Homan Square revealed: how Chicago police 'disappeared' 7,000 peopl

This is unbelievable. Reading this you'd think you were reading a story about the Soviet KGB, but this is the Chicago Police Department and I bet not a damn thing will happen to anyone involved in this when it's all said and done.

Homan Square revealed: how Chicago police 'disappeared' 7,000 people

They didnt 'disappear' any god damned body. That is a lie and you are deliberately repeating it.

I am so sick of you lying piss fucks tearing down our cops, dude, go fuck yourself.

You dont rate tying a cops shoes, so piss off.

I wish they would give cops hunting licenses year round to go and take the worst of the worst to the river and just put a fucking bullet in the back of their heads and dump them in a pool of acid and 'disappear' the little bastards for REAL
The Story reads like one of those CIA "black" prisons.
It is total bullshit, dude, dont buy it.

'Oh, knows, some coked up sheister cant find his meal ticket cause it got lost in a precinct and they wont help me, poor poor thug. Must be cops disappearing them again!'
So they took potential suspects to a building to interrogate them in an attempt to get info for interdiction of major crimes.


Um....did I miss something?
This is unbelievable. Reading this you'd think you were reading a story about the Soviet KGB, but this is the Chicago Police Department and I bet not a damn thing will happen to anyone involved in this when it's all said and done.

Homan Square revealed: how Chicago police 'disappeared' 7,000 people

They didnt 'disappear' any god damned body. That is a lie and you are deliberately repeating it.

I am so sick of you lying piss fucks tearing down our cops, dude, go fuck yourself.

You dont rate tying a cops shoes, so piss off.

I wish they would give cops hunting licenses year round to go and take the worst of the worst to the river and just put a fucking bullet in the back of their heads and dump them in a pool of acid and 'disappear' the little bastards for REAL

Yet another Tea Party "small" government conservative supporting a big government abusive police state. Amazing how much you people have in common with the Communists you despise so much. The irony.
So they took potential suspects to a building to interrogate them in an attempt to get info for interdiction of major crimes.


Um....did I miss something?

Your dignity
This is unbelievable. Reading this you'd think you were reading a story about the Soviet KGB, but this is the Chicago Police Department and I bet not a damn thing will happen to anyone involved in this when it's all said and done.

Homan Square revealed: how Chicago police 'disappeared' 7,000 people

They didnt 'disappear' any god damned body. That is a lie and you are deliberately repeating it.

I am so sick of you lying piss fucks tearing down our cops, dude, go fuck yourself.

You dont rate tying a cops shoes, so piss off.

I wish they would give cops hunting licenses year round to go and take the worst of the worst to the river and just put a fucking bullet in the back of their heads and dump them in a pool of acid and 'disappear' the little bastards for REAL

Yet another Tea Party "small" government conservative supporting a big government abusive police state. Amazing how much you people have in common with the Communists you despise so much. The irony.

Hahaha....a "police state"? You have no clue what a true police state looks like.

On a BUSY cycle....cops make about 15,000,000 arrests in a year. That's about 4% of our population. Many of those are repeat offenders being arrested several times a year. Many aren't legal. residents. So....let's make that what...about 1-2% of the total population of US citizens get arrested in a year?? And how many of those are for DUI, theft, assault, rape, and other absolutely legitimate crimes? A huge chunk.

So....yeah....you actually have to work at it and be a colossal dumbass in America to get arrested. Which....guys like DontTazeMeBro seem to succeed at.

Police state haha? Yeah right. Take a vacation to North Korea, China, Iran or Russia and let us know what a true police state looks like.
Yet another Tea Party "small" government conservative supporting a big government abusive police state. Amazing how much you people have in common with the Communists you despise so much. The irony.

That cops are putting uncomfortable pressure on professional criminals who are victimizing people in their own community on a daily basis is not a concern of mine and I hope that they do more. The people of the black community, the ones that 'Black Lies Matter' just ignores as not mattering at all, those people are generally grateful that the cops do their jobs and put these vicious animals away to keep the law abiding safe.

That some white male doper punk cant tell the difference between that and a genuine police state is of no concern to me.
On a BUSY cycle....cops make about 15,000,000 arrests in a year. That's about 4% of our population. Many of those are repeat offenders being arrested several times a year. Many aren't legal. residents. So....let's make that what...about 1-2% of the total population of US citizens get arrested in a year?? And how many of those are for DUI, theft, assault, rape, and other absolutely legitimate crimes? A huge chunk.

I'm kinda liking a Sharia approach to this problem, after the third offense, ham string the bastards for life.
Where is your evidence it's all a bullshit lie?

The information in the article dude, or do you just not know what the phrase 'the government disappeared him' actually means historically?

It means a Death Squad killed the fucker and dumped his body somewhere. Idiocy like yours is simply inuring the public to the reality that I hope doesnt happen, at least not yet.
This is unbelievable. Reading this you'd think you were reading a story about the Soviet KGB, but this is the Chicago Police Department and I bet not a damn thing will happen to anyone involved in this when it's all said and done.

Homan Square revealed: how Chicago police 'disappeared' 7,000 people

They didnt 'disappear' any god damned body. That is a lie and you are deliberately repeating it.

I am so sick of you lying piss fucks tearing down our cops, dude, go fuck yourself.

You dont rate tying a cops shoes, so piss off.

I wish they would give cops hunting licenses year round to go and take the worst of the worst to the river and just put a fucking bullet in the back of their heads and dump them in a pool of acid and 'disappear' the little bastards for REAL

Yet another Tea Party "small" government conservative supporting a big government abusive police state. Amazing how much you people have in common with the Communists you despise so much. The irony.
Yeah, that's because Chicago such a Tea Party city.

Well, no one ever said cleaning up shit holes is easy.
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