Honesty and AGW theory


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Have we not seen enormous levels of fabricated BS in this forum coming from the AGW obsessed??

Well.......and Im laughing as I post up this thread:lol::lol::lol:.......it appears that research indicates that skeptics are mush less likely to lie in the debate as compared to the AGW obsessed, particularly when you consider that all AGW supporters in here are also hard core socialists!!!


Socialists Are Cheaters, Says New Study - Hit & Run : Reason.com

Now....unless you've been hiding under a rock for your whole life, this should come as no surprise. These people MUST fabricate their shit or they don't stand a chance......exactly what the study shows.:up::up::fu:
Nothing surprising there other than perhaps a study was required by academics to point it out. The ends justify the means is the motto of the left.
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Was there any point to this "the little bitches are crying again" thread, other than for the little bitches to go on a good cathartic crying jag?

Go on, my little bitches, let it all out. Here's a tissue. Better now?
Actually, this was just a game to see which little leftist bitch showed up first trying to defend the indefensible...congratulations...you lose.
Was there any point to this "the little bitches are crying again" thread, other than for the little bitches to go on a good cathartic crying jag?

Go on, my little bitches, let it all out. Here's a tissue. Better now?

More proof that you will not get any truth from the AGW cult as they follow their scripture without hesitation or question.
Was there any point to this "the little bitches are crying again" thread, other than for the little bitches to go on a good cathartic crying jag?

Go on, my little bitches, let it all out. Here's a tissue. Better now?


Im losing........big!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

s0n....face it.....you pop up a thread in here and the thing fizzles out altogether in 3 or 4 days!! Keep patting yourself on the back and taking bows though s0n!!!!:D:2up:

Meanwhile, the skeptics have a thread in here that is ePiC amongst the most epic threads on the whole message board!!

So, the totality of the scientific community in the world are socialists? For those are the people who have provided the evidence for the rapid warming. The very same people that are responsible for the progress in our space program, computers, and medicine.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Now that is the largest association of physicists and other scientific disciplines in the world speaking. And like every other scientific society in the world they state that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. In the meantime, you people have obese junkies on the radio, undegreed ex-TV weathermen, and a couple senile scientists who also testified before Congress that tobacco was harmless.
So, the totality of the scientific community in the world are socialists? For those are the people who have provided the evidence for the rapid warming. The very same people that are responsible for the progress in our space program, computers, and medicine.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Now that is the largest association of physicists and other scientific disciplines in the world speaking. And like every other scientific society in the world they state that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. In the meantime, you people have obese junkies on the radio, undegreed ex-TV weathermen, and a couple senile scientists who also testified before Congress that tobacco was harmless.

And yet you are still LoSinG!
Losing what you dumb shit? The subject is whether the GHGs that mankind is producing is warming the world, and what the effect from that warming will be.
Even when you point out facts determined by research, still the AGW crowd pulls the chameleon stunts........

LOL.....the irony being, that's EXACTLY what the research points out!!!

Not sure why the AGW people insist on denying that they are committed socialists? Whats up with that? Why the embarrassment? Why the need to play somebody you aren't? Why embrace phoney?

Well.......here is the poop, delivered with 100% certainty.

1) If you are a committed to AGW you are.........

2) Committed to government carbon restriction schemes......

3) Which are created by people who embrace government and seek to destroy capitalism........

4) Which means you are a committed socialist.

But they cant admit that because it........ COMPLETELY FUCKS WITH THE ESTABLISHED NARRATIVE

Anybody who doesn't get that dynamic is not paying attention.......simple as that.
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First of all, I am neither committed to capitalism or socialism. The only kind of system in which a democratic system has survived and provided plenty for it's citizens is a mixed system, which all the western democracies have. Even the authoritarian governments, China and Russia, have mixed systems now, because pure socialism simply does not work, anymore than pure capitalism works.

Now if you want to say that you are defending the coal and oil companies, fine. But to state that you are defending capitalism by denying reality and fighting against alterative energies simply makes you look like a fool. The companies building the wind mills are capitalist companies, the companies that install them are the same. And the solar companies and installers are the same. That the government is aiding in the building of the new alternative industries is a fact. As is the government created interstates made the formation of many construction companies possible.

Now the scientists around the world that are showing us the evidence for the warming, and why it is warming are from all the cultures and political systems in the world. There is near universal agreement among the scientific community on the reality of AGW. It is you fools that have politicized it, and you will pay dearly in future elections.
First of all, I am neither committed to capitalism or socialism. The only kind of system in which a democratic system has survived and provided plenty for it's citizens is a mixed system, which all the western democracies have. Even the authoritarian governments, China and Russia, have mixed systems now, because pure socialism simply does not work, anymore than pure capitalism works.

Now if you want to say that you are defending the coal and oil companies, fine. But to state that you are defending capitalism by denying reality and fighting against alterative energies simply makes you look like a fool. The companies building the wind mills are capitalist companies, the companies that install them are the same. And the solar companies and installers are the same. That the government is aiding in the building of the new alternative industries is a fact. As is the government created interstates made the formation of many construction companies possible.

Now the scientists around the world that are showing us the evidence for the warming, and why it is warming are from all the cultures and political systems in the world. There is near universal agreement among the scientific community on the reality of AGW. It is you fools that have politicized it, and you will pay dearly in future elections.

warming evidence? You're flat out wrong. There is no evidence. I am sorry but it has been commented on daily and some days hourly. With no evidence ever provided. So let's don't fool ourselves that your working toward some reconciliation on the discussion here.

Prove that CO2 increases will cause a rise in temperature. You can't. All of these great scientist you wish to kiss the ground they walk on haven't provided that? That is not ok for me. Until that evidence is produced, you will never see me agree to any of it.

Edit: Oh, as for your politicizing it comment, false, we disagree with the scientist and have asked for proof. That is not politicizing it. You and yours have done that by ignoring the request for proof/ evidence to support the findings. You all want to act all high and farty and think you can't be questioned. Hah!!! you're just a tool!
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So, the totality of the scientific community in the world are socialists? For those are the people who have provided the evidence for the rapid warming. The very same people that are responsible for the progress in our space program, computers, and medicine.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Now that is the largest association of physicists and other scientific disciplines in the world speaking. And like every other scientific society in the world they state that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. In the meantime, you people have obese junkies on the radio, undegreed ex-TV weathermen, and a couple senile scientists who also testified before Congress that tobacco was harmless.

And yet he still keeps posting this debunked stuff proving that AGW scripture is more important that actual science.


People are never told that the most powerful greenhouse gases by orders of magnitude is water vapor and clouds. When only human emitted CO2 is considered, less than one percent of the greenhouse gas potential comes from human activity. Yet, all the global warming is supposed to be attributed to it. Water vapor plays a huge role in keeping the earth warm; 70 times more powerful than the CO2 emitted by human activity. When clouds are added, CO2 becomes even less important. However, clouds not only trap heat, low elevation clouds also reflect much of the incoming solar radiation, so the sun's heat never reaches the earth's surface which cools the earth. It is this mechanism that a growing number of scientists believe is one of the primary mechanisms warming and cooling the earth
The whole CO2 argument is such a joke........really, you have to be amongst the most gullible to buy this crap when put into the context of the history of climate. The AGW crowd........they cant be that stoopid. These are smart people in here........thus, its about what its always been about: hammer away with the established narrative ruse.

And we now know through new research.........socialists tend to lie and lie a lot ( link recently posted in this forum ) about all sorts of shit.
Important to pop this back up for the curious to check out........and to expose people to the fact that the global warming crusaders are also HARD CORE SOCIALISTS....AND that this stuff is not and has never been about the environment. It has always been about using the environment as a vehicle to destroy capitalism and usher in a socialist utopia.

Its all right in here >>>> Rules for Radicals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ...... the socialist manifesto compliments of that mental case Saul Alinsky. It indeed was actually brilliant for this guy to come up with hyper-radical environmentalism to achieve the goals of the socialists!!!! Brilliant stuff..........by thankfully, not winning.
How does the existence of this book prove that "global warming crusaders are also hard core socialists"? I've got a book called "Dick and Jane". Does its existence prove you're a dick?
One will note in many of these threads.......we have bubble dwelling matrix people who desperately cling to the movies brought to you by the Reality Manufacturing Company.......

Make no mistake though........every single climate crusader is also a hard core socialist......they hate their country and they loath capitalism.

And lets not forget where this thread started.......the research that shows these fruads will tell any lie in order to achieve their objectives.( as compared to non-socialists :rock::rock::up: ) That's why guys like me are in here.......to piss all over their bs. One gander through a few threads and the futility of the AGW crowd efforts become very clear. IN the end, liars always get exposed......we are seeing it now as this fake president is now firmly in the 30 on approval rates. Liars are pretty good at getting away with being frauds for a period of time......but they always get exposed in the end.
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