillary would admit to or hand over another server.

She OPENLY deleted the contents on the one server we know about. Obviously there is no intent on actually dealing with such corruption.
When Hillary's campaign tries to "re-invent" her again, what look will they go with? I'm thinking slicked down hair with a straight black suit. It will be so slimming and a big hit with the LGBT crowd.
Every day there is more crap about Hillary. Her campaign is done. She cannot respond to this constant drip of allegations and run an effective campaign.
Every day there is more crap about Hillary. Her campaign is done. She cannot respond to this constant drip of allegations and run an effective campaign.

I think that's why the call went out to Biden to start warming up in the bullpen....fast.
Hillary will announce in a press conference that because she has been unfairly treated by the world
she has no choice but to withdraw from the election.....
For the good of the party.

And she will maintain she did nothing wrong.
The left will bring out the Carville's and Paul Begala and get word to the high ranking members from the DNC
who work here to salvage her reputation....

But hey.
I could be wrong.
Hillary will announce in a press conference that because she has been unfairly treated by the world
she has no choice but to withdraw from the election.....
For the good of the party.

And she will maintain she did nothing wrong.
And when she's cleared of wrongdoing you will insist that she did... uh... something.
She is the Democrat front runner in an election for President.....
Do you really think she is going to be treated fairly?

Of course they will go out of their way to clear her.
But the constant 'noise' coming out everyday is already taking it's toll.....

Biden's secret meeting.
Hillary cutting her vacation short.....

The Dems know she is in trouble.
Even without the Scandals {Crimes}, she is a terrible politician, a mean-spirited self-centered person, and obviously incompetent to hold high office.

Since when in this great country, do you get to be President just because your husband was president?

That has been tried without success in Banana Republics. That Hillary thinks this is Argentina, and that she is the next Evita Peron, doesn't make her nomination "inevitable" in America. If she had not married Bill Clinton, she would have risen, on her own right, to Night Court Judge in some sequestered and particularly corrupt borough of Chicago.

Right now, her nomination is hanging by the thin thread provided by her competition....Unlce Joe, Pocahuntas, a disheveled Socialist...and others....which are reminiscent of the cast of "One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest."

A second server will do her in...as will any number of the other strands of the tangled web she wove when first she started to deceive....so very long ago.
Every day there is more crap about Hillary. Her campaign is done. She cannot respond to this constant drip of allegations and run an effective campaign.
She is responding?

For the most part I think that she is ignoring them and I also think that it will work very well that she keep on ignoring them. She is not losing any real support as far as I can tell, the left does not care.
Every day there is more crap about Hillary. Her campaign is done. She cannot respond to this constant drip of allegations and run an effective campaign.
She is responding?

For the most part I think that she is ignoring them and I also think that it will work very well that she keep on ignoring them. She is not losing any real support as far as I can tell, the left does not care.
She is pubicly making light of it, making accusations, etc. IOW being Hillary.
But privately you know Dems are scared shitless and asking her all kinds of questions. Her staff has to deal with all this.
I expect her to check into a hospital for some invented illness while she tries to ride out this storm.
Every day there is more crap about Hillary. Her campaign is done. She cannot respond to this constant drip of allegations and run an effective campaign.
She is responding?

For the most part I think that she is ignoring them and I also think that it will work very well that she keep on ignoring them. She is not losing any real support as far as I can tell, the left does not care.
She is pubicly making light of it, making accusations, etc. IOW being Hillary.
But privately you know Dems are scared shitless and asking her all kinds of questions. Her staff has to deal with all this.
No I don't. I honestly don't think they care one bit.

The evidence is in her backing - she is still the front runner by a massive margin and not going anywhere.
Every day there is more crap about Hillary. Her campaign is done. She cannot respond to this constant drip of allegations and run an effective campaign.
She is responding?

For the most part I think that she is ignoring them and I also think that it will work very well that she keep on ignoring them. She is not losing any real support as far as I can tell, the left does not care.
She is pubicly making light of it, making accusations, etc. IOW being Hillary.
But privately you know Dems are scared shitless and asking her all kinds of questions. Her staff has to deal with all this.
No I don't. I honestly don't think they care one bit.

The evidence is in her backing - she is still the front runner by a massive margin and not going anywhere.
People would not be floating Joe Biden--Joe Biden!--if they thought Hillary was a shoo in for the presidency.

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