Hillary’s Death Wish


Sep 23, 2010
The number one item on Hillary Clinton’s wish list limits the number of voters who watch debates on television. It appears the debate schedule granted her wish.

Be careful what you wish for because you might get it. Anonymous

Clinton’s wish came with an unwanted death wish —— she draws small crowds at her campaign events. Television only shows the crowd when it is packed by members of labor union, etc. Print media does not mention it at all. The crowds are so meager when it consists of Americans trying to learn about the real Hillary television cameras are locked facing the stage.

NOTE: Clinton’s strategy reminds me of Turkish guns facing the sea in Akabar while Lawrence attacked from behind. Donald Trump has an opportunity to pull a:


T. E. Lawrence

Finally, covering up Clinton’s weak turnout by Americans across the board hides a devious media agenda. Fantasy poll numbers make stealing the election easier to sell if voters believe that Clinton had a big lead on the morning on November 8th.

. . . Donald Trump better understand what and who he is dealing with. Hillary Clinton will pull out all stops to steal this election knowing she can cover it up after she is sworn in. She also knows that television, federal agencies, and the United Nations, plus confidence in the enormous wealth of the New World Order crowd who will do whatever it takes to make the election appear legitimate. Question: What does Donald Trump have going for him that can overcome the larceny advantage?

The Larceny Advantage
Sounds more like Trump and acolytes are making their excuses now for losing....''rigged, it was rigged, BELIEVE ME it was rigged''. :lol:
The number one item on Hillary Clinton’s wish list limits the number of voters who watch debates on television. It appears the debate schedule granted her wish.

Be careful what you wish for because you might get it. Anonymous

Clinton’s wish came with an unwanted death wish —— she draws small crowds at her campaign events. Television only shows the crowd when it is packed by members of labor union, etc. Print media does not mention it at all. The crowds are so meager when it consists of Americans trying to learn about the real Hillary television cameras are locked facing the stage.

NOTE: Clinton’s strategy reminds me of Turkish guns facing the sea in Akabar while Lawrence attacked from behind. Donald Trump has an opportunity to pull a:


T. E. Lawrence

Finally, covering up Clinton’s weak turnout by Americans across the board hides a devious media agenda. Fantasy poll numbers make stealing the election easier to sell if voters believe that Clinton had a big lead on the morning on November 8th.

. . . Donald Trump better understand what and who he is dealing with. Hillary Clinton will pull out all stops to steal this election knowing she can cover it up after she is sworn in. She also knows that television, federal agencies, and the United Nations, plus confidence in the enormous wealth of the New World Order crowd who will do whatever it takes to make the election appear legitimate. Question: What does Donald Trump have going for him that can overcome the larceny advantage?

The Larceny Advantage

The weak turnouts are only an indication of one thing, people know Hillary. There is nothing they are going to learn by attending her rallies. There is no new revelation going to come from attending her screeds.
She's simply boring....a workaholic, steady hand, rational, thinker... not a reality host or rock star....
She's simply boring....a workaholic, steady hand, rational, thinker... not a reality host or rock star....
IOW, a terrible candidate for today's political environment. Another similarity to Nixon, who lost to Kennedy largely because he was ill prepared for TV.
The number one item on Hillary Clinton’s wish list limits the number of voters who watch debates on television. It appears the debate schedule granted her wish.

Be careful what you wish for because you might get it. Anonymous

Clinton’s wish came with an unwanted death wish —— she draws small crowds at her campaign events. Television only shows the crowd when it is packed by members of labor union, etc. Print media does not mention it at all. The crowds are so meager when it consists of Americans trying to learn about the real Hillary television cameras are locked facing the stage.

NOTE: Clinton’s strategy reminds me of Turkish guns facing the sea in Akabar while Lawrence attacked from behind. Donald Trump has an opportunity to pull a:


T. E. Lawrence

Finally, covering up Clinton’s weak turnout by Americans across the board hides a devious media agenda. Fantasy poll numbers make stealing the election easier to sell if voters believe that Clinton had a big lead on the morning on November 8th.

. . . Donald Trump better understand what and who he is dealing with. Hillary Clinton will pull out all stops to steal this election knowing she can cover it up after she is sworn in. She also knows that television, federal agencies, and the United Nations, plus confidence in the enormous wealth of the New World Order crowd who will do whatever it takes to make the election appear legitimate. Question: What does Donald Trump have going for him that can overcome the larceny advantage?

The Larceny Advantage

The weak turnouts are only an indication of one thing, people know Hillary. There is nothing they are going to learn by attending her rallies. There is no new revelation going to come from attending her screeds.
And who would want to suffer through one of those if they didn't have to?
The number one item on Hillary Clinton’s wish list limits the number of voters who watch debates on television. It appears the debate schedule granted her wish.

Be careful what you wish for because you might get it. Anonymous

Clinton’s wish came with an unwanted death wish —— she draws small crowds at her campaign events. Television only shows the crowd when it is packed by members of labor union, etc. Print media does not mention it at all. The crowds are so meager when it consists of Americans trying to learn about the real Hillary television cameras are locked facing the stage.

NOTE: Clinton’s strategy reminds me of Turkish guns facing the sea in Akabar while Lawrence attacked from behind. Donald Trump has an opportunity to pull a:


T. E. Lawrence

Finally, covering up Clinton’s weak turnout by Americans across the board hides a devious media agenda. Fantasy poll numbers make stealing the election easier to sell if voters believe that Clinton had a big lead on the morning on November 8th.

. . . Donald Trump better understand what and who he is dealing with. Hillary Clinton will pull out all stops to steal this election knowing she can cover it up after she is sworn in. She also knows that television, federal agencies, and the United Nations, plus confidence in the enormous wealth of the New World Order crowd who will do whatever it takes to make the election appear legitimate. Question: What does Donald Trump have going for him that can overcome the larceny advantage?

The Larceny Advantage

The weak turnouts are only an indication of one thing, people know Hillary. There is nothing they are going to learn by attending her rallies. There is no new revelation going to come from attending her screeds.
And who would want to suffer through one of those if they didn't have to?

Drunks and drug addicts who are being paid. Even Bill stays in the parking lot giving flute lessons.
The people who will attend Hillary rallies are the kind of people who will applaund and cheer when she says she will raise the taxes on the middle class. Blind senseless morons, and Buffet nods in agreement.
IOW, a terrible candidate for today's political environment. Another similarity to Nixon, who lost to Kennedy largely because he was ill prepared for TV.
To hadit: Interestingly, it was all about makeup. People who watched th Nixon/JFK debate said JFK won. Those who heard the debate on the radio said Nixon won. Basically, Don Hewitt of 60 Minutes fame let Nixon appear on camera without makeup. Hewitt often claimed he elected two presidents: JFK and Bill Clinton.

Worse still, JFK stole the election from Nixon. Stealing the election from Trump is the one similarity that Hillary would love to emulate.

Note the difference between JFK’s theft in 1960 and how Nixon handled it. Nixon did not fight it because he did not want this country to look like a banana republic. Democrats do not care what they do to this country so long as they win.

Electing Certified Idiots & Crooks

Incidentally, the party of liars lie because in their perverted minds their form of government must be implemented at any cost. Every word that comes out of the mouths of Hillary Clinton and Taqiyya the Liar is a lie. So try this one for a similarity:

Taqiyya and Kitman not only permits Muslims to lie they are required to lie in order to trick infidels into obeying Islam.

The people who will attend Hillary rallies are the kind of people who will applaund and cheer when she says she will raise the taxes on the middle class. Blind senseless morons, and Buffet nods in agreement.
To Freewill: In short: The parasite class.
Donald Trump should send the asshole a basket of fruit thanking him for his endorsement:

All immigrants are against the stupid Republican candidate,’ he said.”​

Khan: Allah causing Trump to make mistakes
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 08/05/2016 @ 12:39 pm

Khan: Allah causing Trump to make mistakes
Finally, covering up Clinton’s weak turnout by Americans across the board hides a devious media agenda. Fantasy poll numbers make stealing the election easier to sell if voters believe that Clinton had a big lead on the morning on November 8th.
conspiracy noun
plural conspiracies

1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.

2. A group of conspirators.

3. Law. An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.

4. A joining or acting together, as if by sinister design: a conspiracy of wind and tide that devastated coastal areas.​

It is ludicrous to suggest that so many people lying for Hillary Clinton are engaging in a conspiracy —— at least not a conspiracy by definition. They are not in contact with one another sharing methods for instituting a master plan that will put Clinton back in the White House; nevertheless, it is more than coincidence to see so many public voices telling the same lies.

Were I more distrusting I would swear a whole lot of people in key media posts are on Clinton’s payroll if they are not true believers. Note that polling results ain’t worth squat if media (television) does not report it as news.

As Mickey Kaus has long noted, many polls are “hamburger helper polls”, that is designed to advance a point of view of the press organs which engage the pollsters so they can promote as fact what is merely their opinion.

In any event, the recent coverage of the election by the major media suggest to me that they are panicking and throwing in as much as they can to make Hillary look as if she were a far better candidate -- or at least Trump a far weaker one -- than is the case. Obama’s unpresidential and unprecedented attack on Trump, the low turnout at her rallies (and cancellation of some of her appearances), the huge turnout everywhere for Trump, the promoting of the Khan phony baloney story, the Reuters polling change, the daily press sleight of hand all suggest to me panic there is on the left.​

August 7, 2016
The Press and Pollsters Are Putting Too Much Cornstarch in the Cherry Pie
By Clarice Feldman

Articles: The Press and Pollsters Are Putting Too Much Cornstarch in the Cherry Pie

If I am wrong about money changing hands, there is still one political belief that ties Clinton’s liars into a Gordian knot. Protect and promote the United Nations at any cost:

The Clintons did, and still do, whatever it takes to protect THE DREAM at any cost —— President Hillary Clinton and Secretary General Bill Clinton saving the world together.

Coverups Are Not For Dilettantes
Incidentally, the party of liars lie because in their perverted minds their form of government must be implemented at any cost. Every word that comes out of the mouths of Hillary Clinton and Taqiyya the Liar is a lie.
Lying rolls off their backs like water rolls off a duck. Reading about the specific lies they tell one more time is akin to beating a dead horse; nevertheless, Toplansky’s article is worth giving the dead nag one more whack:

Neither Obama nor Clinton has a conscience. No matter "what misery their fabrications may cause innocent victims, they never feel the slightest twinge of guilt. Totally unscrupulous, they are dangerous people to get mixed up with" -- thus unconscionable liars through and through.


How many ways do they lie? -- let me count the ways. But no matter the nomenclature, "all their lies are vicious--calculatedly, pre-determinedly, coldly, and advisedly vicious. In short [their] lies are so outstandingly hurtful that people gasp in amazement and disgust at hearing them."​

August 30, 2016
How Many Ways Do You Say Liar, Hillary?
By Eileen F. Toplansky

Articles: How Many Ways Do You Say Liar, Hillary?


For example: after days, weeks, months of Trump’s record-breaking rallies in locations all across the nation, we are supposed to believe that Clinton leads Trump in the polls. Excuse me? What planet are these polls being taken on?​

Jim ONeill over at Canada Free Press is saying what every American knows.
Fantasy poll numbers make stealing the election easier to sell if voters believe that Clinton had a big lead on the morning on November 8th.
Even Hillary’s diehard constituents know the truth. The difference is that they know they have to actually vote in order to give Hillary the official victory. Basically, a respectable turnout on election day is good enough for Hillary:

At the same time the turnout for Clinton’s events has been, in a word, pathetic. Her campaign has been reduced to doing everything but forcing people at gunpoint in order to gather a few hundred at her rallies. In any event, Clinton is much more comfortable mingling with “her own kind” at swanky fundraisers attended by the rich and powerful. “Show me the money!”​

Turnout matters so little to Hillary she does not have to further tax her failing health at rallies when the official result was decided on the day Donald Trump got the nomination:

3. Steal the election in just enough states to lock up the number of Electoral Collage votes necessary to “win.”

Clinton only has to say the things that will bring out enough of her base for her to claim plausible deniability for number 2 and number 3.​

Mr ONeill adds this:

I point toward an old adage:​

“There are…lies, damn lies, and statistics.”—Mark Twain/Benjamin Disraeli​

Trump and the Politics of Polling
By Jim ONeill
October 15, 2016

Trump and the Politics of Polling

Let me recap my take on how polls morphed into news:

Call it a paraphrase if you must, but I call it an update:​

There are four kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, statistics, and polls.​

Having updated Mark Twain, or whoever said it first, I must confess: I consider a poll the word of God whenever it echoes my opinion.

So why replace the word statistics with the word polls since poll results are expressed as statistics? One answer is that the word statistic has long been associated with lying, while the word poll has been scrubbed clean.

Another answer is that mass communications brought big money to polling. Big money requires a squeaky-clean image especially in politics; whereas, manipulating statistics for a limited audience in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries did not pay that well.

Radio and motion pictures constituted mass communications before television. With that in mind, I believe that the 1947 movie Magic Town starring James Stewart was an important advance for poll-takers. Magic Town reached a large audience; convincing many that opinion-polling was reputable. Opinion-polling was Stewart’s failing business in the movie. (Imagine naming a business Opinion-Statistic)!

Note that professional polling organizations never use “Opinion” in their titles. It’s the Gallup Poll, the Quinnipiac Poll, the CBS Poll, the FOX News Poll, and so on.


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