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Holder Could Prosecute Biden


Sep 23, 2010
Perhaps those union people Biden was appealing to should ask him to explain exactly who he wants to take the country back from? I doubt if the Mouth That Roared means take the country back from the people that he and his kind gave it to —— the parasite class and the UNIC (United Nations/International Community).

Big Mouth Biden talks like it is 1910 and he is standing tall against an army of robber barons:

Joe Biden: Economy Not Growing Because ‘Ordinary People Have No Money in Their Pockets’

“You know there is an outfit called Standard and Poors, the leading financial services group. It says, ‘You want U.S. income inequity has reached levels not seen since 1928.’

Joe Biden Economy Not Growing Because Ordinary People Have No Money in Their Pockets Grabien - The Multimedia Marketplace
The fact is that the economic quicksand private sector Americans are sinking in was created by six decades of Democrat party policies.

Notice that Asshole Biden never talks about the crippling increases in the cost of healthcare that only private sector Americans must pay, nor open-borders kept open by Democrats, nor crime-ridden cities long controlled by Democrat political machines, or the war he and his kind refuse to recognize let alone fight to win.

And let’s not overlook racism. Apparently Biden did not get memo. Taking our country back is racist talk:

As it's grown in influence and power, the Tea Party movement is increasingly being attacked by fearful liberals looking for ways to paint it as racist. One of their favorite lines of late is that the desire to "take the country back" is actually veiled bigotry, even a call to return to institutionalized racism. Considering how many liberals used this phrase during the Bush 43 administration, however, this is yet another case of media liberals throwing stones from a glass house.
The Delaware Mouth should have cleared his remarks with Hillary Clinton and other top Democrats:
In declaring his run for the presidency, Howard Dean told a crowd in Burlington, Vermont, "You have the power to take our county back!" A little more than half a year later, when Dean was ousted from the Democratic primary, he said the same thing once again. Nine days later, he again said "I'll be doing everything that I can to make sure that John Kerry and John Edwards take this country back."

In fact, Howard Dean was such a fan of the phrase, he even wrote two books incorporating it into their titles: "You Have the Power: How to Take Back Our Country and Restore Democracy in America" and "Winning Back America". From whom? He doesn't say. But clearly he's a racist.

As is Hillary Clinton. In a stunning show of racial bigotry, Clinton opened her 2008 run for president by declaring the she would "take our country back."

Chuck Schumer: also a racist. After the 2006 midterms, he stated: "We really care about taking our country back… So far, sooo good."

Prominent Democratic strategists James Carville and Paul Begala are also racists. They coauthored a book in the run-up to the last presidential election titled "Take It Back: A Battle Plan for Democratic Victory."

And how about the racist Katrina vanden Hevuel, editor of the far-left, near-bankrupt magazine The Nation. She's also a racist for penning a book titled "Taking Back America".

Liberal talk show host Thom Hartmann also cannot restrain his racist views. The title of his book, "We the People: A Call to Take Back America" is clearly rooted in bigotry.


And so we arrive at the circular, nonsensical nature of the argument: since the Tea Party is racist, their insistence that they "take the country back" is really a call for a return to institutionalized racism. But how do you know they are racist? Because they want to "take the country back." But liberals have said they want to take the country back, why isn't that also indicative of racism? Because liberals aren't racists.

'Taking Back America' Wasn't Racist Until Liberals Stopped Saying It
By Lachlan Markay | October 14, 2010 | 12:37

Taking Back America Wasn t Racist Until Liberals Stopped Saying It NewsBusters
“Taking our country back” must be a racist remark because the country’s leading authority on racism says it is:

Holder Says 'Taking Our Country Back' Is Racist ... But Remember When Liberals Used to Say It?
Holder sees 'racial animus' in opposition
By Justin Sink, The Hill

Holder Says Taking Our Country Back Is Racist ... But Remember When Liberals Used to Say It - Fox Nation
I just had a revelation! At the very least Asshole Biden is guilty of hate speech. Now, Holder can prosecute him for racism?
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Flanders got a number of things wrong, the one most offensive is to call Vice President of the United States an asshole. Biden is a good man; Flanders is the asshole.
Flanders shouldn't feel to bad, he has company with Vigilante in the set of all assholes.

Both are in the set of all asshole, where it intersects with the thread of those who have never accomplished a thing in their pitiful life.
I can think of no better way to show Asshole Biden for the clown he is than to post videos of Ronald Reagan’s Labor Day speech in 1980:

Web Gem: Ronald Reagan’s 1980 Labor Day Speech
"We can have a bigger pie and that'll mean bigger slices for every one of us."
by Paula Bolyard

September 1, 2014 - 12:16 am

p.s. Compare America to what is was when Reagan left office to what it is today, and what it will be when every piece of garbage in this Administration is finished tearing the country down.
Can you believe this guy:
Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday said America will follow the terrorists who posted videos showing the beheading of two journalists "to the gates of hell."

Robert Gates notes that Joe Biden is always wrong about foreign policy
Joel Gehrke • | January 7, 2014 | 12:00 am

Robert Gates notes that Joe Biden is always wrong about foreign policy WashingtonExaminer.com
Good old ‘Cut and Run’ Joe Biden is as much responsible for ISIS as is anybody else. He was one of the most vocal opponents of the war in Iraq after Bush invaded before getting the UN’s approval. Then he wanted to pull out before the war was won. Then he supported pulling out after the war was won. The man has never been right in his life. I will admit that Biden does have a unique talent; no matter how events evolve he always manages to stay in the wrong.

Remember that Biden originally took credit for Clinton’s Balkan Adventure which resulted in killing Christians for Muslims. Now, ISIS Muslims are killing Christians, and everybody else in Iraq, and Big Mouth Biden is angry.

NOTE: Biden never shed a tear for the men and women fighting and dying in Iraq, nor did he weep for the sacrifices he and his boss threw away when they pulled out. Frankly, I will not believe Biden is angry about ISIS posting videos on the Internet until I hear it from Suzy Five Shows. I think his threat to follow ISIS to the gates of hell for beheading journalists has more to do with making points with the media than it does with videos.

Incidentally, the Administration is talking about going after ISIS in Syria.

White House deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes claimed President Obama won’t “be restricted by borders” while seeking to defeat ISIS terrorists in both Syria and Iraq — strongly suggesting that the U.S. aerial campaign already underway in Iraq will move into Syria.

White House Strongly Hints US Will Bomb ISIS In Syria [VIDEO]
3:27 PM 08/22/2014
Brendan Bordelon

White House Strongly Hints US Will Bomb ISIS In Syria VIDEO The Daily Caller
I cannot find out if going into Syria means partnering with Bashar al-Assad —— he is the guy that that other asshole, John Kerry, wanted out of there. Now, they are stuck with choosing between two murderous Muslim factions —— fight with Assad or help the rebels by calling them “moderate.” No matter what you call them does not change the fact that they are cut from the same cloth as ISIS.

Take this one to the bank. Whatever Biden wants to do will be wrong for this country.
Flanders got a number of things wrong, the one most offensive is to call Vice President of the United States an asshole. Biden is a good man; Flanders is the asshole.

Intellectually vapid remark. But not unexpected.

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