Hobby Lobby Win, Union Partial Loss

This is a loss for the middle class.
And, it has nothing at all to do with First Amendment rights.

Why are some RWs in favor of our taxes being used to subsidize the cost of doing business for some companies?

Did your mom drop you on your head? The DNC is the one that used our tax dollars to subsidize the cost of doing business for some companies when they passed the PPACA in the first place.

It has everything to do with freedom of religion, at least for people who have religion. I don't like the GOP any better than I do the DNC, but your position just makes zero sense under the facts as they exist.
By the way, who wants to bet that the Dims are already getting ready to drag Sandra Flook out, to start the drumbeat for the war on women.

The Constitutional lawyer in the white house is considering ways of overturning this decision unilaterally.
By the way, who wants to bet that the Dims are already getting ready to drag Sandra Flook out, to start the drumbeat for the war on women.

Sandra the Slut is probably balling her eyes out at the idea she may have to pay for her own contraception.
By the way, who wants to bet that the Dims are already getting ready to drag Sandra Flook out, to start the drumbeat for the war on women.

The Constitutional lawyer in the white house is considering ways of overturning this decision unilaterally.

Should he do something that far out of line, I would support congressional action to prevent him from doing so.
This is the ruling that 90% of America was hoping for and, frankly, I'm surprised with the outcome - pleasantly so. The world will continue turning and women will continue aborting babies. Hobby Lobby will continue paying for the majority of contraceptives that they have been paying for all along.

Congratulations to Hobby Lobby.
I notice none of the righties are even trying to defend the indefensible part of this decision, the way it said religious rights only exist for a selective subset of right-wing christian religious beliefs. A consistent person would have thought that such religious rights in this case would either exist for all religions or for none.

But then, consistency is not what the right is known for. They got what they wanted, the right to bully people in the name of their religion. So what if the decision brazenly violated Equal Protection? When the right is out to grab power, the Constitution is merely an inconvenience.
I notice none of the righties are even trying to defend the indefensible part of this decision, the way it said religious rights only exist for a selective subset of right-wing christian religious beliefs. A consistent person would have thought that such religious rights in this case would either exist for all religions or for none.

But then, consistency is not what the right is known for. They got what they wanted, the right to bully people in the name of their religion. So what if the decision brazenly violated Equal Protection? When the right is out to grab power, the Constitution is merely an inconvenience.

You mad? :D
This is a loss for the middle class.
And, it has nothing at all to do with First Amendment rights.

Why are some RWs in favor of our taxes being used to subsidize the cost of doing business for some companies?

What the fuck are you babbling about now? These people were forced into a union without a vote, one would think that even you would see a problem with that.
I notice none of the righties are even trying to defend the indefensible part of this decision, the way it said religious rights only exist for a selective subset of right-wing christian religious beliefs. A consistent person would have thought that such religious rights in this case would either exist for all religions or for none.

But then, consistency is not what the right is known for. They got what they wanted, the right to bully people in the name of their religion. So what if the decision brazenly violated Equal Protection? When the right is out to grab power, the Constitution is merely an inconvenience.

Actually, the ruling applies equally to closely held corporations owned by Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, or any other people with strong religious beliefs, but thanks for proving you didn't read the article.

Or just maybe, others choose purposefully to misrepresent the case. Hobby Lobby covers 16 of the 20 contraceptives Obamacare covers.
The only ones they don't cover are the morning and week after pill, as well as emergency contraceptive iud's for a total of 4 out of 20 contraceptives. They cover the other 16. And until recently contraceptive meant those items used to prevent pregnancy pre coital and they cover those. And those 4? They can still purchase on their own at least 2 of those for as little as $10. And over the counter- no doctor required.

It makes me sick, as a woman to think we can't take responsibility before we have sex, rather than after.
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