Hobby Lobby Win, Union Partial Loss


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2012
Supreme Court rules in Obamacare challenge case
"In a majority opinion written by Associate Justice Samuel Alito, the Justices said the exceptions only apply to the Affordable Care Act’s contraception mandate and in relation to closely held companies that had objections under the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).The IRS defines a closely held corporation as one that has more than 50 percent of the value of its outstanding stock owned (directly or indirectly) by five or fewer individuals and is not a personal service corporation.“Protecting the free-exercise rights of closely held corporations thus protects the religious liberty of the humans who own and control them,” said Alito."
Supreme*Court*Ruling Allows Some Public Workers to Opt Out ofUnion*Fees

New York Times

SNIP from your link:[ The ruling is a great one for the middle-class. ]

Justice Alito wrote that home-care aides who are typically employed by an ill or disabled person with Medicaid’s paying their wages would be classified as partial public employees, which would not be the same as public-school teachers or police officers who work directly for the government.

Because states often set wages for partial public employees like home-care aides and because unions often do not conduct collective bargaining for them, these aides cannot be required to pay union fees, Justice Alito wrote. He wrote that requiring these home-care aides to pay would be a violation of their First Amendment rights.
Supreme*Court*Ruling Allows Some Public Workers to Opt Out ofUnion*Fees

New York Times

SNIP from your link:[ The ruling is a great one for the middle-class. ]

Justice Alito wrote that home-care aides who are typically employed by an ill or disabled person with Medicaid’s paying their wages would be classified as partial public employees, which would not be the same as public-school teachers or police officers who work directly for the government.

Because states often set wages for partial public employees like home-care aides and because unions often do not conduct collective bargaining for them, these aides cannot be required to pay union fees, Justice Alito wrote. He wrote that requiring these home-care aides to pay would be a violation of their First Amendment rights.

Yes, great ruling. Thanks for pulling that from the article. Next I would like to see public sector employees that sue for their own right to negotiate their wages and benefits. As it is, they are not allowed that inherent right, in my opinion.
This is a loss for the middle class.
And, it has nothing at all to do with First Amendment rights.

Why are some RWs in favor of our taxes being used to subsidize the cost of doing business for some companies?
Supreme Court rules in Obamacare challenge case
"In a majority opinion written by Associate Justice Samuel Alito, the Justices said the exceptions only apply to the Affordable Care Act’s contraception mandate and in relation to closely held companies that had objections under the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).The IRS defines a closely held corporation as one that has more than 50 percent of the value of its outstanding stock owned (directly or indirectly) by five or fewer individuals and is not a personal service corporation.“Protecting the free-exercise rights of closely held corporations thus protects the religious liberty of the humans who own and control them,” said Alito."

Supreme*Court*Ruling Allows Some Public Workers to Opt Out ofUnion*Fees

New York Times

and in the no free speech zones around abortion clinics, and the left is just having a horrible year at the Supreme Court. Makes you wonder how all the gay cases are going to come down.
This is a loss for the middle class.
And, it has nothing at all to do with First Amendment rights.

Why are some RWs in favor of our taxes being used to subsidize the cost of doing business for some companies?

Don't work for Hobby Lobby if you want the type of contraceptive care not provided.
This is a loss for the middle class.
And, it has nothing at all to do with First Amendment rights.

Why are some RWs in favor of our taxes being used to subsidize the cost of doing business for some companies?

Why are some lw's in favor of our taxes being used to subsidize unions?
Supreme Court rules in Obamacare challenge case
"In a majority opinion written by Associate Justice Samuel Alito, the Justices said the exceptions only apply to the Affordable Care Act’s contraception mandate and in relation to closely held companies that had objections under the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).The IRS defines a closely held corporation as one that has more than 50 percent of the value of its outstanding stock owned (directly or indirectly) by five or fewer individuals and is not a personal service corporation.“Protecting the free-exercise rights of closely held corporations thus protects the religious liberty of the humans who own and control them,” said Alito."

Supreme*Court*Ruling Allows Some Public Workers to Opt Out ofUnion*Fees

New York Times

and in the no free speech zones around abortion clinics, and the left is just having a horrible year at the Supreme Court. Makes you wonder how all the gay cases are going to come down.

Doesn't this now make it 15 in a row? :)
This one is up there with Bush vs. Gore, in that even the SC knew how corrupt their own decision was, and thus declared it only counts in this single very special case.

"This decision concerns only the contraceptive mandate and should not be understood to mean that all insurance mandates, that is for blood transfusions or vaccinations, necessarily fail if they conflict with an employer's religious beliefs."

So, the SC says that this ruling about "religious rights" actually only applies to contraception. If a muslim employer made their own special rules for employees, this decision would clearly not support them, since it has been specifically tailored to only apply to the right-wing pet issue of contraception.

The moral? We desperately need president Hillary, so some non-corrupt justices get in there.
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I hate these close decisions.

The Hobby Lobby should have been a slam dunk, but in today's divided America it's par for the course.
The union case should have been unanimous. On no planet can it be imagined that a union would control the care a family member gives another family member. Or, that the union would get money for doing absolutely nothing.
The union case should have been unanimous. On no planet can it be imagined that a union would control the care a family member gives another family member. Or, that the union would get money for doing absolutely nothing.

Divided states of America. It's everywhere, from our entertainment, to our lawmakers, to the SCOTUS, and finally to the people themselves.
This country is so over, it aint funny. I think the best thing for all of us, would be to have an agreeable split, and become two nations.
The union case should have been unanimous. On no planet can it be imagined that a union would control the care a family member gives another family member. Or, that the union would get money for doing absolutely nothing.

Divided states of America. It's everywhere, from our entertainment, to our lawmakers, to the SCOTUS, and finally to the people themselves.
This country is so over, it aint funny. I think the best thing for all of us, would be to have an agreeable split, and become two nations.

That really would be the best thing and it is something that will happen. There's nothing that can stop it.
The union case should have been unanimous. On no planet can it be imagined that a union would control the care a family member gives another family member. Or, that the union would get money for doing absolutely nothing.

Divided states of America. It's everywhere, from our entertainment, to our lawmakers, to the SCOTUS, and finally to the people themselves.
This country is so over, it aint funny. I think the best thing for all of us, would be to have an agreeable split, and become two nations.

That really would be the best thing and it is something that will happen. There's nothing that can stop it.

The Republic has survived greater division; I do not view "Hobby Lobby" as a Dred Scott.
Supreme Court rules in Obamacare challenge case
"In a majority opinion written by Associate Justice Samuel Alito, the Justices said the exceptions only apply to the Affordable Care Act’s contraception mandate and in relation to closely held companies that had objections under the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).The IRS defines a closely held corporation as one that has more than 50 percent of the value of its outstanding stock owned (directly or indirectly) by five or fewer individuals and is not a personal service corporation.“Protecting the free-exercise rights of closely held corporations thus protects the religious liberty of the humans who own and control them,” said Alito."

An interesting opinion. It did not base itself upon the first amendment and conceded the government does have a valid interest in providing health care. This statement, “There are other ways in which Congress or HHS could equally ensure that every woman has cost-free access to the particular contraceptives at issue here and, indeed, to all FDA-approved contraceptives,” now opens the door to national health care.

People should be careful what they wish for.
Divided states of America. It's everywhere, from our entertainment, to our lawmakers, to the SCOTUS, and finally to the people themselves.
This country is so over, it aint funny. I think the best thing for all of us, would be to have an agreeable split, and become two nations.

That really would be the best thing and it is something that will happen. There's nothing that can stop it.

The Republic has survived greater division; I do not view "Hobby Lobby" as a Dred Scott.

No, but it's just another symptom of how divided we are.
We've been divided before, but this time I don't see us ever coming together again.
It used to be there were always disagreements, but in the general population there was always the silent majority that usually always got their way without having to lift a finger, because that majority was always represented by lawmakers who simply voted the way the majority felt.
It did't take focus groups, or surveys, it was just a built-in knowledge of how things should be.

Today, due to huge demographic and religious shifts, as well as ideology, we're split, and it's going to stay that way for many years to come.
By the way, who wants to bet that the Dims are already getting ready to drag Sandra Flook out, to start the drumbeat for the war on women.
That really would be the best thing and it is something that will happen. There's nothing that can stop it.

The Republic has survived greater division; I do not view "Hobby Lobby" as a Dred Scott.

No, but it's just another symptom of how divided we are.
We've been divided before, but this time I don't see us ever coming together again.
It used to be there were always disagreements, but in the general population there was always the silent majority that usually always got their way without having to lift a finger, because that majority was always represented by lawmakers who simply voted the way the majority felt.
It did't take focus groups, or surveys, it was just a built-in knowledge of how things should be.

Today, due to huge demographic and religious shifts, as well as ideology, we're split, and it's going to stay that way for many years to come.

I may be optimistic, but we were divided over Vietnam; Obama only has 2 1/2 years left in office. It seems his existence has divided us, sadly. He has never roused great emotion in me, one way or the other.

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