Holiday Goodies


Platinum Member
Dec 31, 2015
Anyone still do homemade candy, cookies and/or snacks??? None of us are really big on the frosted cut out sugar cookies, so I stick with candy & snacks.

At our house the must haves are the peanut butter chocolate bars and Chex mix.

I've also done homemade Peppermint patties, Mounds bars and chocolate drops. I'll probably also try to make some fudge, but that's something I usually struggle either comes out too soft or gritty from the sugar crystalizing.....either not enough or too much heat or cook time.

I haven't done chocolate covered raisins or cherries in several years

Oh, just gotta have some Gingerbread cake and cookies are good too

Whether you give it away or just to have around during the holiday season, what are some of your favorites?
grandkids like these

ohhh ...I admire so much people who cook their holiday goodies....YUM!

but in all truth that's no holiday goodies are more from Sephora .... and you know.....clothes shops and places....but

I do admire and respect your kind! :2up: Long live!!!!
ohhh ...I admire so much people who cook their holiday goodies....YUM!

but in all truth that's no holiday goodies are more from Sephora .... and you know.....clothes shops and places....but

I do admire and respect your kind! :2up: Long live!!!!

I started the tradition when my kids were little, to pass on those memories of making holiday goodies like I had from my Mom & Aunt. Which was great for years. Then last year I mentioned I wasn't going to make anything and boy did I hear about it. So now I'm stuck with the job whether I like it or not. :rolleyes:
Anyone still do homemade candy, cookies and/or snacks??? None of us are really big on the frosted cut out sugar cookies, so I stick with candy & snacks.

At our house the must haves are the peanut butter chocolate bars and Chex mix.

I've also done homemade Peppermint patties, Mounds bars and chocolate drops. I'll probably also try to make some fudge, but that's something I usually struggle either comes out too soft or gritty from the sugar crystalizing.....either not enough or too much heat or cook time.

I haven't done chocolate covered raisins or cherries in several years

Oh, just gotta have some Gingerbread cake and cookies are good too

Whether you give it away or just to have around during the holiday season, what are some of your favorites?

Always wanted to go to Germany for the Xmas season --- just for the cookies. I'm a cookie monster. Especially a nice shortbread with anise in it. :happy-1:

Just polished off the last of a batch of gluten-free chocolate chip cookies made for the snowbound week. Sad time. :(
Home-made Fruitcake and the ever-present dreaded Stollen. So much of it I always look forward to the holidays being over.

We dont do sweets.
We make extragent meat dishes.
Salt crusted Prime rib and the like.

This year the plan for Christmas dinner is Ham with pineapple and a brown sugar & mustard glaze, sweet potatoes, taters & gravy and I don't know yet what else...but Prime rib will be for New Years......gotta start this next year out on the right foot :thup:
Home-made Fruitcake and the ever-present dreaded Stollen. So much of it I always look forward to the holidays being over.


Why is the Stollen dreaded? It looks tasty, though I've never tried it

About two pieces is all I can stand. It's usually too sweet, five days old, dried out, and full of crunchy things that break your teeth or rip your gums to shreds.

I think they are German or Norwegian or something. Everyone makes them for Christmas and if you had a fireplace, you could almost heat the house with them for a couple days.
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Anyone still do homemade candy, cookies and/or snacks??? None of us are really big on the frosted cut out sugar cookies, so I stick with candy & snacks.

At our house the must haves are the peanut butter chocolate bars and Chex mix.

I've also done homemade Peppermint patties, Mounds bars and chocolate drops. I'll probably also try to make some fudge, but that's something I usually struggle either comes out too soft or gritty from the sugar crystalizing.....either not enough or too much heat or cook time.

I haven't done chocolate covered raisins or cherries in several years

Oh, just gotta have some Gingerbread cake and cookies are good too

Whether you give it away or just to have around during the holiday season, what are some of your favorites?

Always wanted to go to Germany for the Xmas season --- just for the cookies. I'm a cookie monster. Especially a nice shortbread with anise in it. :happy-1:

Just polished off the last of a batch of gluten-free chocolate chip cookies made for the snowbound week. Sad time. :(

I just made chocolate chip cookies the other day.....first time in like 2 years. I was on strike, don't ask :mad:
Home-made Fruitcake and the ever-present dreaded Stollen. So much of it I always look forward to the holidays being over.


Why is the Stollen dreaded? It looks tasty, though I've never tried it

About two pieces is all I can stand. It's usually too sweet, five days old, dried out, and full of crunchy things that break your teeth or rips your gums.

I think they German or Norwegian or something. Everyone makes them for Christmas and if you had a fireplace, you could almost heat the house with them for a couple days.

Actually Saxony/Germany/Netherlands.....Stollen - Wikipedia

Do you also do the fruitcake with brandy??
The one sweet we used to make regularly...

Martha Washington Bon Bons.

Holiday-Ready Martha Washington Coconut Candy

We burned up many a hand mixer before we started using a drill.

a drill???? Are they really that difficult to mix?

Oh yeah they are!!!
We first burned out the mixer,then tried a wooden spoon which promptly broke.
Then came the light bulb .......the 1/2 inch Milwaukee drill.

True enough I guess with all that powder sugar, coconut and pecans......but don't they 'melt in your mouth' for easier eating?

I know some of those candies I've made can be like that...….difficult to mix, but easy eating.

Though once there's enough powder sugar in there, I use my hands

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