Honestly, who is happy?


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Who is happy with the economy?

Who is happy with the number of unemployed?

Who is happy with the number not participating in the work force?

Who is happy with the opportunities available to our College grads?

Who is happy with the price of energy?

Who is happy with the very obvious division in the country?

Who is happy with the debt we have heaped upon our Grandchildren?

Who is happy with the state of the middle east?

Who is happy with Obamacare? (how can you be?)

Who is happy with Obamatax?

Who is happy with 47 percent not pay any federal INCOME tax?

I think there is plenty to be unhappy about but for me I think the top things are the division in the country and the threat that is Obamatax (care).

Really can we be so unhappy with so much and return Obama to the Presidentcy. Think about it would not that be the same as doing the same thing over again expecting a different result?
Who is happy with the economy?

Who is happy with the number of unemployed?

Who is happy with the number not participating in the work force?

Who is happy with the opportunities available to our College grads?

Who is happy with the price of energy?

Who is happy with the very obvious division in the country?

Who is happy with the debt we have heaped upon our Grandchildren?

Who is happy with the state of the middle east?

Who is happy with Obamacare? (how can you be?)

Who is happy with Obamatax?

Who is happy with 47 percent not pay any federal INCOME tax?

I think there is plenty to be unhappy about but for me I think the top things are the division in the country and the threat that is Obamatax (care).

Really can we be so unhappy with so much and return Obama to the Presidentcy. Think about it would not that be the same as doing the same thing over again expecting a different result?

Talk about loaded questions.
Who is happy with the economy? not me

Who is happy with the number of unemployed? not me

Who is happy with the number not participating in the work force? not me

Who is happy with the opportunities available to our College grads? not me

Who is happy with the price of energy? not me

Who is happy with the very obvious division in the country? not me

Who is happy with the debt we have heaped upon our Grandchildren? not me

Who is happy with the state of the middle east? not me israel is a threat to peace

Who is happy with Obamacare? (how can you be?)not me

Who is happy with Obamatax? not me

Who is happy with 47 percent not pay any federal INCOME tax? I am...income tax is illegal...I am extremely happy to get money back and don't give a shit if no one likes it or not.

I think there is plenty to be unhappy about but for me I think the top things are the division in the country and the threat that is Obamatax (care).

Really can we be so unhappy with so much and return Obama to the Presidentcy. Think about it would not that be the same as doing the same thing over again expecting a different result?

I answered.
Who is happy with the economy?

Who is happy with the number of unemployed?

Who is happy with the number not participating in the work force?

Who is happy with the opportunities available to our College grads?

Who is happy with the price of energy?

Who is happy with the very obvious division in the country?

Who is happy with the debt we have heaped upon our Grandchildren?

Who is happy with the state of the middle east?

Who is happy with Obamacare? (how can you be?)

Who is happy with Obamatax?

Who is happy with 47 percent not pay any federal INCOME tax?

I think there is plenty to be unhappy about but for me I think the top things are the division in the country and the threat that is Obamatax (care).

Really can we be so unhappy with so much and return Obama to the Presidentcy. Think about it would not that be the same as doing the same thing over again expecting a different result?

Talk about loaded questions.

They couldn't be any simpler. If those questions are hard for you to grapple with you belong to the correct party
This message brought to you by the Elect Ryan/Romney campaign.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo4OnQpwjkc]Bob Marley-Don't worry be happy - YouTube[/ame]

somehow I am reminded of Topspin....
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Who is happy with the economy?

Who is happy with the number of unemployed?

Who is happy with the number not participating in the work force?

Who is happy with the opportunities available to our College grads?

Who is happy with the price of energy?

Who is happy with the very obvious division in the country?

Who is happy with the debt we have heaped upon our Grandchildren?

Who is happy with the state of the middle east?

Who is happy with Obamacare? (how can you be?)

Who is happy with Obamatax?

Who is happy with 47 percent not pay any federal INCOME tax?

I think there is plenty to be unhappy about but for me I think the top things are the division in the country and the threat that is Obamatax (care).

Really can we be so unhappy with so much and return Obama to the Presidentcy. Think about it would not that be the same as doing the same thing over again expecting a different result?

Talk about loaded questions.

Known as a ‘when did you stop beating your wife’ question.

Of course no one is ‘happy’ about the many problems this Nation faces.

But Romney is not the answer.
Who is happy with the economy?

Who is happy with the number of unemployed?

Who is happy with the number not participating in the work force?

Who is happy with the opportunities available to our College grads?

Who is happy with the price of energy?

Who is happy with the very obvious division in the country?

Who is happy with the debt we have heaped upon our Grandchildren?

Who is happy with the state of the middle east?

Who is happy with Obamacare? (how can you be?)

Who is happy with Obamatax?

Who is happy with 47 percent not pay any federal INCOME tax?

I think there is plenty to be unhappy about but for me I think the top things are the division in the country and the threat that is Obamatax (care).

Really can we be so unhappy with so much and return Obama to the Presidentcy. Think about it would not that be the same as doing the same thing over again expecting a different result?

What we do not need to do is go back to the failed policies that lead to the greatest crisis of confidence ever at the end of Bush's 2nd term:


Romney represents those same policies.​
Who is happy with the economy?

Who is happy with the number of unemployed?

Who is happy with the number not participating in the work force?

Who is happy with the opportunities available to our College grads?

Who is happy with the price of energy?

Who is happy with the very obvious division in the country?

Who is happy with the debt we have heaped upon our Grandchildren?

Who is happy with the state of the middle east?

Who is happy with Obamacare? (how can you be?)

Who is happy with Obamatax?

Who is happy with 47 percent not pay any federal INCOME tax?

I think there is plenty to be unhappy about but for me I think the top things are the division in the country and the threat that is Obamatax (care).

Really can we be so unhappy with so much and return Obama to the Presidentcy. Think about it would not that be the same as doing the same thing over again expecting a different result?

What we do not need to do is go back to the failed policies that lead to the greatest crisis of confidence ever at the end of Bush's 2nd term:


Romney represents those same policies.​

Sad thing is so does Obama.
We all lose.​
Who is happy with the economy?

Who is happy with the number of unemployed?

Who is happy with the number not participating in the work force?

Who is happy with the opportunities available to our College grads?

Who is happy with the price of energy?

Who is happy with the very obvious division in the country?

Who is happy with the debt we have heaped upon our Grandchildren?

Who is happy with the state of the middle east?

Who is happy with Obamacare? (how can you be?)

Who is happy with Obamatax?

Who is happy with 47 percent not pay any federal INCOME tax?

I think there is plenty to be unhappy about but for me I think the top things are the division in the country and the threat that is Obamatax (care).

Really can we be so unhappy with so much and return Obama to the Presidentcy. Think about it would not that be the same as doing the same thing over again expecting a different result?
Talk about loaded questions.

Not loaded questions:

Who is happy with the number of unemployed?
We've added jobs every week for quite a while

Who is happy with the number not participating in the work force?
Nobody really but we have a sluggish economy that is getting better

Who is happy with the opportunities available to our College grads?
Plenty of opportunities exist for those graduates in the right field. Romney's plan to make it easier for companies to hire offshore talent for those opportunities is not what is needed Human Capital | Mitt Romney for President

Who is happy with the price of energy?
The President has little to do with this.

Who is happy with the very obvious division in the country?
The GOP caused this and continue to cause it

Who is happy with the debt we have heaped upon our Grandchildren?
Now the GOP are debt hawks--the same one who had the VP that said such things do not matter

Who is happy with the state of the middle east?
Much happier now that we're not swapping steel in Iraq

Who is happy with Obamacare? (how can you be?)
I wish it went further...very happy with it

Who is happy with Obamatax?

Who is happy with 47 percent not pay any federal INCOME tax?
That should change

They're not loaded questions. Its revealing that more Americans trust Obama to deal with the issues than trust Romney. Quite hilarious are the Romney Supporters.
Who is happy with the economy? not me

Who is happy with the number of unemployed? not me

Who is happy with the number not participating in the work force? not me

Who is happy with the opportunities available to our College grads? not me

Who is happy with the price of energy? not me

Who is happy with the very obvious division in the country? not me

Who is happy with the debt we have heaped upon our Grandchildren? not me

Who is happy with the state of the middle east? not me israel is a threat to peace

Who is happy with Obamacare? (how can you be?)not me

Who is happy with Obamatax? not me

Who is happy with 47 percent not pay any federal INCOME tax? I am...income tax is illegal...I am extremely happy to get money back and don't give a shit if no one likes it or not.

I think there is plenty to be unhappy about but for me I think the top things are the division in the country and the threat that is Obamatax (care).

Really can we be so unhappy with so much and return Obama to the Presidentcy. Think about it would not that be the same as doing the same thing over again expecting a different result?

I answered.

Hmm I failed to see your answer so either you are happy with everything or Obama didn't tell you what to think....yet.
Libruls are. Libruls love misery.. I've heard it said many times that libruls are the most miserable people.. Hell, if I were a librul dude I'd be pissed too.. Just look at their women.. Eeekk.. frightening.
Who is happy with the economy?

Who is happy with the number of unemployed?

Who is happy with the number not participating in the work force?

Who is happy with the opportunities available to our College grads?

Who is happy with the price of energy?

Who is happy with the very obvious division in the country?

Who is happy with the debt we have heaped upon our Grandchildren?

Who is happy with the state of the middle east?

Who is happy with Obamacare? (how can you be?)

Who is happy with Obamatax?

Who is happy with 47 percent not pay any federal INCOME tax?

I think there is plenty to be unhappy about but for me I think the top things are the division in the country and the threat that is Obamatax (care).

Really can we be so unhappy with so much and return Obama to the Presidentcy. Think about it would not that be the same as doing the same thing over again expecting a different result?
Gary Johnson 2012!
people who want to see this country ruined and everyone else getting a free education and health care and the dems really dont care because they want global citizens.
Not loaded questions:

Who is happy with the number of unemployed?
We've added jobs every week for quite a while
Who didn't think that he economy would not grow again? The world wide recession wasn't fatal to the biggest economy in the world. But you failed to answer the question, are you happy with over 8 percent unemployment for so long and no sign of that changing soon?

Who is happy with the number not participating in the work force?
Nobody really but we have a sluggish economy that is getting better
By what measure is it getting better?

Who is happy with the price of energy?
The President has little to do with this.
Seems to me that not long about when the price of oil spiked GWB was getting a lot of flack from Democrats, and rightfully so. I tend to disagree. The President doesn't create private sector jobs, he can only get in the way of job creation as we have seen for 3 1/2 years. But I bleieve that sound energy policy could lead to lower prices. Domestic production is up and we are exporting gasoline and oil, yet our prices are skyrocketing. That is something I think a president, through congress could do something about. I am surprised though how powerless you believe Obama to be, I just think his agenda is higher prices, he said so.

Who is happy with the very obvious division in the country?
The GOP caused this and continue to cause it
This is just not true and you know it. The DNC and Obama has caused the division in this country or tried to cause it. The BS about a war on women. The BS about Republicans hating black. The BS about the rich not paying their fair share. It is all designed to take away from the disaster that is Obama. Obama was elected to be the leader of the country, if there is division or morale is low the leader is usually to blame, not the minority party.

Who is happy with the debt we have heaped upon our Grandchildren?
Now the GOP are debt hawks--the same one who had the VP that said such things do not matter
Again a non-answer only finger pointing. Yes, as with your budget, some debt is not bad. For instance I doubt anyone pays cash for a house, although I did. Most go into debt for their house. That debt is resonable. But to put more debt on our grandchildren in 1/2 the time that the last administration did is, in Obama's own words, unpatriotic. I assume you believed Obama when he said that about Bush. Again, I am surprisd at how powerless you say is Obama.

Who is happy with the state of the middle east?
Much happier now that we're not swapping steel in Iraq
Just Afganistan, Syria, Egypt..etc. Yes, it is good that the US followed Bush's Iraq time table. Seems to me we should now be swimming in money if the liberal left were to be believed.

Who is happy with Obamacare? (how can you be?)
I wish it went further...very happy with it
I assume you will be getting it for free, that is the only way you can be happy.

Who is happy with Obamatax?
Again, a non-answer. Who do you think is going to pay for your health care insurance? Regardless of what they are telling you Obamacare is the biggest tax increase in history. And with all government programs it is going to cost a whole lot more then what they are saying. 47 percent of the country pays ZERO federal income tax. I can only assume that those same people will not be paying into Obamatax. So that leaves the rest of the suckers to pay and the majority of those are not rich. Just working class men and women trying to keep their head about the tax waters.

Who is happy with 47 percent not pay any federal INCOME tax?
That should change
How can that change? As a percentage the employment rate is not changing. Sure it might change if we reelect Obama it might go as high as 50 percent or more.
They're not loaded questions. Its revealing that more Americans trust Obama to deal with the issues than trust Romney. Quite hilarious are the Romney Supporters.
Yes, you are correct. As long as the 47 percent vote we as a nation are screwed, very telling when people vote themselves a raise with other people's money. Of course Obama has not won yet I still have a lot of faith in the American people to do the right thing
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Who is happy with the economy? not me

Who is happy with the number of unemployed? not me

Who is happy with the number not participating in the work force? not me

Who is happy with the opportunities available to our College grads? not me

Who is happy with the price of energy? not me

Who is happy with the very obvious division in the country? not me

Who is happy with the debt we have heaped upon our Grandchildren? not me

Who is happy with the state of the middle east? not me israel is a threat to peace

Who is happy with Obamacare? (how can you be?)not me

Who is happy with Obamatax? not me

Who is happy with 47 percent not pay any federal INCOME tax? I am...income tax is illegal...I am extremely happy to get money back and don't give a shit if no one likes it or not.

I think there is plenty to be unhappy about but for me I think the top things are the division in the country and the threat that is Obamatax (care).

Really can we be so unhappy with so much and return Obama to the Presidentcy. Think about it would not that be the same as doing the same thing over again expecting a different result?

I answered.

Hmm I failed to see your answer so either you are happy with everything or Obama didn't tell you what to think....yet.

Damn. You are one dumb fuck.
Who is happy with the economy?

Who is happy with the number of unemployed?

Who is happy with the number not participating in the work force?

Who is happy with the opportunities available to our College grads?

Who is happy with the price of energy?

Who is happy with the very obvious division in the country?

Who is happy with the debt we have heaped upon our Grandchildren?

Who is happy with the state of the middle east?

Who is happy with Obamacare? (how can you be?)

Who is happy with Obamatax?

Who is happy with 47 percent not pay any federal INCOME tax?

I think there is plenty to be unhappy about but for me I think the top things are the division in the country and the threat that is Obamatax (care).

Really can we be so unhappy with so much and return Obama to the Presidentcy. Think about it would not that be the same as doing the same thing over again expecting a different result?

Talk about loaded questions.

They couldn't be any simpler. If those questions are hard for you to grapple with you belong to the correct party

but they aren't what is really relevant. assume no one is "happy" with where it is now.

the rest of the inquiry is are we on the right track?

or do we want to go back to the same failed policies that screwed it up in the first place.

your turn.
Libruls are. Libruls love misery.. I've heard it said many times that libruls are the most miserable people.. Hell, if I were a librul dude I'd be pissed too.. Just look at their women.. Eeekk.. frightening.

Coming from the person who has to use a different womens silhouette in her avatar. I'm sure your picture was just too good looking to use, right?

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