Hit the demrats right back


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

getting tired of the GOP playing political nice with these bottom feeding dirt bags. Of course half the GOP are worthless as well.
we need a grassroots movement to set an example for our so called leaders.
It is time.
History is full of examples of violence solving problems, despite what you are being told.
we need a grassroots movement to set an example for our so called leaders.
It is time.
History is full of examples of violence solving problems, despite what you are being told.
Your first sentence I agree with, grassroots. I do not advocate violence unless its in physical self defense.

getting tired of the GOP playing political nice with these bottom feeding dirt bags. Of course half the GOP are worthless as well.

Because quite simply, they have nothing they can go on the defense with. They've allowed the moderates and sane voices to be driven out of the party by the fringe elements who make up the core of Trump supporters.
They've been forced to witness their party taken over by a bunch of kooks whose only loyalty is to a lying, corrupt fraud of a reality game show host. Because he enjoys almost a 95% popularity in the party, Republicans have
to go all in on Trump. They're tied to him whether or not they support and like him. Anyone in the GOP who dares criticize him can kiss their political career goodbye in a 5th Avenue minute. Trump has been an absolute boat anchor around the neck of
the Republican Party. So the senior leadership (Mitch and his merry gang) are doing the only thing they can. Attempt to hold on to power as long as possible by stacking the courts, voter suppression, and an almost frantic focus on any distraction that might keep them from getting their clocks cleaned in November. Republicans will have to hope it's enough.

getting tired of the GOP playing political nice with these bottom feeding dirt bags. Of course half the GOP are worthless as well.

Because quite simply, they have nothing they can go on the defense with. They've allowed the moderates and sane voices to be driven out of the party by the fringe elements who make up the core of Trump supporters.
They've been forced to witness their party taken over by a bunch of kooks whose only loyalty is to a lying, corrupt fraud of a reality game show host. Because he enjoys almost a 95% popularity in the party, Republicans have
to go all in on Trump. They're tied to him whether or not they support and like him. Anyone in the GOP who dares criticize him can kiss their political career goodbye in a 5th Avenue minute. Trump has been an absolute boat anchor around the neck of
the Republican Party. So the senior leadership (Mitch and his merry gang) are doing the only thing they can. Attempt to hold on to power as long as possible by stacking the courts, voter suppression, and an almost frantic focus on any distraction that might keep them from getting their clocks cleaned in November. Republicans will have to hope it's enough.

That is a better description of the demrats, who are no where held accountable for much of anything by the so called media. The demrats feel they have to answer to no one.

getting tired of the GOP playing political nice with these bottom feeding dirt bags. Of course half the GOP are worthless as well.
All the GOP are worthless.

getting tired of the GOP playing political nice with these bottom feeding dirt bags. Of course half the GOP are worthless as well.

Because quite simply, they have nothing they can go on the defense with. They've allowed the moderates and sane voices to be driven out of the party by the fringe elements who make up the core of Trump supporters.
They've been forced to witness their party taken over by a bunch of kooks whose only loyalty is to a lying, corrupt fraud of a reality game show host. Because he enjoys almost a 95% popularity in the party, Republicans have
to go all in on Trump. They're tied to him whether or not they support and like him. Anyone in the GOP who dares criticize him can kiss their political career goodbye in a 5th Avenue minute. Trump has been an absolute boat anchor around the neck of
the Republican Party. So the senior leadership (Mitch and his merry gang) are doing the only thing they can. Attempt to hold on to power as long as possible by stacking the courts, voter suppression, and an almost frantic focus on any distraction that might keep them from getting their clocks cleaned in November. Republicans will have to hope it's enough.

That is a better description of the demrats, who are no where held accountable for much of anything by the so called media. The demrats feel they have to answer to no one.

Not offering much here beyond the 5th grade playground insults. The media in large part asks questions. That's what I expect them to do, especially of our elected leaders.

So tell, me why do you think the Republican Party hasn't been able to come up with any policy success stories they can point to in order to differentiate themselves from Democrats?
How is it that this reality game show host was able to muscle his way into the party and successfully silence every voice that spoke out against him? Why didn't the party opt for reason and
sanity in 2016? You had your choice of several career politicians..all of whom could have given Hillary a run for her money based on the surprises we knew were in store in the fall of that year.

getting tired of the GOP playing political nice with these bottom feeding dirt bags. Of course half the GOP are worthless as well.

Because quite simply, they have nothing they can go on the defense with. They've allowed the moderates and sane voices to be driven out of the party by the fringe elements who make up the core of Trump supporters.
They've been forced to witness their party taken over by a bunch of kooks whose only loyalty is to a lying, corrupt fraud of a reality game show host. Because he enjoys almost a 95% popularity in the party, Republicans have
to go all in on Trump. They're tied to him whether or not they support and like him. Anyone in the GOP who dares criticize him can kiss their political career goodbye in a 5th Avenue minute. Trump has been an absolute boat anchor around the neck of
the Republican Party. So the senior leadership (Mitch and his merry gang) are doing the only thing they can. Attempt to hold on to power as long as possible by stacking the courts, voter suppression, and an almost frantic focus on any distraction that might keep them from getting their clocks cleaned in November. Republicans will have to hope it's enough.

That is a better description of the demrats, who are no where held accountable for much of anything by the so called media. The demrats feel they have to answer to no one.

Not offering much here beyond the 5th grade playground insults. The media in large part asks questions. That's what I expect them to do, especially of our elected leaders.

So tell, me why do you think the Republican Party hasn't been able to come up with any policy success stories they can point to in order to differentiate themselves from Democrats?
How is it that this reality game show host was able to muscle his way into the party and successfully silence every voice that spoke out against him? Why didn't the party opt for reason and
sanity in 2016? You had your choice of several career politicians..all of whom could have given Hillary a run for her money based on the surprises we knew were in store in the fall of that year.
"The media in large part asks questions?" So you believe our Media is unbiased and simply asking questions? You see no effort to shape perceptions and an anti Trump narrative?

getting tired of the GOP playing political nice with these bottom feeding dirt bags. Of course half the GOP are worthless as well.

Because quite simply, they have nothing they can go on the defense with. They've allowed the moderates and sane voices to be driven out of the party by the fringe elements who make up the core of Trump supporters.
They've been forced to witness their party taken over by a bunch of kooks whose only loyalty is to a lying, corrupt fraud of a reality game show host. Because he enjoys almost a 95% popularity in the party, Republicans have
to go all in on Trump. They're tied to him whether or not they support and like him. Anyone in the GOP who dares criticize him can kiss their political career goodbye in a 5th Avenue minute. Trump has been an absolute boat anchor around the neck of
the Republican Party. So the senior leadership (Mitch and his merry gang) are doing the only thing they can. Attempt to hold on to power as long as possible by stacking the courts, voter suppression, and an almost frantic focus on any distraction that might keep them from getting their clocks cleaned in November. Republicans will have to hope it's enough.

That is a better description of the demrats, who are no where held accountable for much of anything by the so called media. The demrats feel they have to answer to no one.

Not offering much here beyond the 5th grade playground insults. The media in large part asks questions. That's what I expect them to do, especially of our elected leaders.

So tell, me why do you think the Republican Party hasn't been able to come up with any policy success stories they can point to in order to differentiate themselves from Democrats?
How is it that this reality game show host was able to muscle his way into the party and successfully silence every voice that spoke out against him? Why didn't the party opt for reason and
sanity in 2016? You had your choice of several career politicians..all of whom could have given Hillary a run for her money based on the surprises we knew were in store in the fall of that year.

Unfortunately only one could beat her a liberal like Trump

getting tired of the GOP playing political nice with these bottom feeding dirt bags. Of course half the GOP are worthless as well.

Because quite simply, they have nothing they can go on the defense with. They've allowed the moderates and sane voices to be driven out of the party by the fringe elements who make up the core of Trump supporters.
They've been forced to witness their party taken over by a bunch of kooks whose only loyalty is to a lying, corrupt fraud of a reality game show host. Because he enjoys almost a 95% popularity in the party, Republicans have
to go all in on Trump. They're tied to him whether or not they support and like him. Anyone in the GOP who dares criticize him can kiss their political career goodbye in a 5th Avenue minute. Trump has been an absolute boat anchor around the neck of
the Republican Party. So the senior leadership (Mitch and his merry gang) are doing the only thing they can. Attempt to hold on to power as long as possible by stacking the courts, voter suppression, and an almost frantic focus on any distraction that might keep them from getting their clocks cleaned in November. Republicans will have to hope it's enough.

That is a better description of the demrats, who are no where held accountable for much of anything by the so called media. The demrats feel they have to answer to no one.

Not offering much here beyond the 5th grade playground insults. The media in large part asks questions. That's what I expect them to do, especially of our elected leaders.

So tell, me why do you think the Republican Party hasn't been able to come up with any policy success stories they can point to in order to differentiate themselves from Democrats?
How is it that this reality game show host was able to muscle his way into the party and successfully silence every voice that spoke out against him? Why didn't the party opt for reason and
sanity in 2016? You had your choice of several career politicians..all of whom could have given Hillary a run for her money based on the surprises we knew were in store in the fall of that year.
"The media in large part asks questions?" So you believe our Media is unbiased and simply asking questions? You see no effort to shape perceptions and an anti Trump narrative?

Again, they ask questions and hold our elected officials accountable. That's what a free press does. As far as "shaping" perceptions, that's in your mind. Trump's incompetence has been on display for the last 3 years. He makes all of his problems. Why? Because he isn't a politician. He has no interest in being President. He's a game show host running a popularity contest. If he isn't campaigning or tweeting, he's bored.
Pretty difficult to go on the offensive when this stuff keeps coming out.

US intelligence warned in November that coronavirus spreading in China could be 'cataclysmic event'

U.S. intelligence officials warned in November that the coronavirus spreading in China’s Hubei region could become a “cataclysmic event,” ABC News reported Wednesday.

The military’s National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI) documented concerns about the initial stages of the pandemic in an intelligence report, two officials familiar with the document told ABC News, which added that the document highlighted how the virus was disrupting life and business and threatened the population in the area.

Intelligence was reportedly obtained through wire and computer intercepts along with satellite images showing the new disease was not under control in China.
trump would rather browbeat reporters than anyone -

obvious since his first debate -

getting tired of the GOP playing political nice with these bottom feeding dirt bags. Of course half the GOP are worthless as well.
All the GOP are worthless.
even if true still puts them ahead of the demrats.

getting tired of the GOP playing political nice with these bottom feeding dirt bags. Of course half the GOP are worthless as well.

Because quite simply, they have nothing they can go on the defense with. They've allowed the moderates and sane voices to be driven out of the party by the fringe elements who make up the core of Trump supporters.
They've been forced to witness their party taken over by a bunch of kooks whose only loyalty is to a lying, corrupt fraud of a reality game show host. Because he enjoys almost a 95% popularity in the party, Republicans have
to go all in on Trump. They're tied to him whether or not they support and like him. Anyone in the GOP who dares criticize him can kiss their political career goodbye in a 5th Avenue minute. Trump has been an absolute boat anchor around the neck of
the Republican Party. So the senior leadership (Mitch and his merry gang) are doing the only thing they can. Attempt to hold on to power as long as possible by stacking the courts, voter suppression, and an almost frantic focus on any distraction that might keep them from getting their clocks cleaned in November. Republicans will have to hope it's enough.

That is a better description of the demrats, who are no where held accountable for much of anything by the so called media. The demrats feel they have to answer to no one.

Not offering much here beyond the 5th grade playground insults. The media in large part asks questions. That's what I expect them to do, especially of our elected leaders.

So tell, me why do you think the Republican Party hasn't been able to come up with any policy success stories they can point to in order to differentiate themselves from Democrats?
How is it that this reality game show host was able to muscle his way into the party and successfully silence every voice that spoke out against him? Why didn't the party opt for reason and
sanity in 2016? You had your choice of several career politicians..all of whom could have given Hillary a run for her money based on the surprises we knew were in store in the fall of that year.
"The media in large part asks questions?" So you believe our Media is unbiased and simply asking questions? You see no effort to shape perceptions and an anti Trump narrative?

Again, they ask questions and hold our elected officials accountable. That's what a free press does. As far as "shaping" perceptions, that's in your mind. Trump's incompetence has been on display for the last 3 years. He makes all of his problems. Why? Because he isn't a politician. He has no interest in being President. He's a game show host running a popularity contest. If he isn't campaigning or tweeting, he's bored.
Our so called free press is no longer a legitimate press and there is nothing free about it. It has become largely a propaganda machine with a very sinister aim.

getting tired of the GOP playing political nice with these bottom feeding dirt bags. Of course half the GOP are worthless as well.

Because quite simply, they have nothing they can go on the defense with. They've allowed the moderates and sane voices to be driven out of the party by the fringe elements who make up the core of Trump supporters.
They've been forced to witness their party taken over by a bunch of kooks whose only loyalty is to a lying, corrupt fraud of a reality game show host. Because he enjoys almost a 95% popularity in the party, Republicans have
to go all in on Trump. They're tied to him whether or not they support and like him. Anyone in the GOP who dares criticize him can kiss their political career goodbye in a 5th Avenue minute. Trump has been an absolute boat anchor around the neck of
the Republican Party. So the senior leadership (Mitch and his merry gang) are doing the only thing they can. Attempt to hold on to power as long as possible by stacking the courts, voter suppression, and an almost frantic focus on any distraction that might keep them from getting their clocks cleaned in November. Republicans will have to hope it's enough.

That is a better description of the demrats, who are no where held accountable for much of anything by the so called media. The demrats feel they have to answer to no one.

Not offering much here beyond the 5th grade playground insults. The media in large part asks questions. That's what I expect them to do, especially of our elected leaders.

So tell, me why do you think the Republican Party hasn't been able to come up with any policy success stories they can point to in order to differentiate themselves from Democrats?
How is it that this reality game show host was able to muscle his way into the party and successfully silence every voice that spoke out against him? Why didn't the party opt for reason and
sanity in 2016? You had your choice of several career politicians..all of whom could have given Hillary a run for her money based on the surprises we knew were in store in the fall of that year.
"The media in large part asks questions?" So you believe our Media is unbiased and simply asking questions? You see no effort to shape perceptions and an anti Trump narrative?

Again, they ask questions and hold our elected officials accountable. That's what a free press does. As far as "shaping" perceptions, that's in your mind. Trump's incompetence has been on display for the last 3 years. He makes all of his problems. Why? Because he isn't a politician. He has no interest in being President. He's a game show host running a popularity contest. If he isn't campaigning or tweeting, he's bored.
Our so called free press is no longer a legitimate press and there is nothing free about it. It has become largely a propaganda machine with a very sinister aim.

trump made himself a target - he lives for the attention, and people to fuck with.

dont blame the media for taking his fat ass to task - nobody is holding a gun to his Hair Club head.

getting tired of the GOP playing political nice with these bottom feeding dirt bags. Of course half the GOP are worthless as well.
Haven't you seen Trump's daily forays into disinformation?

getting tired of the GOP playing political nice with these bottom feeding dirt bags. Of course half the GOP are worthless as well.
You were frightened by a Democrat kissing babies and shaking hands as a small child, no doubt. Republicans, time and time again have stood up for the president. They looked the other way when he used stolen opposition research from from wikileaks, supplied by the Russians. They cheered when he attacked the free press, even though freedom of the press is protected in the Constitution. Republicans used to like the constitution. Does not bother them that he has hired and fired more officials in executive posts in first 3 years than most presidents have in 8 or even 12. They haven't once squawked about his hiring abilities or judgment. They stood behind him, without the 35% showing any disapproval when it was proven the Russians hired a 13 state ad campaign based on the polling data supplied them by his campaign. When the white house legal counsel (architect of the judicial restructuring/replacement of judges, including supreme court judges) quit to avoid following an illegal order to fire the independent prosecutor, they supported his judgment that he could fire anybody he liked and it would not be obstruction of justice. They didn't bat an eye when he redirected money approved by both houses of Congress and signed by him for schools on military bases to build his wall, that Mexico told him they were not going to build, even before the election. This forum is filled with republicans calling him "our dear leader" and saying he was sent by God, and proclaiming him the best president in the history of the US. When he spoke up for the good people on the side of the white supremacists, they beat down the cries of "racist President" that were heard across the country. They stood behind his refusal of documents and witnesses (it ain't a crime if you can't prove it) during his impeachment. That is more than any party in the history of American presidential impeachment, even though his chief of staff (who was in on the call) admitted (we do stuff like that, get over it) to the whole country. The republicans have done everything under the sun to support him, without negative judgment, short of forming on the white house lawn for a Sieg Heil salute, whenever he walks out the door. They just gave him 2 trillion dollars and are not complaining that a week later he fired the IG that was supposed to conduct over-site of the money, even though the administration had never had a disapproving remark about the man for the last three years.
What is it you would have the republicans do?

getting tired of the GOP playing political nice with these bottom feeding dirt bags. Of course half the GOP are worthless as well.
Haven't you seen Trump's daily forays into disinformation?

he cant hold a press con and answer ligit questions from reporters without going schitzo - he doesnt know the answers so he starts swinging - back on twitter the FAKE NEWS whining begins.

getting tired of the GOP playing political nice with these bottom feeding dirt bags. Of course half the GOP are worthless as well.
You were frightened by a Democrat kissing babies and shaking hands as a small child, no doubt. Republicans, time and time again have stood up for the president. They looked the other way when he used stolen opposition research from from wikileaks, supplied by the Russians. They cheered when he attacked the free press, even though freedom of the press is protected in the Constitution. Republicans used to like the constitution. Does not bother them that he has hired and fired more officials in executive posts in first 3 years than most presidents have in 8 or even 12. They haven't once squawked about his hiring abilities or judgment. They stood behind him, without the 35% showing any disapproval when it was proven the Russians hired a 13 state ad campaign based on the polling data supplied them by his campaign. When the white house legal counsel (architect of the judicial restructuring/replacement of judges, including supreme court judges) quit to avoid following an illegal order to fire the independent prosecutor, they supported his judgment that he could fire anybody he liked and it would not be obstruction of justice. They didn't bat an eye when he redirected money approved by both houses of Congress and signed by him for schools on military bases to build his wall, that Mexico told him they were not going to build, even before the election. This forum is filled with republicans calling him "our dear leader" and saying he was sent by God, and proclaiming him the best president in the history of the US. When he spoke up for the good people on the side of the white supremacists, they beat down the cries of "racist President" that were heard across the country. They stood behind his refusal of documents and witnesses (it ain't a crime if you can't prove it) during his impeachment. That is more than any party in the history of American presidential impeachment, even though his chief of staff (who was in on the call) admitted (we do stuff like that, get over it) to the whole country. The republicans have done everything under the sun to support him, without negative judgment, short of forming on the white house lawn for a Sieg Heil salute, whenever he walks out the door. They just gave him 2 trillion dollars and are not complaining that a week later he fired the IG that was supposed to conduct over-site of the money, even though the administration had never had a disapproving remark about the man for the last three years.
What is it you would have the republicans do?

Keep peddling your demrat party line. anyone with an IQ above sea level knows you are pushing BS. In spite of left wing PC we still have first amendment so carry on.

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