Honest question about 911

"You've given us no reason to believe that all 43 videos were faked." How about the fact that the alleged airliner crash as shown constitutes a violation of the laws of physics?
You're alleging that no planes hit the towers?? While I'm willing to keep my mind open to all ideas and I am never surprised by the ability to deceive the masses, unless you have something more than claiming it to be a violation of the laws of physics I will have to assume you are working with Sklyr.
Why not focus on the many provable lies, anomalies, inaccuracies and improbabilities.
My apologies if I've misinterpreted your post.

This is a rather thorny bit but I'll wade on in ..... The video that alleges to show "FLT175" hitting the south wall of the South tower is NOT a commercial airliner, it may have been an image of a commercial airliner to cover for a missile, or anything at all, or there may have been nothing except for explosives in the building. however I will stick to my original statement that there were NO airliners hijacked on 9/11/2001. The other bits that are rather much open to speculation as to HOW it was done, but its clear what was not done, and that is the crashing of a commercial airliner into the tower(s). its just all too *&^%$#@! convenient for both airliners to simply disappear inside the towers without having so much energy as to break out an "exit wound" in the opposite wall of the tower. The goal was to make the airliner disappear because there really wasn't any airliner to begin with. likewise with the Shanksville and Pentagon crashes, and taking the Pentagon crash as an example, totally improbable that an airliner could strike the Pentagon at the angle that was supposed to have been and then have the aircraft or at least 99% of said aircraft disappear inside the Pentagon, how convenient for the official story tellers, not having to deal with any aircraft wreckage on the Pentagon lawn.
The entire OFFICIAL story is just that a story, a made up fantasy that some creative writer hatched and then the mainstream propaganda machine sold it to the public. is truth stranger ....
and Yes I've heard it MANY times that REAL truthers accept the hijacked airliners bit because its real and there are other bits that need to be addressed, however I call 'em like I see 'em .....
it is what it is.....

also, to address my motivation for saying that "FLT175" is blatantly bogus, the aircraft crash event is really not a crash at all, the airliner or what is presented as an airliner, simply as much as melts into the side of the skyscraper. and indeed does so with out any visible change in velocity. Busting a hole in the tower wall took energy to accomplish and the ONLY energy available from "FLT175" would be from its momentum and therefore using up that energy to breach the tower wall would cause the airliner to slow down, and indeed to slow down significantly. therefore "FLT175" was FAKE! and no matter how loud & long the protest of "it would require too many people (etc....) "
the facts are in the video.
What you're asserting is that "some" group somehow acquired every single video and altered every single one of them so precisely, that the plane striking the south tower appeared exactly the same in every single video. Even more astonishing, and unbelievable, than that assertion ... you're insanity includes the notion that not a single person among the many dozens who recorded that event noticed either their recording were stolen or modified.

Being of sane and sound mind myself, I am curious ... how does a disturbed mind resolve that insanity?

Indeed, inquiring minds have repeatedly asked our CTs how they reconcile the gapping holes in their scenarios but alas, none seems willing or capable of explaining their remarkable tunnel vision.

the ONLY argument against the totally bogus nature of the "FLT175" video is the incredulity of some people.
Why didn't you respond to my post?

Here, I'll even expand on it ... keep in mind, if the government wanted to generate the results of 9.11, they could have easily done so with bombs, and not planes. Given the 1993 WTC attack, it would have been completely believable.

That said, according to your hysteria, ALL it would have taken to COMPLETELY undermine the entire story was one single video depicting the explosion of the Twin Towers without the plane striking it where it can be seen in every other video. Then at least, there would be evidence of your hallucinations.

Now bear in mind on any given day there are roughly 10 million people in and around NYC. Even in 2001, many in possession of video cameras.

So why on Earth would any conspirators RISK such an elaborate scheme on such an easily debunkable rouse, which REQUIRED them to obtain 100% of EVERY single video capturing the event so that they could flawlessly edit EVERY single video (with no one noticing)?

Why would they do something so easily proven faked when they could have easily just blamed conventional bombs?

Furthermore, since the risk to exposing such a plot centered around videos of the event, if it were faked, as you idiotically believe; and it was a controlled demolition, as you idiotically believe; why would they "fake" fly planes into the Twin Towers some 20 minutes apart? Knowing the first would likely catch everyone by surprise whereas by the time of the second bombing, most people would be watching.

You ran away from my last two posts ... hopefully you'll address this one.
argument from incredulity ( etc.... ) Bottom line here is that the AMERICAN public has accepted an explanation of what happened on 9/11/2001 that has no foundation of the fundamental physical evidence that should be required to prove the case. The fake airline hijackings served a purpose in that the power mad "leaders" got an excuse to create the DHS & TSA
note that early on in the German Nazi regime their "congress" passed the ENABLING ACT(s) and made legal all sorts of atrocities that people should be very seriously outraged about. In AMERICA right now, we have our own version of the enabling acts and these laws, though at this time not being used full force, if implemented completely would virtually end the bill of rights and turn AMERICA into a police state. all that is required is a crisis of significant proportions and the AMERICAN public will beg for a STRONG LEADER TO PROTECT THEM. .... what a CROCK!

With the evidence that is available, that is the video record of the towers & 7 "collapsing" + the facts about the alleged airliner crashes into the towers & Pentagon, and Shanksville. There can be no other conclusion but that the mainstream media has lied to everybody! and our "leaders" are using the tragedy for their own power-mad ends.
argument from incredulity ( etc.... ) Bottom line here is that the AMERICAN public has accepted an explanation of what happened on 9/11/2001 that has no foundation of the fundamental physical evidence that should be required to prove the case. The fake airline hijackings served a purpose in that the power mad "leaders" got an excuse to create the DHS & TSA
note that early on in the German Nazi regime their "congress" passed the ENABLING ACT(s) and made legal all sorts of atrocities that people should be very seriously outraged about. In AMERICA right now, we have our own version of the enabling acts and these laws, though at this time not being used full force, if implemented completely would virtually end the bill of rights and turn AMERICA into a police state. all that is required is a crisis of significant proportions and the AMERICAN public will beg for a STRONG LEADER TO PROTECT THEM. .... what a CROCK!

With the evidence that is available, that is the video record of the towers & 7 "collapsing" + the facts about the alleged airliner crashes into the towers & Pentagon, and Shanksville. There can be no other conclusion but that the mainstream media has lied to everybody! and our "leaders" are using the tragedy for their own power-mad ends.
I see you have no intention of responding to my posts. I can only assume, because even you know it completely exposes you as the lunatic you appear to be.
Does anyone know of a paper, or video, written or produced by structural engineers that support the view of a plane causing a building to collapse and why the collapse looked like a controlled demolition? And why a building not hit by a plane could collapse from a fire?

Just curious..... did your question ever get answered?
There are the OFFICIAL reports produced by various alphabet soup agencies such as the NIST ( etc .... ) however since these "reports" contain Logical Fallacies and self contradictory bits that totally discredit the whole fiasco. In academia there may or may not be the things you are looking for, however even in peer reviewed papers, there are all sorts of errors ( example is the original Bazant paper .... what a CROCK! )

There are LOTS of people who question the official explanation of what happened, however I know of not one serious academic treatment of the subject that can be seen supporting the official story. ( if one exists, somebody please post a link .... )
Does anyone know of a paper, or video, written or produced by structural engineers that support the view of a plane causing a building to collapse and why the collapse looked like a controlled demolition? And why a building not hit by a plane could collapse from a fire?

Just curious..... did your question ever get answered?

Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" which weakened the structures. Please read the NIST report and stop pretending you actually know something.
The objective of disinformation is not to convince you of one point of view or another, it is to create enough uncertainty so that everything is believable and nothing is knowable. " -- James Fetzer
The objective of disinformation is not to convince you of one point of view or another, it is to create enough uncertainty so that everything is believable and nothing is knowable. " -- James Fetzer

And clearly that is exactly what the 9/11 CT Movement has engaged in the past 13 years. No plausible alternatives to the mainstream conclusions but rather cherry-picked half-truths, innuendo, speculation, outright fabrications and loony flights of fantasy like "no planes were hijacked on 9/11" and the fires were "staged and controlled."
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Does anyone know of a paper, or video, written or produced by structural engineers that support the view of a plane causing a building to collapse and why the collapse looked like a controlled demolition? And why a building not hit by a plane could collapse from a fire?

Just curious..... did your question ever get answered?
There are the OFFICIAL reports produced by various alphabet soup agencies such as the NIST ( etc .... ) however since these "reports" contain Logical Fallacies and self contradictory bits that totally discredit the whole fiasco. In academia there may or may not be the things you are looking for, however even in peer reviewed papers, there are all sorts of errors ( example is the original Bazant paper .... what a CROCK! )

There are LOTS of people who question the official explanation of what happened, however I know of not one serious academic treatment of the subject that can be seen supporting the official story. ( if one exists, somebody please post a link .... )

And if I do will you suddenly give up your obtuse silliness and admit you have been digging your rabbit hole without regard for the plethora of credible info that debunks your silliness?
Does anyone know of a paper, or video, written or produced by structural engineers that support the view of a plane causing a building to collapse and why the collapse looked like a controlled demolition? And why a building not hit by a plane could collapse from a fire?

Just curious..... did your question ever get answered?

Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" which weakened the structures. Please read the NIST report and stop pretending you actually know something.
"Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

The South Tower collapsed 56 minutes after impact = 56 minute fire
The North Tower collapsed 102 minutes after impact. = 102 minute fire

You even capped HOURS for emphasis!

"HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

You have no shame, there is no end to your deceitful ways.

"stop pretending you actually know something. "
The objective of disinformation is not to convince you of one point of view or another, it is to create enough uncertainty so that everything is believable and nothing is knowable. " -- James Fetzer
jim "space beam" fetzer
Does anyone know of a paper, or video, written or produced by structural engineers that support the view of a plane causing a building to collapse and why the collapse looked like a controlled demolition? And why a building not hit by a plane could collapse from a fire?

Just curious..... did your question ever get answered?

Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" which weakened the structures. Please read the NIST report and stop pretending you actually know something.
"Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

The South Tower collapsed 56 minutes after impact = 56 minute fire
The North Tower collapsed 102 minutes after impact. = 102 minute fire

You even capped HOURS for emphasis!

"HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

You have no shame, there is no end to your deceitful ways.

"stop pretending you actually know something. "
it was hours 2 hours and 17 min to be accurate. they burned for days even weeks weeks after the collapse..
The objective of disinformation is not to convince you of one point of view or another, it is to create enough uncertainty so that everything is believable and nothing is knowable. " -- James Fetzer
jim "space beam" fetzer
Here is a Carl Sagan quote for you:
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”
The objective of disinformation is not to convince you of one point of view or another, it is to create enough uncertainty so that everything is believable and nothing is knowable. " -- James Fetzer
jim "space beam" fetzer
Here is a Carl Sagan quote for you:
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”
you and other ct NUTSACKS have done just that...
Does anyone know of a paper, or video, written or produced by structural engineers that support the view of a plane causing a building to collapse and why the collapse looked like a controlled demolition? And why a building not hit by a plane could collapse from a fire?

Just curious..... did your question ever get answered?

Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" which weakened the structures. Please read the NIST report and stop pretending you actually know something.
"Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

The South Tower collapsed 56 minutes after impact = 56 minute fire
The North Tower collapsed 102 minutes after impact. = 102 minute fire

You even capped HOURS for emphasis!

"HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

You have no shame, there is no end to your deceitful ways.

"stop pretending you actually know something. "
it was hours 2 hours and 17 min to be accurate. they burned for days even weeks weeks after the collapse..

Does anyone know of a paper, or video, written or produced by structural engineers that support the view of a plane causing a building to collapse and why the collapse looked like a controlled demolition? And why a building not hit by a plane could collapse from a fire?

Just curious..... did your question ever get answered?

Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" which weakened the structures. Please read the NIST report and stop pretending you actually know something.
"Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

The South Tower collapsed 56 minutes after impact = 56 minute fire
The North Tower collapsed 102 minutes after impact. = 102 minute fire

You even capped HOURS for emphasis!

"HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

You have no shame, there is no end to your deceitful ways.

"stop pretending you actually know something. "
it was hours 2 hours and 17 min to be accurate. they burned for days even weeks weeks after the collapse..

You pull that time out of your arse? Your credibility is going the way of Sklyar and some of your other myther friends.
8:46 Flight 11 crashes into the North Tower
10:28 The North Tower of the World Trade Center collapses, approximately 102 minutes after being struck by Flight 11

9:03 Flight 175 crashes into the South Tower
9:59 The South Tower of the World Trade Center collapses, 56 minutes after the impact of Flight 175
Does anyone know of a paper, or video, written or produced by structural engineers that support the view of a plane causing a building to collapse and why the collapse looked like a controlled demolition? And why a building not hit by a plane could collapse from a fire?

Just curious..... did your question ever get answered?

Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" which weakened the structures. Please read the NIST report and stop pretending you actually know something.
"Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

The South Tower collapsed 56 minutes after impact = 56 minute fire
The North Tower collapsed 102 minutes after impact. = 102 minute fire

You even capped HOURS for emphasis!

"HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

You have no shame, there is no end to your deceitful ways.

"stop pretending you actually know something. "
it was hours 2 hours and 17 min to be accurate. they burned for days even weeks weeks after the collapse..

Does anyone know of a paper, or video, written or produced by structural engineers that support the view of a plane causing a building to collapse and why the collapse looked like a controlled demolition? And why a building not hit by a plane could collapse from a fire?

Just curious..... did your question ever get answered?

Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" which weakened the structures. Please read the NIST report and stop pretending you actually know something.
"Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

The South Tower collapsed 56 minutes after impact = 56 minute fire
The North Tower collapsed 102 minutes after impact. = 102 minute fire

You even capped HOURS for emphasis!

"HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

You have no shame, there is no end to your deceitful ways.

"stop pretending you actually know something. "
it was hours 2 hours and 17 min to be accurate. they burned for days even weeks weeks after the collapse..

You pull that time out of your arse? Your credibility is going the way of Sklyar and some of your other myther friends.
8:46 Flight 11 crashes into the North Tower
10:28 The North Tower of the World Trade Center collapses, approximately 102 minutes after being struck by Flight 11

9:03 Flight 175 crashes into the South Tower
9:59 The South Tower of the World Trade Center collapses, 56 minutes after the impact of Flight 175
do the math shit head the combined time was 2 hours 17 mins..
also your comments about credibility are hilarious .
you're a CT nut sack that all by itself means you have zero credibility now and forever.
Just curious..... did your question ever get answered?

Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" which weakened the structures. Please read the NIST report and stop pretending you actually know something.
"Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

The South Tower collapsed 56 minutes after impact = 56 minute fire
The North Tower collapsed 102 minutes after impact. = 102 minute fire

You even capped HOURS for emphasis!

"HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

You have no shame, there is no end to your deceitful ways.

"stop pretending you actually know something. "
it was hours 2 hours and 17 min to be accurate. they burned for days even weeks weeks after the collapse..

Just curious..... did your question ever get answered?

Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" which weakened the structures. Please read the NIST report and stop pretending you actually know something.
"Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

The South Tower collapsed 56 minutes after impact = 56 minute fire
The North Tower collapsed 102 minutes after impact. = 102 minute fire

You even capped HOURS for emphasis!

"HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

You have no shame, there is no end to your deceitful ways.

"stop pretending you actually know something. "
it was hours 2 hours and 17 min to be accurate. they burned for days even weeks weeks after the collapse..

You pull that time out of your arse? Your credibility is going the way of Sklyar and some of your other myther friends.
8:46 Flight 11 crashes into the North Tower
10:28 The North Tower of the World Trade Center collapses, approximately 102 minutes after being struck by Flight 11

9:03 Flight 175 crashes into the South Tower
9:59 The South Tower of the World Trade Center collapses, 56 minutes after the impact of Flight 175
do the math shit head the combined time was 2 hours 17 mins..
also your comments about credibility are hilarious .
you're a CT nut sack that all by itself means you have zero credibility now and forever.
wtc 1 and 2 and 7 are all the same event no matter how2 hard you wish it to be different.
Just curious..... did your question ever get answered?

Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" which weakened the structures. Please read the NIST report and stop pretending you actually know something.
"Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

The South Tower collapsed 56 minutes after impact = 56 minute fire
The North Tower collapsed 102 minutes after impact. = 102 minute fire

You even capped HOURS for emphasis!

"HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

You have no shame, there is no end to your deceitful ways.

"stop pretending you actually know something. "
it was hours 2 hours and 17 min to be accurate. they burned for days even weeks weeks after the collapse..

Just curious..... did your question ever get answered?

Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" which weakened the structures. Please read the NIST report and stop pretending you actually know something.
"Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

The South Tower collapsed 56 minutes after impact = 56 minute fire
The North Tower collapsed 102 minutes after impact. = 102 minute fire

You even capped HOURS for emphasis!

"HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

You have no shame, there is no end to your deceitful ways.

"stop pretending you actually know something. "
it was hours 2 hours and 17 min to be accurate. they burned for days even weeks weeks after the collapse..

You pull that time out of your arse? Your credibility is going the way of Sklyar and some of your other myther friends.
8:46 Flight 11 crashes into the North Tower
10:28 The North Tower of the World Trade Center collapses, approximately 102 minutes after being struck by Flight 11

9:03 Flight 175 crashes into the South Tower
9:59 The South Tower of the World Trade Center collapses, 56 minutes after the impact of Flight 175
do the math shit head the combined time was 2 hours 17 mins..
also your comments about credibility are hilarious .
you're a CT nut sack that all by itself means you have zero credibility now and forever.
Your "logic" is ridiculously deceitful.

That's like saying Usain Bolt ran the 100 meter dash in 1 minute and 20 seconds because it was the COMBINED time for the entire 8 man field to finish the race!

and how the hell does 102 minutes + 56 minutes 2 hours 17 mins anyway? daws101 needs to retake math101

while you're at it, why not add in the time WTC7 was on fire as it is so relevant to the amount of time each of the towers burned individually
Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" which weakened the structures. Please read the NIST report and stop pretending you actually know something.
"Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

The South Tower collapsed 56 minutes after impact = 56 minute fire
The North Tower collapsed 102 minutes after impact. = 102 minute fire

You even capped HOURS for emphasis!

"HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

You have no shame, there is no end to your deceitful ways.

"stop pretending you actually know something. "
it was hours 2 hours and 17 min to be accurate. they burned for days even weeks weeks after the collapse..

Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" which weakened the structures. Please read the NIST report and stop pretending you actually know something.
"Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

The South Tower collapsed 56 minutes after impact = 56 minute fire
The North Tower collapsed 102 minutes after impact. = 102 minute fire

You even capped HOURS for emphasis!

"HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

You have no shame, there is no end to your deceitful ways.

"stop pretending you actually know something. "
it was hours 2 hours and 17 min to be accurate. they burned for days even weeks weeks after the collapse..

You pull that time out of your arse? Your credibility is going the way of Sklyar and some of your other myther friends.
8:46 Flight 11 crashes into the North Tower
10:28 The North Tower of the World Trade Center collapses, approximately 102 minutes after being struck by Flight 11

9:03 Flight 175 crashes into the South Tower
9:59 The South Tower of the World Trade Center collapses, 56 minutes after the impact of Flight 175
do the math shit head the combined time was 2 hours 17 mins..
also your comments about credibility are hilarious .
you're a CT nut sack that all by itself means you have zero credibility now and forever.
wtc 1 and 2 and 7 are all the same event no matter how2 hard you wish it to be different.
Larry Silverstein begs to differ.
Your a joke.
Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" which weakened the structures. Please read the NIST report and stop pretending you actually know something.
"Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

The South Tower collapsed 56 minutes after impact = 56 minute fire
The North Tower collapsed 102 minutes after impact. = 102 minute fire

You even capped HOURS for emphasis!

"HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

You have no shame, there is no end to your deceitful ways.

"stop pretending you actually know something. "
it was hours 2 hours and 17 min to be accurate. they burned for days even weeks weeks after the collapse..

Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" which weakened the structures. Please read the NIST report and stop pretending you actually know something.
"Planes did not cause the WTC buildings to collapse but rather the damage from high speed impact combined with HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

The South Tower collapsed 56 minutes after impact = 56 minute fire
The North Tower collapsed 102 minutes after impact. = 102 minute fire

You even capped HOURS for emphasis!

"HOURS of "chaotic fires" "

You have no shame, there is no end to your deceitful ways.

"stop pretending you actually know something. "
it was hours 2 hours and 17 min to be accurate. they burned for days even weeks weeks after the collapse..

You pull that time out of your arse? Your credibility is going the way of Sklyar and some of your other myther friends.
8:46 Flight 11 crashes into the North Tower
10:28 The North Tower of the World Trade Center collapses, approximately 102 minutes after being struck by Flight 11

9:03 Flight 175 crashes into the South Tower
9:59 The South Tower of the World Trade Center collapses, 56 minutes after the impact of Flight 175
do the math shit head the combined time was 2 hours 17 mins..
also your comments about credibility are hilarious .
you're a CT nut sack that all by itself means you have zero credibility now and forever.
Your "logic" is ridiculously deceitful.

That's like saying Usain Bolt ran the 100 meter dash in 1 minute and 20 seconds because it was the COMBINED time for the entire 8 man field to finish the race!

and how the hell does 102 minutes + 56 minutes 2 hours 17 mins anyway? daws101 needs to retake math101

while you're at it, why not add in the time WTC7 was on fire as it is so relevant to the amount of time each of the towers burned individually
you have no clue what logic is..

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