Hitler Parents Denied Custody


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
The decision by the New Jersey state appeals court overruled a family court's decision that there is insufficient evidence of abuse by the parents Heath and Deborah Campbell.

Their children – Adolf Hitler Campbell, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell – have been in foster care since January 2009.

The court said that Heath Campbell, 37, has never held a job because of medical and psychological disabilities, and cannot read. Deborah Campbell, 27, also had mental and physical problems.

Social workers were sent to investigate in December 2008 following reports "that the children were being strapped and confined for unusual amounts of time within the home in child booster seats and that domestic violence occurred in the home," the court said.

Adolf Hitler not allowed to live with parents - Telegraph

Maybe they should offer them some birth control. Something tells me they'll breed again.
The decision by the New Jersey state appeals court overruled a family court's decision that there is insufficient evidence of abuse by the parents Heath and Deborah Campbell.

Their children – Adolf Hitler Campbell, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell – have been in foster care since January 2009.

The court said that Heath Campbell, 37, has never held a job because of medical and psychological disabilities, and cannot read. Deborah Campbell, 27, also had mental and physical problems.

Social workers were sent to investigate in December 2008 following reports "that the children were being strapped and confined for unusual amounts of time within the home in child booster seats and that domestic violence occurred in the home," the court said.

Adolf Hitler not allowed to live with parents - Telegraph

Maybe they should offer them some birth control. Something tells me they'll breed again.

The Court has no right to deny them their children under these circumstances. Family Courts are illegal to begin with.
The decision by the New Jersey state appeals court overruled a family court's decision that there is insufficient evidence of abuse by the parents Heath and Deborah Campbell.

Their children – Adolf Hitler Campbell, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell – have been in foster care since January 2009.

The court said that Heath Campbell, 37, has never held a job because of medical and psychological disabilities, and cannot read. Deborah Campbell, 27, also had mental and physical problems.

Social workers were sent to investigate in December 2008 following reports "that the children were being strapped and confined for unusual amounts of time within the home in child booster seats and that domestic violence occurred in the home," the court said.

Adolf Hitler not allowed to live with parents - Telegraph

Maybe they should offer them some birth control. Something tells me they'll breed again.

I'm guessing you're pro-eugenics, would that be correct?
Nope. Just anti-child abuse. These people have no means of supporting children - financially or emotionally. They should not be parents.
Nope. Just anti-child abuse. These people have no means of supporting children - financially or emotionally. They should not be parents.

There are times like these that I wish that a license had to be issued in order to breed.

The same goes for cases where a mom leaves her 5 year old to babysit for her 3 year old and 6 month old while she goes out clubbing. I don't have a link...but you know that it's happened.
Nope. Just anti-child abuse. These people have no means of supporting children - financially or emotionally. They should not be parents.

You saying that they are not fit enough to become parents is eugenics in a nutshell. I do agree that people should not have children unless they are financially and emotionally able to provide for them but I would not go so far as to force my will on them.
Nope. Just anti-child abuse. These people have no means of supporting children - financially or emotionally. They should not be parents.

You saying that they are not fit enough to become parents is eugenics in a nutshell. I do agree that people should not have children unless they are financially and emotionally able to provide for them but I would not go so far as to force my will on them.

its going to have to happen at some point or the world is literally going to collapse. uneducated people having 4-6 kids while educated people with goals and jobs that require that not to sit at home all day have 0-2 kids. after so many generations the world isn't going to cope and the welfare state is going to run out
I'm pretty sure naming your kid Adolf Hitler or having a middle name like Aryan Nation is child abuse. Honestly, imagine a kid going through school with a name like that.
I'm pretty sure naming your kid Adolf Hitler or having a middle name like Aryan Nation is child abuse. Honestly, imagine a kid going through school with a name like that.

Actually that would be wrong. No matter how stupid it might be. Naming your Kid Adolf Hitler is not child Abuse. It is freedom of Expression.

These people are accused of Actual Physical Abuse. That is why they lost their kids.
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The name was just the big red flag.

And lonestar - enforcing abuse laws is not "imposing one's own will" upon anyone. It's imposing a standard of care that is accepted by society. Providing basic needs and not inflicting physical harm on a child is the minimum of "rights" that we bestow upon children.

Welfare and other social service programs were designed to protect the most vulnerable of citizens - children, the elderly and the disabled. Sometimes they have to be protected from the people who should be in charge.
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The name was just the big red flag.

And lonestar - enforcing abuse laws is not "imposing one's own will" upon anyone. It's imposing a standard of care that is accepted by society. Providing basic needs and not inflicting physical harm on a child is the minimum of "rights" that we bestow upon children.

Welfare and other social service programs were designed to protect the most vulnerable of citizens - children, the elderly and the disabled. Sometimes they have to be protected from the people who should be in charge.

I guess you missed the part where the agency responsible for investigating the family FAILED to find real evidence of Child Abuse? It is right in your quoted section.
Good point. I never said they do a great job, but they serve a purpose. Someone pursued it...
No. 1, I highly doubt that the naming of a child "Adolf Hitler" is an actual expression of a political viewpoint, even one I'd be sympathetic too. No. 2, I suspect this comes from mental illness.

And it is a form of child abuse, really.

Even among those who'd acknowledge that Hitler has been demonized far out of proportion to anything he ever did, you must know how "the public" would react to a name like that. And giving such a name shows that you either get that and don't care, or that you don't even get that. Either way, that's really, really bad -- it shows a lack of parental-mindedness that might in fact call for government intervention.
The decision by the New Jersey state appeals court overruled a family court's decision that there is insufficient evidence of abuse by the parents Heath and Deborah Campbell.

Their children – Adolf Hitler Campbell, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell – have been in foster care since January 2009.

The court said that Heath Campbell, 37, has never held a job because of medical and psychological disabilities, and cannot read. Deborah Campbell, 27, also had mental and physical problems.

Social workers were sent to investigate in December 2008 following reports "that the children were being strapped and confined for unusual amounts of time within the home in child booster seats and that domestic violence occurred in the home," the court said.

Adolf Hitler not allowed to live with parents - Telegraph

Maybe they should offer them some birth control. Something tells me they'll breed again.

The Court has no right to deny them their children under these circumstances. Family Courts are illegal to begin with.
Did you miss the part where it said they were strapped down and confined?
I think we should let any parent beat their kids and submit punishment how they see fit, and never get social services, the law or the courts involved. These damn kids should be able to protect themselves from adults abusing them, right?

And we always know the parents are innocent and never abuse children, people who think different are RETARDS!

Nope. Just anti-child abuse. These people have no means of supporting children - financially or emotionally. They should not be parents.

That's how the assholes who separated Indian families justified it. We don't get to determine who shall and who shan't have children. To do so is to establish breeding programs and leads to genocide.

The American government justified the forcible removal of Indian children from their families by saying those families were too poor and the children needed to be fully assimilated into white society, which couldn't happen unless they were removed from home.
But giving children weird names is a form of child abuse. They should have been given the opportunity to change the names to something that wouldn't brand them as freaks for their entire lives. I know a CW worker who did that to a client of his. The family had chosen wildly inappropriate names for two daughters, and he told them to get them changed, that the names would effectively eliminate any chance of success those girls would have. He said if they didn't change them, he would consider it a sign that they weren't working with the authorities to improve their parenting and act accordingly.

They changed the names.

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